When Nalan Jinnian came out, Chen Huan had already set up two bowls of egg noodles.

Wen Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "Chen Xi and the others are still kneeling outside, let them get up! It's freezing cold, and I need to heal the root cause of the disease!"

Nalan Jinnian originally wanted to refuse, but he said to Chen Huan after hearing the words: "Go down, let them all get up!"

But Chen Huan said: "The servant waits for the princess to eat noodles, the princess..."

Nalan Jinnian's heart tightened suddenly.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly interrupted Chen Huan: "Brother Seventeen just feed me, you can go down!"

Chen Huan looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

Only then did Chen Huan retreat, and closed the door smoothly.

Warm wants to get out of bed.

Nalan Jinnian gave her a cold look: "How dare you get out of bed and try!"

Don't think he didn't see it, she can't get out of bed!


Nalan Jinnian picked up a bowl of noodles and came to the bed. He picked up a chopsticks of noodles, blew on them, and then fed them to Wen Nuan's mouth.

Nuannuan: "I'm not actually hungry, I just want to eat with you, Brother Seventeen, you can eat first!"

The batter is not good.

He came back so quickly, he must have eaten nothing, and he didn't know how the war was going.

"I'll eat after you finish eating." Nalan Jinnian insisted holding up his chopsticks.

Wen Nuan couldn't help him, so he said, "Then you take a bite, and I take a bite?"

"Hmm." Nalan Jinnian snorted coldly, agreeing.

So the two of you shared a bowl of noodles one bite at a time.

Of course, Nalan Jinnian ate a lot, and after Nuan Nuan ate half of it, he didn't want to eat it.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I'm full. I can't sleep if I eat too much." Nuan Nuan touched his stomach.

The truth is, it's not good, and she wants to add some vinegar and chili to it.

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian didn't force her, he finished the noodles in the bowl in two or three mouthfuls, and continued to eat the other bowl.

Nalan Jinnian was really hungry, he lay in ambush in Mount Taining for a day, not to mention eating, not even a drop of water entered!

After Nalan Jinnian rinsed his mouth, he returned to the bed, carefully hugged Nuan Nuan in his arms, and gently placed his hand on her abdomen: "Our child"

"Don't worry, it's all right. Why did you come back suddenly? Has the city been taken back?"

"Yongping County has been taken back. I don't know about Beifeng County. I suddenly felt a pain in my heart. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I came back! But it's still too late!"

Wen Nuan didn't expect it to be like this, her hand was also placed on her abdomen, could it be that she really had telepathy?

"Not too late! I'm fine again."

Nalan Jinnian held a warm hand: "You have, but you don't admit it!"


"Nonsense! You can tell by my face that I'm fine!"

After Wen Nuan finished speaking, she deliberately yawned: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

She quickly closed her eyes, as if I was asleep and don't disturb me.

Nalan Jinnian looked down at Nuan Nuan, a little helpless.

He kissed her forehead and didn't ask any more questions.

She didn't say that she didn't want to worry about herself.

But he couldn't help but know, he couldn't help but know what hurt her, even if she was fine now.

If he dared to hurt his wife and children, he would pay them back thousands of times!

Maybe it's because I'm full, maybe it's because the quilt is too warm, maybe it's because someone is by my side, and I fall asleep soon after being warm.

Nalan Jinnian didn't get up quietly until Wen Nuan fell asleep.

He intends to ask what happened.

As soon as he moved, Nuannuan hugged his hand tightly.

Nalan Jinnian could only continue to lie flat, and held her in his arms again to make her sleep more peacefully.

The next day, Nalan Jinnian woke up before dawn, and he whispered to Wen Nuan as usual: "I got up to do morning exercises, you continue to sleep. Be good!"

After speaking, he bowed his head and kissed the warm forehead.

In a daze, Wen Nuan knew that he got up, and this was the time he got up every day.

Nuan turned over and continued to sleep.

Now she's a bit of a gourmand lethargy trend.

After Nalan Jinnian dressed and washed, she left the house.


Chen Huan, Chen Xi, and Xia Xuan knelt in a row.

Nalan Jinnian looked at them coldly: "Speak!"

Chen Huan was the first to speak: "The maidservant deserves to die, she didn't protect the princess well."

Chen Huan told the whole story.

After listening to Chen Huan's words, Nalan Jinnian's dark icy eyes instantly rolled with overwhelming hostility, and his whole body exuded a killing intent that made people want to avoid three feet!


The child of him and the little girl was actually beaten by that person until he became famous!

Although she said it was fine and she resolutely refused to ask a doctor, but

Only Nalan Jinnian knew that if Wen Nuan was not born with blessings and protected by purple energy, their children would be gone!

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were scarlet at the moment, and he sat there quietly without saying anything, but the air around him seemed to freeze.

Chen Huan and the others could only feel the silence before the catastrophe that would destroy the world!

They were so scared that they didn't dare to take a breath!

half an hour

"Search!" Nalan Jinnian said coldly.

A cold word, light and fluffy!

The three people kneeling on the ground trembled all over, feeling the overwhelming ice scum falling down!

"Yes!" The three said in unison.

"This matter is settled, you go to receive the punishment yourself!"

"Yes!" The three of them agreed without hesitation.

The city has been blocked for the first time, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!

The soldiers didn't realize that someone had just rushed out, so Elder Hu and the others must still stay in the city!

Elder Hu is a master of martial arts, so it's not surprising that the soldiers couldn't find him!

Even if it is found, there is no soldier in this city who is his opponent.

However, Nalan Jinnian is back! ~

When Nalan Jinnian returned to the room, Wen Nuan had just woken up, and she was still a little dazed. She opened her eyes, hugged the quilt and lay on the bed, her beautiful face was pillowed on the big red quilt, her eyes were bewildered, I don't know what I'm thinking.

It was unbearably beautiful.

Nalan Jinnian put away the rolling killing intent in his icy eyes, and a smile and tenderness surged up in the blink of an eye.

The cold breath on his body also disappeared.

He walked to the bed and sat down: "Wake up."

When the words fell, he leaned over and pressed down, not giving Nuan a chance to speak.

It's a statement, not a question.

It wasn't until the breathing of both of them became a little messy that Nalan Jinnian was worried that if he continued, he would lose control, so he stopped.

The foreheads of the two were pressed against each other, Nalan Jinnian put his hands on her side, not letting his weight rest on her, he lowered his head and gently pecked at the slightly red and swollen, delicate and charming mouth. After a while, he yelled softly: "Little liar!"

Wen Nuan was taken aback, what the hell is a little liar?

Then he thought of something, he probably knew everything!

Wen Nuan stretched out his arms around his neck, pulled him down, then turned over and pressed someone under him: "I'm not lying to you, they don't know, I know, it's okay!"

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