Nalan Jinnian got off his horse before it even stopped, and ran in like a gust of wind.

Chen Huan, Chen Xi, and Xia Xuan were guarding outside.

At this time, the blood and all traces of fighting in the yard were cleaned up.

But Nalan Jinnian could still see that many guards in the courtyard had changed.

When everyone saw Nalan Jinnian appearing, they all knelt down: "Please forgive me, master!"

Nalan Jinnian's heart sank.


He glanced at the tightly closed door: "How is the princess?"

He didn't even notice, his voice trembled a little.

Chen Huan replied: "The princess took the anti-fetal medicine and fell asleep. The princess said that she and the young master are fine."

Chen Huan knew what Nalan Jinnian most wanted to hear.

An, fetus, medicine!

Nalan Jinnian clenched his fists involuntarily, exuding a violent, destructive killing intent all over his body, but his face was abnormally pale.

He walked out of the room without saying a word.

Everyone knelt on the ground and dared not get up.

Nalan Jinnian took a deep breath, restraining the piercing killing intent on his body.

He stretched out his hand and gently opened the door, and walked into the room.

It was already late at night by this time, Nuan Nuan had already put on clean clothes and fell asleep.

The room was as warm, neat and clean as when he left.

Nalan Jinnian tiptoed over.

Hearing the slight sound of the door opening, Wen Nuan quickly opened his eyes, subconsciously picked up the long whip placed by the pillow, and sat up.

Those almond eyes looked out the door with fierce killing intent.

Seeing it was him, his body instantly relaxed, and the murderous look in his eyes receded instantly, full of joy, shining brightly: "Brother Seventeen is back!"

Qiao smiled sweetly, with a look of joy, as if nothing happened.

But Nalan Jinnian already knew from Chen Huan how much she had been hurt!

Chen Huan said that she took anti-fetal drugs!

Fetal medicine!


If it wasn't really serious, why would she still take anti-fetal drugs if she had purple qi to protect her body!

Only he knows how powerful that old man with white beard and white hair is!

His little girl is now pregnant, how can she withstand any blow from him!

Nalan Jinnian regretted so much at this moment, why didn't he agree to take her to the battle this morning.

In this way, she will not be left alone to face such a powerful enemy.

You won't be hurt so much!

Nalan Jinnian with a pale face, pursed his lips tightly, came to the bed in three steps at a time, and knelt down on one knee.

He put one hand on his warm stomach through the quilt.

A hand gripped the warm wrist.

Nuan Nuan's hand was scratched, and Chen Huan had already bandaged it for her.

Looking at her hands wrapped like rice dumplings, my heart hurts uncomfortably.

It's all because he didn't take her to the battlefield with him!

"Girl, I'm sorry! It's all my fault!"

If something happened to her and the child, he would not know how to live in the future.

He put his hand gently on the gauze: "Where else is hurt? Is our child okay?"

Wen Nuan smiled, and said calmly: "It's okay, it's not as serious as you think! Don't you know how good I am? I can't even beat a bad old man! If you don't believe me, just ask Chen Huan They! If you don’t believe me, ask a doctor to come and show me!”

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Invite a doctor?

She must be fine now!


"You've been taking tocolytics!"

"I just ate it because I was frightened and afraid that my fetus would move. If you don't believe me, I can compete with you right now!"

Warm gesture to get out of bed.

Chen Huan and the others raised their hearts!

"Princess!" Chen Huan blurted out.

Chen Huan was so nervous that Nalan Jinnian's heart tightened, he gave Nuannuan a look, and pressed her back on the bed, not allowing her to move.

"Really, that old man was dealt with by Chen Huan, Chen Xi and Xia Xuan! I'll deal with those shrimp soldiers!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't believe a word!

Chen Huan, Chen Xi, and Xia Xuan's strength was no match for that person at all, and it was already quite remarkable to be able to pass three moves under his hands.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the three people kneeling outside the house.

Ask again in a moment.

Chen Huan and the others lowered their heads after hearing warm words!

No matter how Nuan Nuan protects them, they will tell the truth in a while!

Nuan Nuan tugged at Nalan Jinnian's sleeve: "You don't believe me?"

Nalan Jinnian was touched by Nuannuan, and the worry and fear in his heart dissipated a little. He was no longer as nervous as before, and his face was not as pale as before. He said angrily: "You don't have to lie to me, he He is Di Junxian's master, his martial arts are very strong, and there are few opponents in the world, even me."

Wen Nuan covered his mouth with his hand, and stopped him from continuing: "Okay, nothing can fool you! Well, he is very powerful, I was slapped on the back by him, and I fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, I responded Come on, put your hands and feet on the ground, or he will really hurt our baby. Well, he wants to kill our baby. I doubt he knows that I am happy! You will help us avenge it? You will not beat him Bar?"

Nuan Nuan waved his hands wrapped like rice dumplings in front of Nalan Jinnian's eyes.

Nalan Jinnian pulled down Wen Nuan's hand, his eyes were full of murderous intent: "I will not let anyone who dares to hurt a hair of yours go!"

Whoever makes his wife and children shed a drop of blood, he will shed all his blood!

Nalan Jinnian touched the gauze on his warm palm, wanting to take it apart to see how bad the injury was.

Nuan Nuan held him down, blinked at him, and looked outside again: "It's okay, I took the best medicine, and the pain doesn't hurt at all, it will be fine in two days!"

Nalan Jinnian thought of the strength of Ziqi, so he didn't take it apart: "It doesn't hurt anymore?"

Wen Nuan nodded: "It doesn't hurt, the skin is traumatized, and there are not a few drops of blood left! But"

Wen Nuan covered his nose, and looked at his bloody armor with disgust: "You smell a bit strong, the smell of blood is too strong, I feel a little nauseous, can I go and wash up first?"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

He glanced at his blood-stained armor, and quickly stepped back, worried about being warm.

Warmth: "Hurry up and wash it up, I want you to hug me to sleep. It's cold!"

"Okay!" He quickly ran to close the door, then turned around and went to the clean room to freshen up.

When he came in just now, he forgot to close the door, and the air-conditioning entered the room.

Nalan Jinnian ignored the people kneeling in the yard outside.

After Nalan Jinnian left, Wen Nuan turned to Chen Huan and the others who were kneeling outside: "Get up, you all! What are you doing kneeling there! Chen Xi, Xia Xuan, go back to the house and rest! Chen Huan, come in!" "

Chen Huan immediately opened the door and walked in: "Princess!"

Wen Nuan whispered: "Don't let your mouth slip!"

After she said this in a low voice, she said loudly: "Go and prepare some food for the prince, he is hungry! I am hungry too!"

"Yes!" Chen Huan withdrew.

Outside, Chen Xi, Xia Xuan and others were still kneeling.

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