The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1281 The Appetite Is Overwhelmed

Three days later, before dawn, Nalan Jinnian woke up.

Today is the day to retake Yongping County and Beifeng County.

These two siege battles must be won!

As soon as Nalan Jinnian got out of bed, Wen Nuan opened his eyes and struggled to sit up: "I'll go with you."

Nalan Jinnian immediately refused: "No! Don't worry, this battle will end soon."

He gently pressed Wen Nuan back to the bed, and tucked in the quilt: "Sleep a little longer, wait for me to come back."

Wen Nuan grabbed his hand and insisted: "I'm not going to the battlefield, I'm in the rear, there are wounded soldiers, just send them to me for treatment! The wounded soldiers will be healed immediately, so the wounds will recover faster, right?! "

Nalan Jinnian still shook his head: "No! Be good! Stay here well. Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen are enough! After the wounded soldiers are sent back, you will heal them!"

"But I'm also worried about your injury."

Nalan Jinnian's heart warmed, he grabbed her hand and stroked her small face with the other hand: "I will protect myself and not worry you. If I am hurt, come back and punish me!"

Recently, Nalan Jinnian has been holding a lot of swords and arrows in his hands, and the callus that had softened has hardened again, rubbing against the delicate skin on Wen Nuan's face, and it hurts a bit, she turned her head away: "I'm hurt, still What's the use of punishing you!"

Nalan Jinnian smiled and kissed her on the mouth, and said without refutation: "This is my last concession, um, otherwise I won't send back the wounded soldiers!"


"Overbearing!" Wen Nuan glared at him!

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help but kissed her on the mouth again: "I'm protecting you! I don't want any mistakes between you and the child! Be good!"

They were going to Yongping County and Beifeng County as fast as they could. Now that she was double, even if she had purple energy to protect her body, he was not at ease.

Don't ask him why he is worried, anyway, he is worried!

Don't want to take any risk!

Even here, he kept Xia Xuan and was guarded by heavy soldiers, so he was not at ease.

Nuannuan naturally knew his starting point, and the protest was futile, so she could only nod her head: "Got it, go! I'll wait for you to come back! I'll help you put on the armor."

Wen Nuan pretended to get up, but was pushed back by Nalan Jinnian, putting his hand on her abdomen: "No need, sleep more, it's good for the child. Besides, when the wounded soldiers come back, you will have more energy to save people, right? "

Nuan nodded: "Okay then!"

So cute!

Nalan Jinnian is satisfied!

I really like how she is so cute and easy to coax.

He couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her little mouth again, then quickly stood up reluctantly, went to change into a suit of armor, then quickly opened the door of the room, went out, and immediately closed the door very quickly, lest The cold air crept in, freezing the person on the tip of his heart.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi were already guarding the door, and they saluted Nalan Jinnian.


Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Take good care of the princess."


Nalan Jinnian strode away.


Today, the Seventh Prince and Prince An's son led 60,000 soldiers to retake Yongping County and Beifeng County respectively.

Nalan Jinnian took 10,000 elite soldiers and thousands of wolf troops to the direction of Wuyang County, passed through Wuyang County, circled the edge of Beifeng County, went to Tianhe Mountain to ambush, blocked the enemy's defeat and returned to Beiming Kingdom The back road!

Wen Nuan closed her eyes and continued to sleep after Nalan Jinnian, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

She rolled on the bed for a long time, but she still couldn't help getting up and went to the city gate to see her off.

Wearing a snow fox cloak, Wen Nuan came to the city and watched the gradually retreating army without batting an eye.

Nalan Jinnian had already set off at night with 10,000 elite soldiers, but he was not among these teams.

Outside the city wall stood many people who came to see him off.

They also watched the army go away for a long time, reluctant to leave.

Most of these people are from Beifeng County and Yongping County, and now the army is setting out to take back their homes for them!

When the army returns triumphantly, it will be the time for them to return home!

It was snowing again in the sky, and grains of snow-white snowflakes were dancing in the air, tending to become denser and denser.

Chen Huan couldn't help but said to Wen Nuan: "Princess, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, let's go back!"

Nuan nodded: "Yeah."

The two went down the city one after the other to protect Nuannuan and got into the carriage.

Although it was a snowy day, Yongding City had returned to its former bustling these days.

Their Nalan Kingdom's 30,000 troops can fight against the enemy's 300,000 troops. Now that their Nalan Kingdom's reinforcements have arrived, what are the people afraid of!

Naturally, I lived my life as usual!

The shops on the street are all open, and many hawkers are also selling various things on the street with their burdens.

Even if it snows, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

Nuan Nuan raised the curtain of the carriage and looked outside. When passing by a stinky tofu shop, Nuan Nuan smelled the sour smell in the air, and couldn't help saying: "Stop!"

Following the warm gaze, Chen Huan glanced outside and couldn't help asking: "Princess, do you want to eat stinky tofu?"

These things are not good for children, right?

"Yeah. Suddenly I want to eat."

Xia Xuan immediately stopped the carriage slowly.

Nuan Nuan said to Chen Huan: "Chen Huan, go down and buy a portion of stinky tofu, a sesame seed cake, that candied haws, and that sugar man, and that pickled pickled cucumber, pickled radish, and 10 skewers of mutton skewers."

Chen Huan, Chen Xi, and Xia Xuan: "."

Nuan named all the snacks on the street!

Some take two!

So much, can you finish it?

Chen Huan frowned: "Princess, there are so many, can you finish it? Why don't you buy one or two this time, and I will buy others for you tomorrow?"

After eating these things, when it's lunch time, you should have no appetite to eat, right?

The master has confessed that the princess must eat well and sleep well!

"No! I bought them all, and I want to eat them right now! When a person with two bodies wants to eat, that's what the child wants to eat. This must be eaten!"

Looking at the snacks on the street, Nuan suddenly wanted to eat them very much, really wanted to eat them!

And you have to eat it right away, that feeling!

Just a burst of appetite!

She drools when she looks at some things!

She touched her belly. Could it be a foodie?

A guy who loves snacks must be a girl!

Yes, Not Bad!

Nuannuan also wants to give birth to a girl, so dress up!

At that time, the two mothers and daughters can still wear mother-daughter outfits!

"Really? The servant girl is going to buy it right away!" Chen Huan didn't know this either. After all, she was also a big girl and a secret guard before, so she didn't learn this at all.

She hurriedly got off the carriage and went to buy all the snacks on the street.

Chen Xi looked at the people coming and going on the street and said, "Princess, shall we go back first?"

"No, just wait on the sidelines! I'll see what else I want to eat."

Chen Xi: "."

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