Warmth shuddered in his heart, raised his arm, and shot out the crossbow in his cuff.

The white figure swung the sharp sword, and the sharp sword energy forced Chen Huan and Chen Xi back. Taking advantage of the momentum, he deflected the crossbow and released a hidden weapon at the same time.

"Dare to hurt my apprentice, you all go to die!" An old voice sounded, and everyone's hearts trembled intuitively!

If there is no martial arts body protection, I am afraid that the eardrums will be completely shaken.

Wen Nuan felt a silver light flash in front of her eyes, and her figure flashed. A dart fell from the position where he was standing just now, and it fell into the door frame!

Both Chen Huan and Chen Xi were scratched by the sword energy, and their hearts were turbulent!

So strong!

Who is this old man?

The two glanced at each other, then took opposite steps, brandished opposite sword techniques, and entangled Shirai Shadow!

"Xia Xuan, take the princess away first!!" Chen Huan shouted.

This old man is too strong!

They have a very uneasy feeling.

Xia Xuan swung his sword and beheaded a man in black at the waist, and was about to run over, but was entangled by another man in black!

Very strong, these men in black are very strong, the guards in the yard are no match for them at all!

Xia Xuan was entangled by them and couldn't get away for a while!

Elder Hu looked at the swordsmanship of the two swords, and snorted coldly, exuding a more powerful aura from his whole body, and the sword left his hand instantly.

With two palm strikes at the same time, Chen Huan and Chen Xi were directly sent flying!

Nuan Nuan only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then the figure of the sword disappeared, and then she felt a huge danger approaching her back!

Her face changed, she turned around, and dodged the lightning-fast, murderous sword, but her arm was still injured by the sharp sword energy!

Without giving Nuan Nuan a chance to breathe, Elder Hu slapped Nuan Nuan with his palm.

Dodge, it's too late!

Nuannuan could only accept the move, her long legs reacted faster than her head, and she kicked out with tremendous force!

One palm and one foot met in the air, and they all carried the power of earth-shattering and mountain-shattering.

Instant collision, instant separation!

Elder Hu hurriedly stepped back a dozen steps before stopping.

His whole arm hurts!

He was shocked!

Looking at her young age, this little girl was able to receive a palm from her? !

It has been a long time since no one has been able to receive his palm.

Although I didn't use all my strength, I used 80% of it!

Given time, let this girl grow up, wouldn't she be as close to invincible as someone?

The killing intent in my heart is even worse!

Nuan Nuan's body also straightened back, until Chen Huan rushed over and caught her.

Chen Huan turned pale with fright: "Princess, are you alright?"

There was a sharp pain in the whole leg from the warmth, and even a little pain in the abdomen!

Before Wen Nuan could reply, the white figure flew over again.

This time Elder Hu used 100% of his skills!

Chen Xi rushed over and quickly blocked in front of Nuannuan!

Seeing the movement of the air caused by this palm, Nuan Nuan's pupils shrank.

If Chen Xi blocks this palm, she will die!

Wen Nuan put his hands directly in front of Chen Xi, jumped up his whole body, turned over in the air, stepped on Elder Hu's arm with one foot, and kicked him in the face with the other foot!

Elder Hu shrank his pupils, quickly withdrew his hand, and stepped back, avoiding Nuan Nuan's frontal attack!

Then he stepped forward, grabbed Nuannuan's ankle with his backhand, pulled it hard, and flicked it, Nuannuan flew out.

Go straight to the rockery in the yard!

He's going to throw her to death!

Even if you can't kill her, you must kill the so-called Lord of the World in her belly!

To avenge his Xianer!


Chen Huan and Chen Xi's expressions changed, and they flew towards them!

The two men in black quickly went to block them!

Chen Huan and Chen Xi couldn't escape at all.

Nuan Nuan pursed his mouth, and shot the sleeve arrow in his hand.

At the same time, he tore off the silver whip at his waist, swung it around the trunk of a tree in front of the door, and then pulled it hard, and his whole body flew back.

Elder Hu dodged the sleeve arrow in a flash.

The sword in his hand flew out and stabbed straight at Nuannuan!

The warm figure avoided it!

Elder Hu slapped him again!

Her foot moved and kicked over!

A murderous intent flashed in Elder Hu's eyes, and his figure flicked to the left to avoid it.

The warm body turned in mid-air, the long legs went straight sideways, and kicked him in the chest with a sharp kick!

He spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Taking advantage of this strength, the body leaps forward!

Passing by a warm body.

A look of viciousness flashed in Elder Hu's eyes, and at the same time, he slapped the warm abdomen with all his strength!

Wen Nuan was startled, twisted his body in mid-air, and landed on the ground, trying to avoid the palm!

Just too fast!

That palm hit Nuan Nuan's waist heavily!


Chen Huan rushed directly towards Nuannuan.

A man in black slashed her back with a sword!

Chen Xi and Xia Xuan's expressions changed drastically!

The two swung their swords fiercely at the man in black!

Wen Nuan staggered and fell directly to the ground.

When she landed, she subconsciously supported the ground with her knees and palms and landed!

There was heart-piercing pain in her knees and palms!

More pain in the waist and abdomen!

Although it didn't hit the abdomen, but the waist withstood the blow with all his strength, this goddamn master of the world is absolutely unstoppable!

At this time, he heard a lot of footsteps rushing over!

"Go!" He gave an order, jumped up to the roof, and left quickly!

The remaining men in black also quickly feinted, jumped onto the roof and ran!

The sleeve arrows in Wen Nuan's hands were released one after another!

He shot two men in black one after another, but missed the old man in white.

She sat on the ground and quickly mobilized Ziqi to protect the child in her stomach.

Xia Xuan put a signal flare into the sky!

At this time a large group of soldiers rushed in.

In addition to the officers and soldiers brought by the yamen, there were also guards sent by the Eighth Princess and Amber when they heard the news.

Xia Xuan pointed to the west: "Run to the west, chase after!"

Xia Xuan didn't go after him, who knows if there will be assassins here?

Besides, he needs to stay by Nuan Nuan's side every step of the way.

Xia Xuan was also injured in many places this time, and the injuries were serious!

The assassins who came this time are all very strong, almost equal to him in every martial art.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi ran to Nuan Nuan's side: "Princess! Are you okay?"


Both of their faces were pale with fright.

Wen Nuan felt a little pain in her abdomen, she covered her abdomen with her hands, her face was a little pale: "It's okay. Help me up."

"Princess, I'll carry you back to bed!" Chen Huan hugged Nuannuan directly and walked into the room.

Chen Huan carefully put Wen Nuan on the bed, but saw a little blood on her pants.

Chen Hua's face turned even paler with fright: "Princess, I'm bleeding!"

The wound on Chen Xi's back was so deep that the bones were visible, and the blood flowed continuously. She said with a pale face, "I'll call for a doctor!"

Xia Xuan said first: "I'll go!"

When he just walked in, when he heard the blood, he was so frightened that his face lost all color!

Turn around and run!

Nuan Nuan stopped them: "No need! I have anti-fetal medicine here, just bring it to me! No need to call the doctor!"

Her pulse can't even be diagnosed as Xi pulse!

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