The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1283 Someone robbed the prison!

Since people in Beiming Kingdom love to collect, she drew some paintings, wrote some piano scores, and made a few fake ancient chess books, and put them in Beiming Kingdom's auction house to earn some money back.

This is what Wen Nuan thought of from the Beiming country, um, the common method of making money in the other four countries, but this method is especially aimed at the Beiming country.

Of course, there is salt~

The salt can also be sold to the Beiming Kingdom to earn some money, and by the way, cut off the money source of the Dongling Kingdom.

Beiming Kingdom is the largest purchaser of salt from Dongling Kingdom.

As for how to earn money from Dongling Kingdom?

Naturally, they bought their low-quality jade at a low price, purified it when they came back, carved it into various objects, and sold it back to Dongling at a high price.

The Saintess Clan of the Southern Border Kingdom needs a lot of jade wares to make utensils.

So Nanjiang Kingdom is the largest jade buyer in Dongling Kingdom!

Even use these to provoke the relationship between them.

Didn't they form an alliance to destroy their Nalan Kingdom?

When interests are harmed, it depends on whether their alliance can continue.

Warm draws at the desk, and a painting takes a whole day.

Of course, there was an hour's break for lunch, otherwise Chen Huan and Chen Xi would cry for her.

In the evening, a map of the desert scenery of Beiming border city was half completed!

When it's time for dinner, Chen Xi comes in with a food box to set the meal: "Princess, stop drawing, it's time to eat!"

Nuan put down the brush in his hand, and said to Chen Huan who was waiting by his side: "Blow dry the painting first and put it away."


Chen Huan glanced at Nuan Nuan's painting, and couldn't help but praise: "Wangfei's painting is really lifelike! It's so lifelike! The sand looks like grains of sand! The whole painting is magnificent, the first Just looking at it makes people feel as if they are in the scene! When I came back to my senses, I couldn’t help but want to go to this place to see such a magnificent desert scenery! This must be the most beautiful desert scenery!”

Warm smiled and shook his head: "The mountains and rivers are so beautiful, I haven't painted a ten-thousandth of the true charm of the desert scenery yet! Where is the most beautiful!"

Nuan Nuan sat down and looked at the dishes on the table, a plate of pork ribs with garlic and steamed pumpkin, a plate of Chinese cabbage with garlic, and an old duck soup. They are all light dishes suitable for people with double bodies.

Well, it's not sour, not spicy, and I don't like it!

Wen Nuan couldn't help saying: "Chen Xi, go to the kitchen and get a plate of vinegar and a plate of chili noodles."

Chen Xi's complexion changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Princess, you have eaten enough hot and sour food on the street today, as well as at noon, so you can't eat any more tonight! The prince will be angry when he comes back! Besides, if you eat like this again , the little master in your stomach can't stand it either!"

Nuannuan knew that Nalan Jinnian would never eat like this when she came back, so she wanted to take this opportunity to eat enough!

"It's okay, it's the snacks in my stomach who want to eat! Besides, I'm a doctor, don't I know that tender meat can't be eaten? Go! Let's not let your master know! It's just this meal. When he comes back tomorrow, I can't eat it." I ate it like this!"

Nuan Nuan said pitifully, but Chen Xi couldn't resist her, so he brought her a small bowl of mature vinegar and a small dish of chili noodles!

Warm and satisfying, each dish should be dipped in vinegar, and then dipped in chili noodles to eat, and eat with relish!

Chen Huan and Chen Xi frowned!

What flavor is this?

Why is the master's absence, the princess's appetite has changed drastically!

Master, come back quickly!

They are really worried that there will be problems if they continue to eat like this!

"Princess, is it really okay to eat this way?" Chen Xi asked anxiously.

Nuan Nuan looked at the bottom of the vinegar and nodded: "It's not poison, no problem! Bring me some more vinegar and chili!"

Wen Nuan felt that since she smelled stinky tofu and ate pickled cucumbers in the morning, her liking for vinegar was out of control!

Can't wait to drink it as tea!

Chen Xi: "."

Chen Huan: "."

"Hurry up!" Seeing that the two of them didn't move, Wen Nuan urged.

Chen Xi took a look at Chen Huan. Chen Huan knew that pregnant people like to eat sour, and there is a saying that sour children are spicy.

It's just that the concubine loves sour and spicy food. Is she pregnant with the little master or the little princess?

Chen Huan also thought of the Shen family's inheritance of twins, dragon and phoenix twins!

It's hot and sour, doesn't it?

She widened her eyes, full of surprise, and nodded to Chen Xi.

I'm pregnant with twins, isn't it normal to eat more?

If you don't eat more, what will you do with the two little masters who are hungry?

Seeing this, Chen Xi went to the kitchen.

Nuannuan continued to eat with gusto, but when he was halfway through eating, his ears suddenly moved!

She put down her chopsticks: "Someone is robbing the prison!"

Chen Huan was stunned for a moment, and when he listened intently, his expression changed.

She immediately went to the wall and took up her sword.

Chen Xi also hurried back at this time.

Someone came to rob the prison, but he came at this time, which shows that the other party has nothing to fear!

At this hour, the genius had just darkened, and many people hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Now Wen Nuan's body is inconvenient, Chen Huan and Chen Xi hold swords and protect her side by side.

Xia Xuan also appeared outside the door with a weapon in hand.

Other soldiers and guards are also waiting in full force!

Nuan Nuan saw that they protected themselves as if they were facing an enemy, but didn't say anything.

Because she heard the fighting sound, she also thought it was a big enemy!

Martial arts are very strong!

Otherwise, she wouldn't put down her chopsticks, but continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Wen Nuan stood up, walked out of the room, and said to Xia Xuan: "Xia Xuan, Chen Huan, go and have a look, don't let others snatch those people away!"

Xia Xuan said with a serious face: "My lord asked my slaves to protect the concubine at every step."

Chen Huan also nodded: "The safety of the princess is the most important thing!"

Being robbed of the Sixth Prince of Beiming is a minor matter, but Nuan Nuan losing a hair is a major matter!

A deposed prince from an enemy country is nothing, keeping it is just waste!

In the Beiming Kingdom, the emperor may be a treasure, but in the Nalan Kingdom, he is just a rotten weed.

How can he compare with the person on the tip of his master's heart.

Besides, Nuannuan is pregnant with the little master now.

They are still very clear about what is more important in their hearts!

If it was normal, with their warm abilities, they would have gone to support them. After all, they all knew that they were no opponents of Nuan, so there was no need to talk about protection, but now is a special period.

Nuannuan didn't stop to persuade them, because the enemy had already killed them!

Nuan Nuan thought about it, and a dozen figures jumped onto the roof, and then jumped down.

The two parties fought without saying a word.

A white figure came straight towards the warmth!

The figure is as fast as lightning.

Warmth only feels that the murderous intent is overwhelming!

Very strong!

Xia Xuan was the first to meet him!

It's just that the white figure, with strong martial arts and quick strikes, even sent Xia Xuan flying with one move.

Then hit the warmth!

Xia Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood, got up quickly, but was entangled by a man in black.

The other guards in the yard were also stalked by the men in black.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi stood in front of Nuannuan. Seeing this change in expression, they raised their swords and stabbed at the white figure.

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