Nuan Nuan looked at Xiao Hei on the branch, the sad look in his eyes was unclear.

But Xiao Hei spread his huge wings and looked at Nalan Jinnian angrily: "Hurry up!" It's going to find the little fool to appreciate the plum blossoms!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at it coldly, Xiao Hei shrank his neck, and then looked at Wen Nuan, his eyes became more and more aggrieved.

Nuannuan thought of Xiaohei flying back and forth day and night, which was also new. She pulled Lanalan Jinnian's sleeve: "Why are you so fierce? You scared Xiaohei!"

Xiao Hei nodded.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Didn't she see that this little thing killed herself first?

If you don't teach me a little bit, this will go to heaven in the future!

Wen Nuan stepped forward and untied the paper scroll under Xiao Hei's wings: "Xiao Hei, go to Chen Huan for something to eat! I don't have any pills with me."

Xiao Hei couldn't wait to flap his wings and fly away.

Taking a look, there was a playful look in his eyes.

The great grandson of the great emperor is seriously ill and wants to return to Beijing?

Hehe, seeing an opportunity, he started restless again!

Also, as the eldest son of the emperor, how can he be peaceful!

With such an identity, he would feel sorry for God for giving him the identity of the emperor's eldest son.

Nalan Jinnian looked down at the contents of the letter, but his face was expressionless.

He never believed that the eldest prince would guard the imperial mausoleum for the rest of his life.

He will return to the capital one day.

I just don't know what excuse he will find to go back.

Is the great grandson seriously ill?

That's a good excuse.

After all, Brother Huang values ​​family affection very much in his heart.

Nuannuan said at this time: "The grandson of Zeng Huangsun is seriously ill, the emperor loves him dearly, and people send him fresh vegetables from thousands of miles away. In this icy and snowy world, it is difficult for the servants who deliver the vegetables to go from the capital to Jianghuai Mansion every day. Wenjia Village in Ningyuan County also has healthy vegetables, so it’s better to send them directly from Ningyuan County.”

Nalan Jinnian looked down at the person in his arms: "Why should I send it?"

Nuan Nuan said this not because of her generosity, but because the emperor's health vegetables were also sent by Anguo Gongfu. Since the health vegetables are all from her family, she might as well ask the emperor to send them from Ningyuan County.

"Could it be that the healthy vegetables sent by the emperor are not from my family?" The healthy vegetables in the capital are even better than those in Ningyuan County!

After all, she hasn't returned to Ningyuan County for a while.

"You don't want to, I have a lot of ways to make the emperor not send it away."

"That's not necessary, it's just a vegetable. Besides, I want to see if the great grandson is really seriously ill, and if some people have changed their ways."

"The country is easy to change." Nalan Jinnian entered a pavilion with warmth in his arms.

There are thick curtains here to keep out the cold wind, and a charcoal pot is burned in the pavilion, which is very warm.

The stool had been padded with thick cushions, apparently for warmth.

Nalan Jinnian sat down with a warm embrace, and placed her in his arms.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to test it out with a few vegetables?"

There are too many things that can be brought by the method of growing lettuce!

Nalan Jinnian naturally knew the meaning of warmth.

Now only the emperor's brother is in the capital, and they are in the frontier, the four countries are besieging, many things are difficult to control.

She was worried that the eldest prince would harm his brother if he returned to Beijing!

So I want to try it with lettuce.

"You also know that the eldest prince and I are incompatible, so I feel more at ease if I take the initiative to attack. Okay?" Seeing that Nalan Jinnian hadn't spoken, Wen Nuan asked with his arms around Nalan Jinnian's neck.

Nalan Jinnian's heart warmed up: "As you wish."

She said that it would be more reassuring for her to take the initiative, but in fact she was just making him more reassuring.

She knew that she would be worried about Brother Huang.

At the same time, she is also worried about Brother Huang!

Otherwise, an eldest prince, this girl is not in her eyes!

"Then you write a letter back and talk to the emperor, and then I will arrange for someone to deliver lettuce to the great-grandson tomorrow."

"Hmm." Nalan Jinnian hugged her tightly, laid her down slightly, then lowered her head and sealed her soft mouth.

For such a considerate little girl, he couldn't help but want to love her well.

Lingering, lingering, affectionate

a long time.

Nalan Jinnian let her go, and if he didn't stop, he was afraid that he would lose control of himself.

He pressed his forehead against hers: "Three months?"

Nuan blushed and nodded.


He couldn't help but bury his face in her neck, adjusting his breath.

Three months!

There are still two months!

Two months, not two hours! Not even two quarters of an hour!

How can you bear it?

He felt that he couldn't bear it now!

His head moved up slightly to touch her ear, and his voice was hoarse: "But what should I do? I'm afraid I can't help it."

Nalan Jinnian hugged him tightly, wanting to rub him into his body.

Too tortured!

They just got married not long ago!

If it's not an expedition, it's a joy!

The warm breath was also messed up, his scorching breath sprayed on the skin of her face, and her face felt even hotter: "How about you go out of the pavilion and run a few laps in the snow, let the ice and snow calm you down, By the way, to kill some energy?"

Nalan Jinnian hugged her even tighter with his long arms, and lightly bit her earring!

"Little heartless!"

Wen Nuan shrank his neck: "It hurts! Otherwise, what can you do?"

Nalan Jinnian didn't speak, took a deep breath, picked her up, and walked out of the pavilion.

"Calm down and calm down together!"

"I don't need it! You just need to calm down."

"you sure?"

"Well! I'm not you, thinking about this kind of thing all day long!" Nuan Nuan nodded.

Nalan Jinnian narrowed his eyes: "You don't want to?"

"In no mood!"

"It seems that the king's charm is not enough. This king will work hard!"

Warmth pulled the beard from the tiger's head without fear of death, hugged his waist, deliberately rubbed against his arms, and said with a smile, "Well, I'm waiting for you to work hard!"

Anyway, he won't be able to do anything for a long time in the future!

Nalan Jinnian's eyes dimmed.

The little goblin!

Nalan Jinnian hugged her tightly. Stride to the house.

He has to prove his charm!

In the end, a certain person only proved that he was really asking for trouble, wearing summer clothes in the ice and snow, and running dozens of laps in the snow.

The soldiers at the station were confused!

It's getting dark today, is the prince still practicing?

Feng Nianchen and Wen Ran had just returned from healing the wounded soldiers when they saw Nalan Jinnian running there.

They originally wanted to check Nuanhao's pulse, but when they saw Nalan Jinnian, they all stopped.

The Seventh Prince and Prince An's son had just finished discussing with the generals and left the study room. They saw Nalan Jinnian running there, and they also stood on the corridor watching.

Wen Ran was surprised and said, "Third brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Feng Nianchen looked at the thinly dressed Nalan Jinnian and raised his eyebrows: "Maybe there is nowhere to vent?"

Wen Ran didn't understand, so: "What is there to vent?"

Feng Nianchen didn't answer her.

The Seventh Prince raised his eyebrows, nowhere to vent?

Nalan Jinnian saw Feng Nianchen, ran up to the two of them, and said to Feng Nianchen, "Come with me, I have something to ask you!"

He grabbed Feng Nianchen's clothes and went to the study.

Prince An's son's heart moved. He felt that the seventeenth emperor's uncle wanted to ask him now, and he would also need it one day.

So he lifted his feet and followed up!

When the Seventh Prince thought of something, he went straight back to his yard.

When it comes to ways to vent excess energy, who has more people who have tasted all kinds of flowers than him!

He had to find a book to guide Uncle Seventeen.

Wen Ran watched the backs of the few people leaving, she shook her head, and walked into the room to find warmth.


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