"But, princess, you are bleeding!" Chen Huan almost cried.

If there is something wrong with the little master in the princess's stomach, they will not be able to pay for their crimes if they die ten thousand times!

"It's okay! Don't be afraid! Don't call the doctor, I am a doctor myself, and the doctor can't tell me that I am Ximai! Don't say anything about this for now, this little blood will be fine! Don't let Brother Seventeen know, lest he worry. Chen Huan, you go, you go and get some anti-abortion pills for me to take, and I'll be fine when he comes back. The pills prescribed by the doctor are not as good as mine, and you all know that." Nuan Nuan clutched his abdomen, and it was okay. calm way.

She suspected that the old man in white knew she was pregnant!

But how is this possible?

Feng Nianchen has not been able to register her pulse condition, and there are only a few people who know that she is happy.

Among these few people, absolutely no one will speak out.

How did the old man in white know?

They came to rescue Emperor Junxian, proving that those assassins were from Beiming Kingdom.

How did Beiming know that he was happy so quickly?

Who in the world knew and leaked it?

Wen Nuan hasn't figured out what to do, and now she doesn't think so much, so she won't ask a doctor for now!

Warm hands have been placed on the abdomen, and a steady stream of purple air is sent to the abdomen.

Her stomach was still aching, but it was a little better than before.

She said she wasn't worried that the baby in her belly was fake, but she could see the purple gas in her stomach condensing into a ball in the womb, and occasionally there was a golden flash.

That meager breath of life is still there!

It's just that it's a little less than the first time.

Nuan Nuan said silently in his heart: "Baby be strong, it's fine!"

Chen Huan hurried to get the medicine box, carried the medicine box over, and opened it.

Then he took out a pink bottle, poured a pill, and fed Nuannuan to eat.

She is very familiar with the contents of this medicine box, so she knows that the bottle is Antai Pill.

After Nuan Nuan took the pills, she saw that the three of them were covered in blood, and the wounds on their bodies were still bleeding, especially Chen Xi, whose face was pale, and who was still nervously sitting next to her, she said: "You all take a health-preserving pill to stop bleeding and heal your wounds." Take pills! Chen Huan, go and bandage Chen Xi’s wound, and Xia Xuan, go find someone to bandage it too! Also look at the other injured guards, get some health-preserving wound medicine and Jinchuang powder for them, I don’t need to wait here, I sleep I'll be fine in a moment! Hurry up and recover from your injuries, now is an extraordinary period, I'm afraid I will have to rest in bed for a while, and I still need your protection!"

The three originally wanted to refuse.

They are all to die for!

When the master comes back, he can simply apologize with death, so what else is there to bandage?

But when Nuan Nuan said this, Chen Huan said to Chen Xi and Xia Xuan: "Hurry up and bandage up! I'll just stay here and wait on you!"

That's right, the princess is in an extraordinary period, and they need to heal their injuries as soon as possible!

The news that the princess is happy should have been known by the enemy army. The master led the troops to the battle, and he will definitely not be able to make it back tonight. The long night does not know what will happen.

Wen Nuan thought of something and said: "Xia Xuan, send someone to see if Di Junxian and the others have been rescued!"

"Yes!" Xia Xuan walked out.

Nuan Nuan said to Chen Huan: "Chen Xi's back is injured, you can help her bandage it! Don't worry about me, you can bandage it here! I'm really fine, just take the medicine and sleep for a while. Don't let me Said, I'm tired. After you finish the medicine, change my clothes again."

Chen Huan and Chen Xi's eyes suddenly turned hot, the princess herself was like this, and she still cared about them.

And Chen Xi remembered that if it wasn't for the warmth, she might have died.

"Yes! Princess!" The two responded hoarsely.

Covering his stomach with warm hands and closing his eyes, he didn't speak any more.

She was a little flustered, but she knew that panic would not solve the problem, so she simply closed her eyes and quietly used purple energy to save her child and protect her child.


Qinning Mountains

Nalan Jinnian is leading 10,000 soldiers to fight the Beiming enemy army who fled in a hurry in Yongping County.

Seeing Hou Gefan fleeing in panic under the guard of Beiming soldiers, Nalan Jinnian's eyes froze, he chopped down an enemy soldier with his sword, got on his horse, and wanted to catch up.

Suddenly his heart ached, but there was no panic in his heart!

Nalan Jinnian looked in the direction of Yongding City, did something happen to the girl?

He glanced at Hou Gefan who was going away, and without hesitation, he turned his horse's head and headed back to Yongding City.

The enemy general can look for opportunities to kill in the future, he doesn't allow anything to happen to Nuannuan!

By the way, he left a sentence: "Don't chase, go back to the city!"

The soldiers were stunned when they saw Nalan Jinnian suddenly turn around and run away.

Such a good opportunity to kill a general of the enemy army.

How could the prince give up?

But Nalan Jinnian's words are military orders, like imperial decrees, and cannot be disobeyed!

So everyone leave now!

Nalan Jinnian took the first step, and he rode his horse desperately to Yongding City!

His knuckles holding the bridle turned white!


Inexplicably flustered!


Yongding City

When Xia Xuan released the signal flare, the gate of Yongding City was immediately closed.

On the streets, teams of soldiers searched from house to house!

Di Junxian has been robbed, only Jia Jingyu and Fengdi were rescued in time.

Because it was already dark, every household had lit their lamps, and it was time to eat.

Everyone was angry when they heard that someone was blatantly robbing people at such a time, and even tried to assassinate Princess Jin.

It is very cooperative to open the door of the house and let the officers and soldiers enter the house for inspection!


When Nalan Jinnian came outside the city gate, he saw the soldiers holding up their torches high on the city wall, as if the whole city was on guard, and his heart skipped a beat!

Sure enough, something happened!

Nalan Jinnian was the first to arrive at the city gate, and the army followed far behind.

The soldiers guarding the city recognized him at a glance, and immediately opened the city gate!

The soldier even shouted: "King Jin is back, everyone get out of the way!"

As soon as Nalan Jinnian entered the city, he found many people and soldiers on the streets.

A troop of soldiers was coming out of an inn.

This is obviously the rhythm of martial law throughout the city and house-to-house searches!

In this situation, apart from assassins and fugitives, there is nothing else.

Assassin, fugitive?

who is it?

An assassin must be the person with the most noble status to assassinate.


Emperor Xian!

Di Junxian's tendons and hamstrings are all broken and he can't escape!

That's someone robbing a prison!

Thinking of this, Nalan Jinnian panicked even more!

"King Jin is back, get out of the way!"

Soldiers and civilians on the street gave way one after another.

The common people on the street talked a lot: "King Jin is back! Did he win the battle!"

"King Jin is back, that old man with white hair and beard can't escape!"

From the few words of the common people, when Nalan Jinnian heard the old man with white hair and white beard, he almost stopped jumping in fright!

It turned out to be him!

He actually went out!

"Drive!" He pursed his thin lips tightly, and galloped down the street at a fast speed.

Girl, don't let anything happen to you!

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