When Nuan returned to the city gate, Song Guizhou was leading the people and some police officers to search and rescue the injured soldiers.

They carried all the wounded soldiers to one place so that the military doctors and doctors in the city could take care of them.

Wen Nuan rode directly to Song Guizhou: "My lord, where are the seriously wounded soldiers placed?"

Song Guizhou looked up, his eyes were red, obviously he had cried, he raised his finger and pointed to a certain direction in the city: "It's in the greenhouse built inside the city gate!"

hoarse voice.

Too many casualties!

woo woo...

Many of these soldiers are still young, only ten or twenty years old!

Wen Nuan nodded: "My lord, as long as you find out the wounded soldiers as soon as possible, send them to me as long as you have breath! Remember, as long as you have breath, I can save them! Also, there are soldiers with severed arms and legs. , Get those hands and feet back, I have a way to take them back!"

Song Guizhou's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He heard from the soldiers who lost their hands that Princess Hui'an is very powerful! Even a broken hand can be taken back.

I didn't expect it to be true!

He nodded vigorously and tears came out again, he was happy: "Your officer knows! You officer will look for it now! Some soldiers' hands and feet, when we rescued them, they picked them up by themselves!"

Nuan Nuan had told the soldiers about this matter before the war. Of course, she said that she might be able to take it back, but she didn't say that she would definitely be able to take it back.

But there are no secrets in the military camp. When the Huainan Rebellion was quelled, Nuan Nuan successfully retrieved the soldier's severed hand. This story has long been spread in the military camps everywhere!

This thing is used to encourage soldiers to fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield, don't worry, even if you break your hand, you can get it back!

"Okay!" Nuan Nuan didn't say much, she rode directly into the city!

Song Guizhou said to the people who were looking for the wounded soldiers: "Fathers and folks, let's find the wounded soldiers quickly! Even if there is still a breath, find out, as long as there is still a breath, Princess Hui'an will have a way to save them! Yes, there are soldiers with severed arms and legs, if they are retrieved, Princess Hui'an can take them back! Everyone remember! Hands and feet are so important, right?"

Those common people were overjoyed when they heard the words, and everyone was looking for the wounded soldiers faster!

No one wants a soldier who sacrificed his life to protect himself and his homeland to lose his life!

It's all the Beiming country's fault!

Otherwise, everyone is alive and well!

Then the common people scolded Beiming country while looking for it.

Many soldiers should still be breathing!

After all, the war had just ended not long ago.

Nuan Nuan also made preparations before going to the battlefield.

On the field, killing an enemy is usually just to put the opponent on the ground with a single knife. If it is not a stab to the vital point, they will die on the spot. Most soldiers die because of serious injuries and excessive blood loss. Excessive blood loss requires a time course.

Before the soldiers went to the battlefield, Nuan Nuan told every soldier to take a hemostatic pill and a healing pill, no matter how severe the injury was, they must persevere and breathe a sigh of relief! When the war is over, Nuannuan will come to save them!

When many soldiers fell to the ground, they were thinking of warm words in their hearts and trying to hold on!

Because after taking two pills before going to the battlefield, when they were injured on the battlefield, it was time for the medicine to take effect, so even if they were seriously injured, maybe the medicine could make them live longer!

Although it is not a hemostatic pill and healing pills for health preservation, after all, there are not so many health preservation medicines!

But Wen Nuan put all the pills together and nourished them with purple qi before distributing the pills to the soldiers. After they ate them, the little bit of purple qi just happened to move in their bodies, and sometimes it might save a person's life.


When Wen Nuan came to the warm shed, she found that Feng Nianchen and Wen Ling were also there, as well as Feng Zitong and Feng Zilin, and the medicine boys in the health care garden were all here!

She was slightly surprised: "Why are you here?"

Feng Nianchen: "Doctors can save lives and heal the wounded! Naturally, wherever there is a need for a doctor, there will be a doctor! Besides, without the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save the country, how could we have a stable life?"

Wen Ran: "The country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! Anyone who is capable should do his part!"

"Sister Wangfei!" Feng Zitong called out obediently and imitated Wen Ran's words: "The country is in trouble, and everyone is responsible. Although I don't know much, I can bandage wounds!"

Feng Zilin immediately said loudly, "Me too!"

Nuan nodded: "Well said!"

Wen Ran said to Wen Nuan: "Third sister, this person still has a trace of breath, I have given him an injection, see if you can save him!"

"Okay!" Wen Nuan didn't say much, she casually recruited Yang Fan, a drug boy, and asked him to help her, and then immediately squatted down to save others.

Seeing that Nuan Nuan asked him to help him, Yang Fan happily agreed and ran to Nuan Nuan's side.

Feng Zitong, Feng Zilin and the other drug boys all looked at him enviously.

Wen Ran, Feng Nianchen also went to work on their own!

There are too many wounded soldiers waiting for them to save.

Feng Zitong and Feng Zilin followed immediately, they had just followed behind them to fight.

The other medicine boys also quickly got busy.

Many of these drug boys are less than ten years old, and the oldest is only twelve years old.

Seeing the bloody soldiers, they were also scared, but they all endured it!

Because they know that these soldiers are waiting for them to save them!

They can't be afraid, they are prone to make mistakes if they are afraid, and if they make a mistake, they may die!

Nuan Nuan felt the pulse with one hand and injected purple air, and administered the needle with the other hand. During this time, she looked up and looked not far away, only to see that Feng Zitong and Feng Zilin, two brothers and sisters, were still calm, and handed out silver needles one by one. Silver needle disinfection.

Make the nurse's work in an orderly manner.

She nodded secretly. In time, the two siblings will also become promising doctors.

A doctor should have a heart of helping the world and hanging the pot.

Nuan Nuan injected Zi Qi for a while, and felt that the soldier's pulse was a little stronger.

The purple air is probably thickened because she saved the people in two cities and healed the soldiers in the past two days.

This is a good thing!

Now she only hopes that the purple energy will continue to flow!

At this time, a military doctor in the distance shouted warmly: "Princess Jin! There is a soldier here who is very weak! Come and have a look!"

Wen Nuan stood up and told Yang Fan: "This man's injury is very serious, and he is only temporarily suspended. You give him some hemostatic pills, some gold-chuang medicine, bandage his wound and pull out the silver needle." Yes! Remember to pay more attention to his movements, and let me know if there is anything unusual!"


After explaining, Wen Nuan quickly ran over.

Next, as long as there is still a breath, they will be sent to her for rescue, and if there are still two breaths, they will hang their breath with century-old ginseng, and save them when they are warm enough!

Now the day is just dawning, the sun is not long after rising, Nuannuan has been saving people, busy from dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn!

Nalan Jinnian held the bowl and squatted beside her to feed her.

As long as she was busy, he would accompany her as long as she did not want to leave.

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