The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1277 What's the situation?

In fact, the eighth princess also knew that Amber could not be blamed entirely, but she was very sad about the loss of the child and did not want to face him, so she wanted to go back to Nalan Kingdom.

I didn't expect to be arrested, which caused so much trouble for everyone!

She wiped her tears, and then said: "I won't cry, I forgive you. You can read those books about precautions during pregnancy, balanced nutrition during pregnancy, prenatal education and so on? Remember? You read those books one word at a time. If you keep silent, I will forgive you!"

Amber's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he nodded vigorously: "Remember! I'm silent! I'm silent! I'll get up and be silent!"

The eighth princess took a look at his weak face: "Forget about today, let's start tomorrow! I'll give you two days!"

The Nuannuan pills are very effective. You should be able to get out of bed tomorrow, right?

If you can't get out of bed tomorrow, you should be fine the day after tomorrow, right?

Writing is effortless!

I can write even when I'm injured, but I'm not also injured?

If not, she begged Uncle Seventeen to postpone it for a few days.

"Okay!" Amber said emotionally.

Yue'er has a kind heart, and she forgave herself so easily!

It's just silent writing, this punishment is really too light!


When Nalan Jinnian came back from the eighth princess, he immediately wrote a letter to the capital, asking the Rong mother in the capital to rush over to take care of Wen Nuan, and bring some books along the way.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was unreliable to ask the eighth princess to silence those books, so he decided to send some from the capital.

At the beginning, Nuan Nuan prepared many books about pregnancy for Wen Wen and the Eighth Princess.

It is estimated that Wenxin should have read all those books by now.

In addition, Nalan Jinnian also made a long list of food to eat, and asked the people in the capital to prepare it and deliver it together.

Then he wrote to the Queen Mother, asking her to find a few stable women with good experience, and women who are good at sewing, and send them over together.

He read and read the contents of those letters, added something he thought of, and folded it after confirming that there were no omissions. When Xiao Hei came back the day after tomorrow, after confirming the matter, he sent the letter back to the capital.

After doing all this, he went to bed gently, and fell asleep with his arms warm.

At night, it was warm and dreamy again, exactly the same as the dream of the golden dragon last time, but this time the picture suddenly changed, and finally a blood red appeared.

Warmth woke up, she opened her eyes, and put her hands on her abdomen unconsciously.

Nuan couldn't help but wonder if this dream had any omen?

She couldn't help but put her hand on her pulse again.

A person's breathing rate is different when he is asleep and when he wakes up. Nalan Jinnian has always been vigilant, and he will know when Wen Nuan wakes up.

What's more, it's warm and moving.

He opened his eyes and noticed that she was feeling her pulse again. He stretched out his arms to hug her tightly and patted her on the back: "Dream? Dreamed about the child?"

How much do you expect this child, little girl?

When I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to check my pulse.

"Well, no, I dreamed of a dragon. It still didn't come out. Did it bother you?" Wen Nuan withdrew her hand in disappointment.

Why still can't figure out what? !

Nalan Jinnian didn't miss the disappointment in the warm tone, he hugged her tightly: "Don't worry, the day is still light. It's not yet dawn, be good, go to sleep."

Nuan nodded and closed his eyes.

But I always feel that something is wrong. If it is true, there is no reason why she can't explain it!

Both the eighth princess and the sweet she can be named!

Wen Nuan thought of the purple air flowing through his body, and he could feel and even see the purple air flowing in his body.

Or can you use Ziqi to test it?

After sleeping for several hours, the purple qi has recovered, and the warmth mobilizes the purple qi in the body to flow to his abdomen.

Before the purple qi flowed to the abdomen, Wen Nuan discovered that there was a cloud of purple qi condensed in her uterus, and there was a faint golden light emerging from the inside of the purple qi.


what's going on?

Will the embryo have a golden glow?

Suddenly, a breath of life was sensed by warmth!


What's the situation?

However, there is a breath of life, and Ziqi is protecting it, which proves that there should be a developing life in it, right?

Probably because she was too tired these days and used Ziqi frequently, so Ziqi spontaneously surrounded this little thing and protected it!

So she didn't even call out her pulse.

Wen Nuan thought about the time when she was newly married, which was a dangerous period, and she took medicine the next day, how could she still be pregnant?

Then she thought again, at that time she was too tired from being tormented by someone, so she used Ziqi to relieve the fatigue of her body, probably at that time Ziqi turned the effect of the medicine, and then automatically protected this little one!

After all, Wen Nuan took the medicine more than once.

Warmth is now very sure that I have it!

Now that she's here, it's fate. Although it's not in her plan, she's looking forward to her warmth!

Nuan Nuan grabbed the clothes on Nalan Jinnian's chest: "Brother Seventeen."

"Huh? Can't sleep? Do you want to do something?" Nalan Jinnian didn't open his eyes, and he couldn't fall asleep either. The nephrite jade was warm and fragrant in his arms, and it was impossible for him to fall asleep after a nap to recharge his energy!

I want to do something, but it doesn't seem to work. If it happens, it will hurt her and the child, but do something, the head office, right?

He kissed Wen Nuan's forehead, and then went down...

Nuan thought that he wanted to push him away quickly: "Not now, it will hurt our children!"

Nalan Jinnian's body froze, and he opened his eyes suddenly, with ecstasy and disbelief in his eyes: "Are you sure?"

Although he has already confirmed it in his heart, he has not confirmed it yet!

When Nuan Nuan said this, the joy in his heart almost overflowed his chest!

"Well, I seem to feel her/his aura. Congratulations Brother Seventeen, you have been upgraded to be the father king! Are you happy?"

Nuan Nuan propped up her upper body, lowered her head and kissed him, then looked at him with a smile.

Nalan Jinnian retrieved the warmth back into the bed, tucked in the quilt, hugged her tightly in his arms so as not to get cold, then kissed her on the mouth and put his hands on her belly: "Well, happy. "

It seemed that such a happy reply was not enough to express his mood at the moment, so he couldn't help but replied again: "Very happy!"

It is impossible to describe how happy he is at the moment!

I feel like my whole life is perfect!

Put warm hands on his big palms, and said in a cheerful voice: "I'm also very happy, although it was not planned, and he came at an inappropriate time! Even because he came at this time, he caused us a lot of trouble! But I'm happy too."

"It's not the right time to come, it's God's will when it comes, and it's the best time! Don't worry, I'll do whatever you want! You don't need to do anything, just protect him with me, that's enough! Huh?"

"Yeah." Nuannuan nodded in his arms.

"Then you have to be good and listen to me, you know? Don't go to the battlefield again, don't care about your body, don't sleep, eat or drink to heal wounded soldiers, don't eat indiscriminately, don't run around, you don't have me on weekdays Accompany you, stay in this yard to have a baby, don't go anywhere, I have already written a letter for Nanny Rong to take care of you, and then you have to rest and eat on time."

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