The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1275 Don't Publicize This Matter

Next, Nalan Jinnian silently gave Nuannuan all the chicken to eat, and discussed with Nuannuan the next plan to seize the city, diverting Nuannuan's attention, but he was doing small movements where Nuannuan could not see.

Nalan Jinnian was worried that Nuan found out that he hadn't eaten any chicken, so he moved the chicken bone that Nuan spit out to his face with his wide sleeves, pretending that he had eaten a lot of chicken.

Nuan Nuan had something on her mind, she just wanted to finish her meal quickly and go to find Feng Nianchen and Wen Ran, and Nalan Jinnian kept talking to her, so she didn't notice that he didn't eat chicken.

By the time Nuan Nuan realized it, that small plate of chicken had already entered her stomach!

Nuan Nuan looked at the bone in front of Nalan Jinnian, why is it so familiar?

It feels like she spit it out!

Nuannuan squinted and watched Nalan Jinnian put the last piece of chicken into his bowl. Nalan Jinnian felt that Nuannuan's gaze was dangerous, so he turned his chopsticks and put the meat into his mouth. , anyway, this piece of chicken has no meat, only a layer of skin!

"How much chicken did you eat?"

"Huh?" Nalan Jinnian showed a confused expression, then pointed at the pile of bones in front of him solemnly.

"Liar ghost!" Nuan rolled his eyes at him!

Dress yourself up!

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Nalan Jinnian put his bowl of chicken soup in front of Nuannuan with a smile, and patted her head: "Good boy, mother and concubine, drink up the soup!"


After a long while, Nuannuan came back to his senses, blushing and said: "Don't talk nonsense! It shouldn't be! Don't make a joke!"

"Well, don't say it." Nalan Jinnian looked at her blushing face, his heart softened, thinking of her own flesh and blood being conceived in her petite body, and she herself was still a child, so she became a concubine mother.

From now on, there will be one more person in this world who he needs to protect with his life.

He picked up the spoon, took a sip of the soup, and fed her.

Nuannuan was indeed not full, and her appetite was particularly good today, probably because she hadn't eaten chicken for a long time, anyway, there was still soup in the soup bowl, so she obediently finished it.

As soon as the two finished their meal, Feng Nianchen was invited by Chen Huan.

Wen Ran followed.

Wen Ran hurried in: "Third sister, are you feeling unwell? Let me show you!"

Feng Nianchen, dressed in white, followed behind her calmly, and walked in at a leisurely pace.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian had just finished their meal, and were sitting at the round table drinking tea to digest their food, waiting for their arrival.

Before Wen Nuan had time to say anything, Wen Ran sat down and put his hand on Nuan's wrist.

Feng Nianchen came to the round table calmly, and sat down with a flick of his clothes.

He probably guessed something.

If the little master was really uncomfortable, it would be impossible for Nalan Jinnian to sit here so calmly!

And that expression was full of anticipation.

That's right, Nalan Jinnian has all expectations left at this moment, because he feels warm and 100% happy in his heart. Since it is a fact, worry is in vain, how about accepting it?

Besides, he and the warm child, he has no reason not to look forward to, not to be happy!

Anyway, now I am full of joy and anticipation.

Feng Nianchen lifted the hem of his clothes, and sat down gracefully.

After a long while, Wen Ran loosened her frown, and said with a smile, "Third Sister's health is fine, but she's a little overworked, just take a rest! And don't eat too much at night, it's easy to accumulate food!"

Nuannuan nodded: "Yes, I'm really a little tired recently, and I'm too full tonight!"

After Nuan Nuan finished speaking, she glanced at Nalan Jinnian.

Someone forced her to eat!

Nalan Jinnian touched his nose.

Take her around for a while to digest food.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Feng Nianchen again: "Look."

Feng Nianchen glanced at Wen Ran lightly: "Get up!"


Didn't even see it!

How could Wen Ran fail to see that Feng Nianchen didn't believe him, she made a face at him, and then gave up her seat.

Wen Ran was also worried that he was not good at learning, and he didn't see any hidden diseases!

Feng Nianchen stood up and sat where Wen Ran had been sitting just now.

Chen Huan put a handkerchief on his warm wrist.

Feng Nianchen's slender, white and round fingers rested on Wen Nuan's pulse. After a while, he was slightly surprised, his unbelieving fingertips moved, frowned, and then looked at Wen Nuan: "The other hand!"

Wen Ran is getting nervous. Doesn't Third Sister really have some hidden disease?

Nuan put the other hand up.

Feng Nianchen gave the hand a pulse again.

After a long while, he withdrew his hand: "Probably the days are still early, and nothing can be seen. Check back in two days."

Although nothing came out, Nalan Jinnian was not disappointed either. He nodded, "Then just wait for two days and don't publicize this matter."

Feng Nianchen nodded: "It's natural."

Wen Ran was stunned for a moment before realizing that Nuan Nuan didn't have a hidden illness, but might be happy!

She is going to be a little aunt!

She couldn't help but tugged on Feng Nianchen's sleeve: "Get up, I'll call again!"

However, Nalan Jinnian held the warm hand and pulled it into his arms: "No need, your third sister has been busy all day today, let her rest early."

Nalan Jinnian obviously felt a little disappointed in the warmth.

Although Wen Ran really wanted to give Nuan Nuan another pulse, she didn't dare to disobey Nalan Jinnian's intention!

And she thought that Wen Nuan was really tired, so she didn't say anything else.

Feng Nianchen stared at Nalan Jinnian's sleeve, then pointed: "Why are your sleeves full of oil?"

Isn't this person a clean freak?

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian looked at him coldly with a straight face: "Are you free? Then you tonight."

Feng Nianchen stood up quickly, and knocked on Wen Ran's head with a folding fan: "Let's go, hurry back and dispense the medicine, I'm so busy!"

Feng Nianchen pulled Wen Ran and hurriedly left their room.

Wen Ran asked curiously, "Brother Feng, how did you know?"

Obviously when Chen Huan went to invite them, he only said that the third sister was a little uncomfortable, and didn't say anything else.

Feng Nianchen took the folding fan and tapped her little head lightly: "A doctor, in addition to knowing how to see, hear and ask, you also need to know how to read words and expressions!"

Wen Ran was thoughtful when he heard the words, and immediately understood!

And after the two left, Wen Nuan put his hands on his abdomen. Could this be just an endocrine disorder and delayed menstruation?

Nalan Jinnian took her hand, held it in his big palm, stood up, and invited, "Let's go for a walk?"

Wen Nuan shook her head: "I don't want to leave, I want to sleep. Sleepy!"

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian immediately picked her up and walked to the bed: "Then let's sleep."

He put her gently on the bed, took off his coat and covered the quilt, lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Sleep!"

Nuannuan nodded, stretched out his hand and took his big hand: "You sleep in too? Sleep with me, it's cold."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian decisively took off his coat, shoes and socks, got on the bed, and held her in his arms.

In fact, the bed is not cold, it is a kang bed, very warm, but the warmth also wants him to take a rest.

After all, he is also a person, and he will be tired.

Warm forehead pressed against someone's face, eyes closed, in someone's warm embrace, and soon fell asleep.

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