
Why does she have the feeling that she will not be free from now on?

Nuannuan immediately refused: "No! How could it be that exaggerated!"

Her own body, she knows what she can do, and she will not do anything beyond her ability to hurt the child.

"Well, I don't want you to be rejected by my husband. For the safety of you and your child, be good!"

"It's fine if you don't go to the battlefield, nothing else is necessary"

"Be good! You are not good, and the child is not good! Let's teach by example!"

"I haven't been born yet, so how can I spread the word. Well"

Nalan Jinnian simply turned over and blocked her mouth to refuse. Anyway, she could convince herself every time, but this time for the safety of her and the child, he couldn't let her go.

Just don't give her a chance to say it!


The next day, when Nuan Nuan woke up, he found that the sky was snowing again, and the continuous white snow made the world even colder!

And Nalan Jinnian didn't know when he woke up.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi serve Wen Nuan for breakfast.

"Why is there milk?" Nuan Nuan looked at the bird's nest stewed in milk and asked in surprise.

Chen Xi smiled and said: "This place is close to the northern border, and some people's houses also raise cows. The master asked Xia Xuan to buy a cow last night. He told the slaves to cook a bowl for the princess sooner or later."

Wen Nuan knows that the wealthy families in these cities in northern Xinjiang like to raise two cows to drink milk.

Milk nourishes people.

Nuan finished eating a bowl of milk and bird's nest, ate a meat bun and a corn bun, and then went to the greenhouse to heal the wounded soldier.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi followed her, one on the left and the other on the right.

The road was slippery in the snow, and the two followed Nuannuan closely, worried that something might happen.

Wen Nuan first went to the courtyard of the eighth princess to see Amber.

The eighth princess is feeding Amber medicine, and Amber is looking at the eighth princess with a satisfied face.

Those who didn't know thought that what the eighth princess fed him was not bitter concoction, but sesame paste sugar water!

The eighth princess stood up immediately when she saw Nuan Nuan coming: "Nuan Nuan! You are here! Amber woke up last night, come and see when he can get out of bed?"

"How can it be so fast!" Nuan Nuan said with a helpless smile.

I just woke up, thinking that this person can get out of bed, the eighth princess is too impatient!

But seeing the appearance of the two of them, Wen Nuan knew that the two had reconciled.

It seems that Amber is quite good at coaxing girls!

But the eighth princess is kind-hearted, and Amber almost lost his life because of her, so it is not surprising that she forgave him.

It is the temperament of the eighth princess, who is easy to suffer, and is easy to be manipulated to death.

The eighth princess pulled Nuan Nuan to the bedside: "Nuan Nuan, take a quick look! My lifelong happiness depends on you!"

Lifelong happiness?

Amber was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. It seemed that his injury was worth it this time, and Yue'er's feelings for him became deeper!

Warm feeling that I was stuffed with dog food early in the morning!

She sat on the seat that the eighth princess gave up, and she didn't understand why the eighth princess was so eager all of a sudden. Isn't this person already awake?

Warm handed Amber a pill: "Auxiliary health pills, help wounds heal faster."

Amber took it and ate it, only to feel that the pills melted in the mouth. After swallowing, a warm current flowed from the stomach to the limbs.

The eighth princess asked curiously: "Can't you take this pill before?"

Nuan Nuan didn't feed her this pill to Amber before.

"Well, you have to wake up to eat. If you don't wake up, it's a waste!"

Eighth Princess: "."

Amber: "."

Nuan Nuan began to call his pulse, and mobilized Zi Qi to help him heal.

Amber felt the medicinal properties of the pill, and described a warm current wrapping his wound, and his chest didn't feel so painful anymore!

The whole person is much more comfortable!

That medicine is really powerful!

After a while, Wen Nuan withdrew his hand.

The eighth princess couldn't help asking: "How is it? Has the wound healed? Are you able to move?"

Warm and helpless looked at the eighth princess: "There is no way to heal so quickly, if you want to get out of bed, it will take three days at the earliest!"

The eighth princess's face collapsed when she heard the words, and she was about to cry!

three days later?

Then how can he write silently to himself?

Amber thought that the eighth princess felt sorry for her, so he stretched out his hand to hold the eighth princess's hand, and comforted him: "I'm fine! You can get out of bed now, and in three days, you'll be back to normal!"

The eighth princess withdrew her hand, and took Nuan Nuan's hand: "Nuan Nuan, tell Uncle Seventeen about those books, and I'll give them to him in three days!"

Warm and surprised: "What book?"

Amber also looked at the eighth princess in surprise.

Could it be that Yue'er punished herself for writing silently?

The eighth princess said with an aggrieved face: "The seventeenth emperor came to punish me last night for giving me the book you gave me. I have read everything in silence! How can I be silent in two days! You and Uncle Seventeen said that I knew I was wrong, and I will not cause him trouble in the future!"


Punish the eight princesses for copying books?

What with what?

How could Nalan Jinnian punish the Eighth Princess for reading silently?

There is some misunderstanding in this!

"What book did Brother Seventeen punish you for silently?"

"It's about the precautions during pregnancy, the book of parenting and so on! I just roughly remember, how can I be silent! Although I also want to be silent and punish myself, it is because I did not protect him well that I let him He can't be born in this world! But it's really impossible to not miss a single word, and two days is too little!"


Parenting books?

And let the eighth princess keep silent?

Thankfully he figured it out!

Nuan finally understood why!

Amber is heartbroken!

So it is!

Amber also knew that the eighth princess was most afraid of reading and writing.

Although she forgave herself because she wanted to help her complete the "punishment".

But the child is gone, it is his responsibility!

It's his negligence, he didn't protect her well, he should take this punishment!

This punishment is too light!

Amber said heartbroken: "I'm silent, Yue'er, I can do it in two days!"

Wen Nuan shook her head: "No need, I can just talk to him about it. You don't have to be silent!"

That person wants to know the precautions during pregnancy, just let him tell him, why bother others?

He sent Xia Xuan to buy cows, and asked the eighth princess to read silently. What else did he do?

The eighth princess' eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Really?"

"Well. Really, when did I lie to you!"

The eighth princess lost her face again when she thought of something: "But what if the seventeenth emperor refuses to agree and is punished even harder?"

Nuan Nuan patted her hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, I won't! He didn't punish you either. If he really punished you harder, I will silence you for you!"

The eighth princess immediately hugged Nuannuan after hearing the words: "Nuannuan, you are the best person in this world to me! I love you the most!"

Uncle Seventeen is absolutely unwilling to punish Nuannuan!

Amber: "."

Princess Hui'an, don't snatch his chance of atonement here!

Finally, there is a way for Yue'er to forgive herself, why did she come to snatch it!

Amber was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Yue'er, I can, I just keep silent!"

The eighth princess waved her hand: "I don't need you anymore! Just lie down! I just need Nuannuan!"

Amber: "."


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