The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1288 It's normal for girls to be tricky

Nalan Jinnian was startled, subconsciously hugged her slender waist, put her on the bed carefully, and hugged her to prevent her from pressing on her abdomen.

"Don't make trouble, be careful." He put his hand on her abdomen and rubbed it gently, as if to comfort her.

Nuannuan was amused by his cautious appearance, it is the first time to be a father, I don't know, "It's not that delicate."

"Yesterday, did it hurt?" Nalan Jinnian's thumb gently rubbed against her lower abdomen, through the belly, to comfort the little one inside.

It's all bleeding, it must be painful, right?

Nuan Nuan shook his head: "It doesn't hurt, it's not like you don't know that I have purple energy."

Of course it hurts, but telling him will only make him feel more distressed and blame himself.

"I'll take you with me from now on."

Even on the battlefield!

Keep her in his sight too.

within his reach.

Nuan Nuan thought of something, and said with a smile: "That's a deal! If I go to the battlefield next time, I will give birth soon, so remember to take me with you!"


Nalan Jinnian pinched her delicate little nose: "Well, no matter what, I will take you by my side!"

If she gives birth, he must stay by her side.

Even if a city is lost!

If the city is lost, he can lay down tens of thousands of cities and come back.

But something happened to her and the child, and he didn't know what to do!

He never wanted to experience that sudden panic and fear again!

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Master, Princess, it's time for dinner."

"come in!"

Nalan Jinnian sat up straight and got out of bed.

Warm also wants to get out of bed.

Nalan Jinnian held her down: "Don't get out of bed."

Seeing red, tire gas, needing to rest in bed, he still knows, then took the clothes and put them on Wen Nuan.

"I haven't washed yet."

"Sit!" He stood up, went to get water, waited for Nuan to rinse his mouth and wash his face.

Chen Huan pushed open the door, walked in with a food box, and took out the breakfast inside.

Breakfast is chicken porridge, milk bird's nest, and dumplings.

Wen Nuan looked over and saw the dumplings.

There are dumplings, but no vinegar and chili sauce, how can it work!

"Chen Huan, bring some vinegar and chili sauce."

Chen Huan looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian put the face towel that helped warm his face back into the copper basin. He didn't understand why Chen Huan looked at him for such a trivial matter, so he said calmly: "Did you hear what the princess said?"

"Yes!" Chen Huan thought to himself, you will know after a while, master!

Chen Huan walked out.

Nuan Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "Since you won't let me go to the ground, then carry me over to sit and eat! I don't want to eat on the bed."

Nalan Jinnian thought for a while and thought it was okay, so he took a thick cushion and put two layers on the stool, then hugged Nuan Nuan to the round table and sat down.

Chen Huan had already brought vinegar and chili sauce, and then retreated tactfully.

Wen Nuan looked at the vinegar and chili sauce on the bowl with bright eyes.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

He's only been away for a day, isn't it a year?

Nuan couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and pick up the dumplings.

Nalan Jinnian put the bird's nest in front of her and took back the chopsticks in her hand.

"Eat this first!"

Eating bird's nest on an empty stomach in the morning is good for her and for the baby.

Nalan Jinnian took a spoonful of bird's nest and fed it to Wen Nuan's mouth.

This thing is indeed good for the child's development, Nuan Nuan opened his mouth to eat it.

Then he reached out to take the spoon: "I'll eat it myself! You can eat it too."


Seeing Nuannuan obediently eating the bird's nest, Nalan Jinnian also started to eat it himself.

Nuan quickly finished a bowl of bird's nest, and then went to eat dumplings.

Nalan Jinnian watched Nuan Nuan picked up a dumpling, rolled the dumpling a few times on a bowl of vinegar, then picked it up and put it in the chili sauce, rolled it a few times before putting it in his mouth!

Then the warm brows stretched out!

good to eat!

Seeing Nuan Nuan's satisfied expression, Nalan Jinnian followed her example, picked up a dumpling and rolled it in vinegar, then rolled it in chili sauce before putting it in his mouth.

"Cough cough."

Nalan Jinnian immediately choked on the strong smell of acetic acid!

He quickly spit out the dumpling.

It's just that sour and spicy taste that stimulated his taste buds to the maximum and impacted his mouth!

"Cough cough."

Wen Nuan handed him a cup of tea: "Are you all right?"

Nalan Jinnian took it and drank the whole cup of tea without suppressing the strong taste in his mouth.

"How can you eat it so sour?"

Warm and innocent: "I still don't think it's sour or spicy enough!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

After Nuan Nuan finished speaking, he picked up another dumpling and rolled it on top of the vinegar and chili sauce, then put it in his mouth, and ate it with relish!

Eat one after another!

Nalan Jinnian watched her happily eating one by one.

The air is full of acetic acid!

Seeing that a plate of dumplings was half gone, she picked up a dumpling and still wanted to roll it in the vinegar.

Nalan Jinnian held her hand and snatched the chopsticks from her hand, the dumpling was still caught in the chopsticks and said, "I'll feed you!"

If you eat like this, you should have a stomachache!

Nalan Jinnian fed the dumplings to Wen Nuan's mouth.

Nuan closed his mouth tightly, staring at the vinegar and chili sauce on the Kang table.

If she doesn't dip it in sauce, she won't eat it!

Nalan Jinnian wanted to pinch his eyebrows: "No, you've eaten a lot just now! You can't eat it with sauce!"

This way of eating, she is not afraid of red butt?

Nuan Nuan shook his head: "It's not tasty, I can't eat it. Besides, it's the children who want to eat, not me!"

Wen Nuan gently patted his belly.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the warm belly, thinking about eating so soon?

Such a greedy mouth, it should be a daughter!

definitely is!

Well, girls, it's normal to be a bit tricky.

Thinking of this, Nalan Jinnian dipped the dumplings lightly in the vinegar, lightly dipped them in the chili sauce, and then fed them to Wen Nuan's mouth.

Nuan Nuan glanced at it with disgust: "Too little, not enough flavor!"

"Hey, don't eat too much, it's too sour! Your stomach can't take it, and neither can our daughter!"

"Do you know it's a daughter?"

Although Nuan Nuan disliked it, he opened his mouth wide and ate it.


If it's not a daughter but a son who loves food so much, after he is born, he will hit him until he dances!

Nuannuan smiled: "I think so too!"

"Well, that must be my daughter!"

Nalan Jinnian continued to feed her two meals, but Wen Nuan didn't want to eat any more.

Nalan Jinnian didn't force himself, after all, he ate a lot, so he should be full, and then he ate all the rest of the food.

The two had just finished their breakfast when Chen Huan hurried in.

Nalan Jinnian thought he had found someone.

Chen Huan was faintly excited and said: "Master, the concubine's army has returned in triumph! The magistrate asked if the master would open the gates of the city and let the people go out to welcome them!"

After all, they are now under martial law throughout the city, and no one can enter or leave.

It's just that the army is triumphant, and the gates of the city are opened to welcome, that is the rule!

The fourth update, today's fifth update, and one more update later, cuties, show your face and vote~~

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