"General, the weapons of Nalan Kingdom are powerful!" A soldier replied in a low voice.

A continuous crossbow of fifty or sixty arrows, thunderbolt bullets, and an unknown number of continuous crossbows fired in succession would lose a large number of soldiers!

Hou Gefan said with a dark face: "After three days, we will not compete with them in weapons, we will compete in tactics, and we are done catching and hiding! Could it be that we are hiding in the dark, and we can't kill the second-rate army made up of those low-class people in Nalan Kingdom? Or do you think Are you inferior to those untouchables?"

"Of course not! We Beiming people are born strong! Natural fighters!" The soldiers immediately shouted.

"Then it's over! Tomorrow, hide in the dark and kill those Nalan bastards! Tonight, everyone should familiarize themselves with the place and find a place that is convenient for invisibility!"


After Hou Gefan finished his instructions, he called several lieutenants to discuss how to counterattack in the battle three days later, and how to retreat if there was an emergency.

Just playing hide and seek is clearly not enough!

He also needs to contact Beifeng County, Nanjiang Country, and Xihua Country.

It just so happens that Yongping County is bordered by Nanjiang Country, and Beifeng County is bordered by Xihua Country.

It's time to fight a counterattack!


On this day, not only the Beiming Army in Yongping County and Beifeng County received the letter of war, but also the King of Beiming Kingdom received a letter from the King of Southern Border.

At the same time, Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom also received this Asuka letter with exactly the same content.

Beiming Palace

Beiming Monarch's face changed drastically when he saw the contents of the letter!

"Lord of the world?"

Princess Jin of Nalan Kingdom, Princess Huian is a lucky star, but she is pregnant with the Lord of the World just after getting married?

Sitting below the Beiming Monarch was an old man dressed in white, with silver hair and even a white beard.

He saw that Beiming Monarch's face was ugly after reading the last letter, he stroked his beard and asked, "What kind of master is your Majesty talking about?"

"Elder Hu, the Saintess of the Southern Border Kingdom observed the stars at night and discovered that the Lord of the World is about to be born, and she also calculated that Princess Jin of the Nalan Kingdom is happy, and she is pregnant with the future Lord of the World!"

"Princess Jin? King Jin, the one who arrested my apprentice?"

"That's right, it's his princess. The two just got married a month ago! And the wedding was held in the style of an empress!"

Elder Hu stroked his beard and said, "Bah, an inferior country is an inferior country, and there are no rules at all! A prince's big wedding should also be held in the mode of an emperor and empress? Isn't this a violation of the rules? They can do it too. Give birth to the Lord of the World? My disciple is the Lord of the World!"

The King of Beiming didn't blame him for his disrespect in front of the palace. Obviously, he also respected the old man. He shook his head: "Elder Hu didn't know something. Before King Jin was born, the saint of Southern Xinjiang predicted that he would step on the seven stars, The general star who can conquer the world was born in Nalan Kingdom! In the future, Nalan Kingdom will definitely rule the world! At that time, everyone didn’t believe it. They didn’t expect that the current queen mother of Nalan Kingdom would actually give birth to a child with seven stars! And later The incident also confirms that King Jin was born to be a star! There is also Princess Hui’an, Princess Jin! The Saintess of Nanjiang also predicted that a lucky star would come to the country of Nanjiang, and then a gradually declining Nalan Kingdom suddenly appeared at an unstoppable speed. It has risen. This time, the prophecy of the Saintess of the Southern Border Kingdom may be true!"

Elder Hu touched his beard: "I don't care if she is real or not! I only know that my apprentice can be the master of the world! They will die if they catch my apprentice! Where are they now? I want to save my apprentice come out!"

After hearing this, Beiming Monarch was relieved, with his action, Nalan Jinnian and Princess Huijun would be doomed!

"The two are in Yongding City at the moment, and Xian'er was escorted to Yongding City by them and locked up! I heard that they broke her tendons and tendons, and she was completely useless!"

"They dare! Courting death!" Hearing this, Elder Hu was so angry that he crushed the armrest of the chair.

He stood up, and in a flash, he disappeared in front of Beiming Monarch!

Beiming Monarch watched him disappear, and sneered.

With Elder Hu taking action, Nalan Jinnian, Princess Hui'an, you all wait to die!

"Serve with pen and ink!" Beiming Monarch shouted.

Then he sat down and began to write letters to the Lord of Dongling, the Lord of Xihua, and the Lord of Southern Border!


The lord of the Xihua Kingdom trembled when he received the letter from the lord of the Southern Border Kingdom.

He immediately summoned several important ministers in the court to discuss this matter.

In the imperial study room, the atmosphere was serious.

Lord of the world?

Nalan Kingdom will soon give birth to a master of the world?

This Nalan Jinnian, the Four Kingdoms have dealt with them for so long without killing them, and then another lucky star came, and now there is another lord of the world?

These more powerful characters are springing up like mushrooms after rain!

Is this really God's will?

An old official said after hearing this: "Your Majesty, the destiny cannot be violated! The old official believes that our Xihua Kingdom should retreat bravely and save ourselves!"

Another young courtier disagreed and said, "Didn't you hear the prophecy of the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang, the Lord of the World! Since it is an arrangement of fate, how can we escape? It is better to fight hard, maybe there will be a miracle!" What kind of lord of the world depends on whether it can be born, if not, how can there be a lord of the world!"

They are superstitious but they also believe that everything is a miracle! There is no unparalleled road, and there will always be a glimmer of life left!

"That's right, Your Majesty, there is no way out now. If we repent, Beiming Kingdom will be the first to deal with us! We also sent troops to attack Nalan Kingdom, and Nalan Kingdom will not let us go. The Ming country is closely allied, and we are afraid that we will die sooner! The most important thing is to make those who are the masters of the world, what are the natural stars, and what are the lucky stars disappear!"

"That's right, the Beiming Kingdom is comparable to the current Nalan Kingdom in strength. If we form an alliance with the Beiming Kingdom at this moment, we will have a chance to survive when they both lose. Otherwise, we can't afford a joint attack between the two countries." !"

The other ministers echoed one after another, and they were all in charge of the battle.

Lord Xihua nodded: "That's right, there is no turning back!"

After all, Xihuaguo has already washed their hair and participated in it, so they can no longer retreat completely!

The nails he buried have not been moved for many years, it seems that it is time to move!

Now that the world has come to be unified, he, the king of Xihua, also has the opportunity to fight for the position of the lord of the world!


The Lord of Tangling Kingdom received a letter from the Lord of Southern Border Kingdom.

He looked at the words "lord of the world" in the letter and smiled contemptuously.


Looking at the Five Kingdoms, he is the only youngest emperor, a person who has no chance to be born, the Lord of the World?

Do not make jokes!

He, the youngest emperor, will be the lord of the world!

"Come on!"

"Monarch!" A man in black knelt down.

"Go and find out if Princess Jin of Nalan Kingdom is happy! If so, let our people find a way."

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