Early the next morning, after breakfast with Nalan Jinnian, Nuan Nuan said to Chen Huan, "Chen Huan, send someone to Ningyuan County to deliver a letter to Feng An, and ask him to pick some healthy vegetables suitable for children every day. Send it to the imperial mausoleum to the great grandson. Remember to tell him"

Nuannuan specially explained a few words.

Nalan Jinnian added: "By the way, let Feng An send someone to bring over some healthy vegetables and meat every few days."

A seriously ill great-grandson eats lettuce, and the little girl is happy now, eating alone and making up for two, shouldn't it be better to eat better?

"Yes!" Chen Huan agreed, and then walked out.

At this time, the Seventh Prince walked in with a beautiful red sandalwood box, and he happily said to Chen Huan: "Chen Huan remember to ask someone to send more vegetables and meat! Count me in!"

Nalan Jinnian gave him a cold look: "Get lost!

Then he said to Chen Huan: "Don't worry about him, he will eat with the soldiers!"

The Seventh Prince hurriedly said: "Don't! Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, I will pay the money myself, okay? It's not a war now, and I'm not allowed to eat better!! Usually, soldiers can also pay for extra meals by themselves! Moreover, Uncle Seventeen, I have a peerless martial arts cheat book for you! I guarantee you will like it!"

"No need! You keep it for yourself to practice more, one hundred taels a meal." Nalan Jinnian said flatly.

Soldiers can indeed pay for their own extra meals.

But few soldiers were willing to do so. After all, most soldiers were children from poor families, and all the military pay they earned was saved and sent home.

And the food in the military camp is not bad. Every meal has meat and vegetables, and it is full. Although there is less meat, most of it is minced meat, but this is better than eating at home for many soldiers!

After all, not every household can afford to eat meat every meal.

Nalan Jinnian has been on the battlefield for so many years, and has never tried extra meals, in order to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

But this time when he was warm and happy, he made an exception.

He didn't care what happened to him, but he couldn't wrong a wife who was pregnant with his child and went to the battlefield to advise the war.

However, the imperial court stipulated that the food of generals could be better than that of ordinary soldiers.

What to eat, strictly speaking, depends on the requirements of each leading general.

One hundred and two meals?

Isn't this going to grab money?

The Seventh Prince raised the "Peerless Martial Arts Secret Book" in his hand: "Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, this martial arts secret book is very suitable for you to practice. I will give you this book, and you won't be charged for the food, okay? Seventeenth Emperor, I promise You are not at a loss! And if you don’t accept my martial arts secret book, you will regret it! If you look for Brother Feng, he doesn’t even have such a powerful martial arts secret book in his hand.”

The Seventh Prince's hint was already obvious.

Nalan Jinnian thought of the reason why he went to find Feng Nianchen last night, glanced at the red sandalwood box and then at the Seventh Prince.

This brat actually brought this kind of book with him when he went out to war?

Nuan Nuan took a look at the wooden box in his hand, it was exquisitely carved, and it was made of red sandalwood. Such a precious wooden box should not be bad for storing martial arts secrets, right?

None of the martial arts secrets in Nalan Jinnian's study were preserved so well!

She stretched out her hand and said, "Give it to me, let me see!"

Nalan Jinnian stood up at this moment and snatched the wooden box from the Seventh Prince's hand: "Aren't you going to train?"

The Seventh Prince said happily: "I'll go right away! I'll go right away! Aunt Seventeen, don't forget my food!"

When the words fell, he whistled and left!

There will be delicious food in the future!

Nuannuan looked at the wooden box in Nalan Jinnian's hand: "Aren't you going to open it to see what martial arts secrets it is? I'll see if I can practice it."

She felt that she had to practice martial arts, otherwise it would be troublesome to meet a master like the white-haired old man last time!

Nalan Jinnian did not give warmth: "There is no rush to practice martial arts, we will talk about it after our daughter is born. I will choose a suitable martial art for you when the time comes, and I will go to the study to write back to Brother Huang."

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he leaned over and kissed Wen Nuan's forehead, and then went to the study with the wooden box.

At this time, Nuannuan is indeed not suitable for martial arts. She felt that the two of them were weird, so she didn't have time to think about it. At this time, the eighth princess hurried in and said happily: "Nuannuan, are you happy?"

Nuan smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Sure enough, the emperor's grandmother was right, and the emperor's grandmother wrote to herself that the day of Nuan Nuan's big wedding happened to be the day when she was most likely to conceive. She will soon be able to hold grandchildren! He also asked himself to take the child back to play with the warm child after giving birth.

How much she looked forward to that time!

just my child

The eighth princess's eyes darkened.

Nuannuan didn't miss the loss in the eyes of the eighth princess, she was afraid that the eighth princess would fall in love with the scene.

Most importantly, she didn't know how to comfort the eighth princess at this time.

Losing a child is so painful!

This kind of pain cannot be relieved by a few words of comfort from others.

It will always hurt to think about it!

Thinking of seeing the red that day, she was also afraid for a while!

Fortunately, she has purple energy.

Wen Nuan took the hand of the eighth princess: "It's just that the pulse has not yet shown. Brother Feng and I can't tell, but I can be sure in my heart. There was an assassin that day, he was injured by him, and I was sure when I saw red. Already!"

The eighth princess couldn't care less about being sad when she heard the words. She held onto Wen Nuan's hand tightly and said with a pale face, "Are you all right? Is the child all right?"

Nuan Nuan hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay!"

The eighth princess breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, hugged Nuannuan, and shed tears: "Nuannuan, you must protect him, it hurts so much! I regret it to death! I was too stupid to protect him. , woo woo."

Nuannuan hugged the eighth princess and her eyes turned red: "I know, I will! Eighth princess, don't be sad, he will come back to you, and when you recover your body, he will come back to you soon!"

"Really? But I didn't protect him well, he." The eighth princess sniffed.

"Of course! This time it was an accident, he knew it! Our eighth princess is such a good concubine mother, why is he reluctant to come back! So you must take good care of your body. Only when your body is healthy can he be stronger! Don't cry, it will hurt your eyes."

The eighth princess let go of the warmth, and quickly wiped away her tears: "I won't cry! I will take good care of myself! Wait for him to come back!"

Wen Nuan took out a handkerchief to help the eighth princess wipe away her tears: "That's right!"

The eighth princess stopped her tears, thought of something, and said worriedly: "You said the pulse is still not out? Count the days and your menstrual period is nearly ten days late, right?"

"Yeah." Wen Nuan didn't understand, her menstrual period was almost ten days late, why didn't her pulse show up~

If it wasn't for the breath of life in her stomach, her appetite had changed drastically, and she especially liked sour food, she would have suspected that her menstruation was irregular!

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