After dinner, Nalan Jinnian discussed matters with the Seventh Prince, Prince An's son, and other generals in the study.

At this moment, the Seventh Prince's heart is full of pride, and he feels that his talent, which is so unique in the world, finally has a place to use!

He said excitedly: "Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, is it our turn to attack Beiming Kingdom and capture their city next?"

"Well. There are still two months before the end of the year. We must capture at least one city in the Beiming Kingdom to celebrate the New Year."

This is because it is inconvenient to march in winter, and the city of Beiming Kingdom is relatively large.

Nalan Jinnian planned to take two of them in his heart, but they might be more reluctant, because the Southern Border Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom, and Dongling Kingdom didn't know what was going on.

After thinking about it, Prince An's son felt that this goal was reasonable. He glanced at the map of Beiming Kingdom, and then asked, "Which city does Uncle Seventeen plan to attack Beiming Kingdom first?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes fell on the huge map of Beiming Kingdom.

Nalan Kingdom is surrounded by four countries, and because Beiming Kingdom is the largest country on this continent, there are quite a lot of places where it borders Nalan Kingdom.

It's just that there are a lot of places separated by a very wide river, and some places are separated by a chasm. These are natural moats in this dynasty, and they are difficult to cross!

It's as difficult as climbing to the sky!

This has also become a natural barrier between a country and a country!

It is also because of this that Beiming Kingdom will attack Beifeng County and Yongping County of Nalan Kingdom in the first place!

As for Nalan Kingdom, on the northwest frontier, Beiming Kingdom has two big prefectures adjacent to Nalan Kingdom, and the first one is Anfeng City in Beiming Kingdom. The second one is Tianchu City in Beiming Kingdom.

These two cities are relatively large, one to three times larger than Nalan Kingdom's Yongding City!

Because Anfeng City is a border city in the desert, leaving Anfeng City means entering the desert.

And Chutian City is relatively small, but it needs mountains to have mountains, water to have water, and grasslands to have grasslands, so this city is considered a relatively wealthy city in Beiming Country.

But the terrain has Butterfly Valley in the south, desert in the north, Anfeng City in the west, and the first lake in the mainland, Chutian Lake and Chutian River in the south.

But it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the two cities and said indifferently: "It's fine, you guys discuss it carefully, and after five days, each of you will write a siege strategy to the king."

Nalan Jinnian left these words and walked out.

He wants to go back and take a walk with his little princess after dinner!

Seeing him walking out, the Seventh Prince hurriedly called to him: "Uncle Seventeen, where are you going?"

Aren't we going to discuss how to attack Beiming Kingdom?

How come he just ran away by himself.

"Walking!" Nalan Jinnian left a cold back and hurried out without looking back.

Everyone: "."

"What do you mean by taking a walk?" Cao Zihao recovered from his trance and glanced at everyone.

He always felt that the walk in King Jin's mouth must not be easy!

Yuan Minzhe: "Could it be that King Jin is going to look around the border of Beiming? To inquire about the military situation?"

Cao Zihao: "It's possible! Your lord never fights unprepared battles!"

Gao Yi: "But, is five days enough to go back and forth?"

Everyone: "."

The corners of the Seventh Prince's mouth twitched, that's where they wanted to find out about the military situation!

It was Aunt Seventeen who said just now that she was too full and wanted to take a walk to digest food!

But just now, the seventeenth emperor's uncle clearly said no to the seventeenth emperor's aunt, and asked her to stay in bed.

Now I can't help but run back.

This man!

Why did he think that Uncle Seventeen had the potential to be a foolish emperor?

Prince An's son obviously thought about it too, he coughed and said, "Okay, let's discuss attacking the city of Beiming Kingdom first! Five days later, we have to submit a siege strategy! We have captured a city in Beiming. In Dacheng, we will be able to celebrate the new year happily! Maybe we can go home to celebrate the new year!"

When everyone heard the words, they not only became spiritual!

In the New Year, who doesn't want to be happy and reunite!

When Nalan Jinnian came back to the house, Nuannuan was sitting on the bed reading a book, seeing Nalan Jinnian came back, he asked in surprise, "Why are you back?"

Nalan Jinnian went to the closet and took a set of clothes for Nuannuan: "It's not that I want to go for a walk to refresh myself."

Nalan Jinnian had read Wen Nuan's book to Wen Wen and the Eighth Princess before, and among them was a piece of advice to take a walk after meals and exercise, which is conducive to childbirth.

It's just that when she was writing those books, he was not always by her side. He was worried that some precautions had not been noticed, so he asked the eighth princess to come out silently, and asked someone to send some from the capital.

"Didn't you put me on bed rest?"

"I'll take you out for a walk."


Is this still called going out for a walk to eliminate food?

Nalan Jinnian helped Nuan put on his coat, and then put a hand stove in Nuan's hand: "Hold it well."

"Aren't you still going to discuss matters? It doesn't matter if I don't take a walk."

"Not urgent."

She is only ten months pregnant, but it is not possible to win the Beiming Kingdom in ten months.

It's really not in a hurry, he has a lifetime to conquer the Beiming Kingdom, and she missed it if she missed it for ten months of pregnancy, and he tried not to miss every moment of her pregnancy and childbirth.

After all, there are only ten months!

Nalan Jinnian went to get the cloak again, wrapped her tightly, then squatted down and put on a pair of deerskin snow boots for her, and then carried her out.

"Since you are putting on my shoes, why are you hugging me?" Wen Nuan asked with his arms around his neck.

"I'm worried that your feet are cold." When she came back from the city gate this morning, she thought she was not wearing shoes, and her little feet were a little cold.

Nalan Jinnian walked towards the back garden of the inn with warmth in his arms.

I know it's not snow, because there is a dark fragrance.

Before entering the plum forest, Nuan Nuan already smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms.

"There is Merlin in this station?"


Nalan Jinnian came to Merlin with warmth in his arms.

This is a red plum grove.

Aoxue Hanmei, the colder the weather, the better the plum blossoms will bloom.

The bright red plum blossoms are dotted with a layer of white snow, which is very beautiful!

Nuan Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "I want to pick a plum blossom and put it in a vase. Let me down for a while, don't be afraid!"

"Okay." Nalan Jinnian thought for a while and put Nuan Nuan on the ground.

Nuan Nuan picked a plum blossom that was half in bloom, half of which was still in bud and folded off.


Nalan Jinnian stood beside Nuannuan, he stretched out his hand to flick the snow off a blooming plum blossom, and then picked it off.

He glanced at the plum blossom that Wen Nuan had folded, and nodded: "En."

Then he gently took off the cap of her cloak, put the plum blossom in his hand on her black hair, and took a look: "It's not beautiful enough for you!"

Nuan Nuan was stunned for a moment: "I didn't expect you to be able to speak sweet words!"

Nalan Jinnian raised his eyebrows: "I'm telling the truth!"

He put the cloak and hat back on her, then hugged Nuannuan horizontally, and continued to walk forward.

At this time, Xiao Hei flew down from the sky and landed on a plum tree, looking at the two with aggrieved eyes!

They are here to admire the plum blossoms?

It flies around all day, and it's so busy!

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