Nalan Jinnian ran into the house with messy steps and found no one in the house.

Then hurriedly ran to the clean room.

Wen Nuan was awakened by the sound of messy footsteps, quickly opened his eyes in the bathtub, and saw Nalan Jinnian running in with a complicated expression, and threw himself on the edge of the bathtub.

Chen Huan was worried about catching a cold from the warmth, so he stayed by the side all the time, adding some hot water to the tub from time to time.

Seeing that Nalan Jinnian had returned at this moment, she blessed her knowingly and withdrew.

Nalan Jinnian stared closely at Wen Nuan, and then at her abdomen.

Wen Nuan subconsciously shrank back into the water, covered her body with a cloth towel, feeling a little uncomfortable, but Nalan Jinnian looked strange, she asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Why is he looking at himself like this?

After thinking about it, it's wrong, this place is not a place to discuss things at all, Nuan Nuan hurriedly added: "Go out and talk about something. You go out first!"

"Your period didn't come?" Nalan Jinnian suppressed the excitement and worry in his heart, picked up the cotton towel that was placed aside and began to wipe his body warmly.

When he broke in just now, the girl looked like she had just woken up.

It seems that the body has not been cleaned.


Yes, not coming!

She was so tired that she fell asleep these two days and forgot about it!

Could it be.


During the two days of getting married, she obviously took medicine, only a few days ago she didn't, but at that time her period was almost coming.

how is this possible!

It is estimated that I am too tired these days, so the menstruation is not allowed!

A warm hand rested on his pulse, but he didn't see anything.

The pulse is just a little faster than usual.

But the doctor does not self-medicate, it is only the influence of psychological factors, so it cannot be ruled out that it is because she is a little nervous, which leads to inaccurate pulse diagnosis.

"Really?" Nalan Jinnian's voice sounded from above her head.

His tone was light and slow, and even his hand holding the cotton towel trembled slightly, revealing his nervousness, anticipation and worry.

Wen Nuan was shocked by Nalan Jinnian's words just now, so she also forgot to be shy.

Only now did I realize what he was doing!

Wen Nuan blushed and grabbed his hand: "No! I didn't see anything, you go out first."

While Nalan Jinnian breathed a sigh of relief, she was also a little bit disappointed, but when she thought about where and when this was, it was better for her not to!

Nalan Jinnian smiled and said, "I will help you."

"No, I'll do it myself, you go out first."

"don't want!"

He was still worried that she didn't see anything because of the shallow days.

The floor of the clean room will be slippery due to wet water.

Or, in his heart, he also felt that it was.

The little girl's body has become very good because of the purple qi. It's not like she hasn't tried it on such a busy day in the past. Although she was busy for a little longer this time, she was always on time in the previous days. Accurate.

So she is pregnant with her own child in all likelihood!

How dare he be careless?

If there is a mistake, he will regret it for the rest of his life!

In the end, Nuan couldn't hold back Nalan Jinnian, and under her service, he washed his body, put on his clothes, and went out.

Nalan Jinnian's clothes were also soaked, and after the warmth went out, he also hurriedly cleaned himself.

in the room

Nalan Jinnian came out after washing and washing, and saw Nuan Nuan sitting in the room, with his fingers resting on his pulse, frowning slightly.

Not Ximai!

It's just that the body is a little strained, and that's also because of the lack of rest recently and the constant consumption of purple energy.

Nalan Jinnian stepped forward and held her hand: "Don't worry about it, eat something first, I'll let Nianchen take a look at it later, okay?"

It seems that the little girl is also nervous!

Nuan nodded: "Okay."

She was really nervous, after all, what kind of situation is this, what kind of situation is this!

Now that I have it, it is not beneficial but harmful. It is a hundred harms but no joy!

But my intuition told Nuan that there was a great chance!

If you really have one, from now on the son will be called Baihai, and the daughter will be called Yixi!

See if they dare to jump into my belly! Thinking warmly and bitterly.

Nalan Jinnian didn't know that Wen Nuan had already named the children, so he immediately asked Chen Huan to pass on the meal.

The food was served quickly. There was a plate of stewed chicken with mushrooms, a plate of sliced ​​meat and dried cowpea, a plate of steamed eggs, and a plate of chicken soup.

The steamed water egg is that after Chen Xi knew that the warm menstrual belt was useless, he quickly added a dish to warm up the body.

There was also bird's nest soaked in the kitchen. Nalan Jinnian asked her to take a catty with her before she set off. When she was free, she stewed it at night to keep her warm and nourish her body.

Fortunately, she brought two catties, which is just in time to use!

I heard that people with twin bodies are good to eat bird's nest, anyway General Lin's wife eats it every morning and evening.

Chen Xi also planned to write a letter back and ask someone to send a few catties of bird's nest.

Wen Nuan was surprised: "How come there is chicken to eat today? Isn't this dish too rich? What do the soldiers eat?"

Could it be that the two suspected that they were pregnant, so they deliberately made such a rich meal!

This is something that hasn't happened yet, Nuannuan doesn't want to make a big fuss!

Chen Huan filled a bowl of soup for Nuannuan, and said with a smile, "This chicken was sent by the common people to make up for the princess. They said they thanked the princess for saving her son! The soldiers all have chicken tonight, and they are all the people in the city." Give it away, the princess can rest assured to eat!"

A total of dozens of them were given away, and I heard that they were all boiled into mushroom chicken soup, so that everyone can eat a piece of meat and drink a bowl of soup.

Nalan Jinnian took a chicken wing and put it in a warm bowl: "Eat more, you've lost weight recently!"


He was worried that eating like this would not be nutritious enough, so he seemed to have to find a way to nourish her and the child.

Although the child came at an untimely time, Nalan Jinnian was still looking forward to it.

This is his and Nuan Nuan's first child!

The union of their flesh and blood, the continuation of their blood.

After listening to the warmth, I can eat with confidence.

Nalan Jinnian stood up suddenly.

Looking at him warmly and surprised: "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to get dressed, it's a bit cold."

Wen Nuan turned to look at his back, is it cold?

She felt warm in the room.

But Nalan Jinnian was indeed dressed thinly, so he ignored him.

Nalan Jinnian quickly put on a robe and came out.

He sat down, picked another chicken wing for Nuannuan, and put it in her bowl.

Nuan Nuan also gave Nalan Jinnian a piece of meat close to the drumstick. He hasn't eaten chicken for a long time, so don't give yourself all the delicious food.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the chicken in the bowl and was a little reluctant to eat it.

This plate of chicken stewed mushrooms is not much! Because half of it was used to make soup, and I didn't know about warmth and happiness before, so I gave a copy to the seventh prince and Prince An's son.

Nuannuan looked at him: "Eat! Don't just focus on me."

"En." Nalan Jinnian replied,

Here, it is rare to eat chicken, and even rare to eat meat. Nalan Jinnian is really reluctant to eat it, but under the warm gaze, he is still superficially nonchalant, and eats with pain in his heart.

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