Nalan Jinnian waited for Wen Nuan to fall asleep, then tiptoed out of bed, and then went to find Xia Xuan.

Regardless of whether the days are still shallow or not, Nalan Jinnian must do something to protect the warmth and welcome the arrival of their first child.

He went to Xia Xuan first, and asked Xia Xuan to buy some fresh meat and vegetables from the common people every day to keep him warm and nourish his body.

Then I went to the small courtyard where the eighth princess was.

Amber hasn't woken up yet, and the eighth princess is feeding him medicine at the moment.

Seeing Nalan Jinnian, she hurriedly put down the medicine bowl and saluted: "Uncle Seventeen."

The eighth princess lowered her head, a little afraid that Nalan Jinnian would scold her.

After all, if he hadn't insisted on going back, he wouldn't have been arrested by the people of Beiming Kingdom. He and Nuan Nuan could stay in the capital right now and enjoy the sweetness of their newlyweds.

After all, anyone who has eyes can only know how much Uncle Seventeen wants to marry Nuan Nuan and go home!

Nalan Jinnian was full of joy at the moment, but he was not in the mood to scold her. He glanced at Amber and raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you awake yet?"

The eighth princess lowered her head and felt even more guilty when she heard the words. She responded softly: "Yes. Nuan Nuan said that she will wake up tomorrow."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, he coughed, and then said unnaturally: "Didn't Nuan Nuan give you a lot of books before, have you read them all?"

When the eighth princess heard the words, she stood up straight in an instant, her hands were obediently hanging on her sides, as if waiting for her master to assess her homework, she replied cautiously: "Looked a little bit."

The Eighth Princess stretched out her hand, then touched a little bit on the tip of her nails, and moved it up again. That little bit can be ignored, "It's just a drop in the bucket, not three hairs, so much!"

The eighth princess nodded, she read three books in total, the first page of each book!


Seeing that Nalan Jinnian's face darkened, she immediately said in fright: "But, am I not happy? Although I haven't read other books, I have read many books written by Nuan Nuan about how to raise children, and also There are books that should be paid attention to during pregnancy, and I have read all of them! Really!"

After the eighth princess finished speaking, she put her hands on her abdomen. Although the child is gone now, she really looked at it seriously at that time!

I dozed off watching it, but I kept on watching!

And she not only reads, but also tries hard to remember~

Be serious!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Very good, then write down what you read word for word and show it to me!"

Presumably she didn't bring the book with her, so she was naturally silenced!

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he turned and left.

Eighth Princess: "."

What does it mean to write down word for word?

How could she write it silently?

woo woo

Uncle Seventeen, why don't you just scold me and hit me on the palm with a ruler!

Don't punish her like this!

From childhood to adulthood, since when was she able to silently write word for word?

She couldn't even copy the book word for word!

Does he think that everyone is like him and has the ability of photographic memory?

God knows, she would have to memorize a four-character idiom for ten and a half months before she would forget it!

Over the years, she has memorized so many idioms, is it easy for her?

woo woo

God, are you so cruel?

It's fine if she wasn't born with a smart head!

Her children are gone, and she has to be punished like this.

woo woo

She doesn't want to live!

Nalan Jinnian took a few steps, thought of something, and added: "I'll give you two days! Remember, everything, without missing a single word."

Then he hurried away.

He still has many things to arrange.

The eighth princess rolled her eyes and fainted from fright!

The servants around the eighth princess were so frightened that they immediately supported her and pressed her among the people.

This maid is from Lanling Kingdom and has martial arts skills, and she is one of the people brought by Amber.

The eighth princess woke up faintly. She suspected that she was dreaming, so she couldn't help but look at the maidservant: "Jina, I fell asleep just now?"

Gina: "."

"I just had a terrible dream! I dreamed that my seventeenth emperor uncle came! He asked me to read silently, and finish silently within two days without missing a single word! God! What a terrible nightmare! "

Fortunately it was just a dream!

I am so surprised!

Gina: "The seventeenth emperor's uncle of the princess did come just now, and then you suddenly fainted, the princess. It was the servant who woke you up."

Eighth Princess: "."

So it's not a dream?

it is true?

I really want to die!

What to do to wake her up?

Rescue her, let her face this cruel and cruel world, this horrible life?

woo woo

"Pen and ink waiter!"

Uncle Seventeen told her to be silent, but she dared not be silent~

Otherwise, you will be punished more severely!

For example, silently read all the books she has read from childhood to university~

woo woo

The eighth princess sat by the bed and wrote silently, scolding people while wiping away tears: "Woo, it's all your fault! Otherwise, how could I have been punished by the seventeen emperors to write silently! Huh, my children are gone, and I still have to pay for it." I was punished for copying these books!"

"Woooo. Surely God will punish me for not taking good care of you! So punish me! Punish me for reading silently! It's my concubine's fault! Woohoo"

"It's all your fault, Amber, you bastard, if it wasn't for you, how could I have punished you silently! How could our child be gone! Woohoo"

"Woo, are you going to punish me for silently finishing those books, baby, you will return to the concubine mother?"

"It's all Amber's fault! The bastard!"

The eighth princess wiped tears while dictating, sometimes repenting, sometimes cursing.

Amber heard the crying of the eighth princess in a daze, and he opened his heavy eyelids vigorously.

Under the oil lamp, the eighth princess wiped her tears and didn't know what she was writing.

Listening to her words, the corners of Amber's eyes were also moist.

He opened his mouth and said impatiently: "Yue'er, don't cry, it's my fault! I'm sorry!"

The voice is hoarse and weak.

He stretched out his hand, but he didn't have much strength, and fell back on the bed all at once.

He struggled to get out of bed.

The eighth princess subconsciously replied after hearing the words: "It's your fault! It's all to blame."

Suddenly, as soon as she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked over, only to find that Amber was trying to get up.

Her face changed!

Losing the writing brush in his hand, he ran over in a hurry and pressed him back: "Don't move around!"

I don't know if his movement will pull the wound, what if it ruptures again?

Amber was pushed back to the bed by the eighth princess, hit the wound, and there was severe pain, but he didn't care, just held the hand of the eighth princess tightly, and said anxiously: "Yue'er, I'm sorry, it's all my fault Don't cry, the child's business is none of your business, it's not your fault, it's all my fault"

The eighth princess burst into tears again when she heard the words: "Of course it's your fault!"

Amber reached out to wipe her tears, and said distressedly: "Well, blame me! You can hit me and scold me, but don't cry, it hurts your eyes! Don't leave me, okay? I'll let you beat me and scold me , until you calm down and forgive me. But don’t be sad, don’t cry! It’s enough for me to be sad, it’s enough for me to suffer, it’s all my fault! You can blame me, but don’t blame yourself, okay? Sorry to hurt you, sorry, our boy."

When the eighth princess heard the words, tears kept falling.

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