The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1296: It's the Southern Border Country Again!

The eighth princess's heart couldn't help but pick up. There must be something wrong with this child, right?

Whether it's Nuan Nuan or Feng Nianchen, their medical skills are so good, how could it be possible that they haven't seen it for so long!

The pulse condition can judge whether the child is growing well in the womb.

can't come out

Isn't this too scary?

There used to be some concubines in the palace.

Thinking of some secrets, the eighth princess couldn't help but shudder!

Wen Nuan saw that the eighth princess was worried, and she took her hand: "Don't worry, it's okay. Maybe it will be announced in a few days. So don't say anything about this matter for now."

The eighth princess was very worried, but she didn't dare to tell Nuannuan, for fear of frightening her, she had to tell Uncle Seventeen about it!

The eighth princess nodded: "Well, it will be fine! Nuannuan, I'll go back first, and Amber doesn't know if she woke up."

Nuan nodded.

The eighth princess hurried out.

When she came here just now, she saw Uncle Seventeen. Uncle Seventeen said he was going to the study.


In addition to the four treasures of the study, there is also an opened exquisite rosewood box on the huge huanghuali wood desk.

There is also a book inside the red sandalwood box, on which is written the secrets of orgasms.

Nalan Jinnian was sitting at the large huanghuali wood desk, holding a book in his hand, and was concentrating on studying it.

On the cover of that book, there are eighteen styles of mandarin ducks playing in water.

The eighth princess rushed in directly, and said angrily, "Uncle Seventeen!"

Nalan Jinnian quickly put the book back into the rosewood box, and then closed the lid with a "bang".

With a straight face, he looked at the eighth princess coldly: "Are there any rules?"

Even if no one is guarding his study, as long as he is inside, no one dares to trespass!

If he is not inside, someone will naturally be guarding outside.

The eighth princess was so frightened that her body froze, she quickly stood up, and then walked in slowly, and saluted dignifiedly: "Xiaoba has met the seventeenth emperor uncle."

After saying that, she couldn't help but glanced at the red sandalwood box. Is there anything in it?

Why did she feel that Uncle Seventeen was a little flustered just now?

Nalan Jinnian put away the red sandalwood box as if nothing had happened, and put it on the antique shelf behind, then turned around and finished, took out a piece of letter paper, picked up a brush, and without raising his head, he just asked indifferently: "Silence out!" Yet?"

The Eighth Princess kept her eyes on the red sandalwood box, and she was startled when she heard this: "What?"

Nalan Jinnian raised his eyelids, gave her a cold look, and said coldly, "What do you think?"


This look made the eighth princess subconsciously tense up.

Silence out?

silent book! ! ! ! !

How could she have forgotten this!

Then the eighth princess thought again, didn't Nuan Nuan say that she didn't need to be silent?

The Eighth Princess stared closely at Nalan Jinnian's expression, and said cautiously: "Uncle Seventeen, Aunt Seventeen said that I don't need to be silent."

"so what?"

The eighth princess thumped in her heart, and she said with a face of death: "Aunt Seventeen said, if you still want me to keep silent, she will help me to keep silent! Oh, Uncle Seventeen, now is not the time to talk about this matter! I suspect Aunt Seventeen has been poisoned!"

Nalan Jinnian's face changed when he heard the words, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes: "Speak clearly!"

"Isn't Aunt Seventeen happy? But the pulse hasn't shown yet, right?"

"Well. What does this have to do with poisoning? She is still young."

"It's not too shallow. I was able to name it so quickly with Aunt Xi Seventeen. Why can't she be named now? Seventeenth Emperor also knows some secrets in the palace. Didn't Seventeenth Emperor also be hit by it back then?" Is it poisonous? There are too many poisons in this world that silently kill children. Maybe the Seventeenth Emperor's Aunt was pregnant and was discovered in advance, and she was poisoned without her knowing. I worry"

Nalan Jinnian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it turned out that she was just suspicious.

Nalan Jinnian didn't say anything, and the secrets about Nuan Nuan couldn't be revealed.

He nodded expressionlessly: "Okay, I understand. You don't need to tell your Seventeenth Emperor Aunt about this, I will let someone find out."

Seeing that Nalan Jinnian agreed, the eighth princess felt relieved.

Since Uncle Seventeen agrees, he will definitely find out if he cares about Nuan Nuan so much.

"I dare not tell Aunt Seventeen."

"Well, step back! Remember to give the silent book to the king."

The eighth princess's face collapsed: "It's the seventeenth emperor's aunt."

"You dare to bother your Seventeenth Emperor's aunt!" Nalan Jinnian said coldly as he lowered his head and wrote something.

The eighth princess walked out with ashen face!

woo woo

If I knew I wouldn't tell him, I told Nuan Nuan directly!

Uncle Seventeen is really too bad!


After the eighth princess walked out, Nalan Jinnian turned around and hugged the red sandalwood box again, put it on the desk, took out the books inside and flipped through it page by page.

"Master!" Xia Xuan's voice sounded outside the door.

The book in Nalan Jinnian's hand fell on the table, he quickly picked it up, put the book back into the wooden box, and closed the lid with a "bang".

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Xia Xuan sharply: "What's the matter?"

Xia Xuan lowered his head in fright: "Master, we have already found out how the news about the concubine's happiness was leaked."

After the words fell, he couldn't help being slightly surprised in his heart, what was the master looking at just now, why was he so flustered?

Nalan Jinnian's eyes turned cold, and he didn't speak, obviously just to let him continue.

"It's the Southern Border Country, the Saintess of the Southern Border Country." Xia Xuan told what he had found.

Xia Xuan was shocked when he found out the truth of the matter!

The saintesses of the Southern Border Kingdom actually figured out that their concubine is happy, and she is pregnant with the future Lord of the World!

The most important thing is that they knew that the princess was happy before them, and then notified the four countries!

The name of the future lord of the world fell on the unborn little master, and soon became the thorn in the eyes and thorn in the flesh of the kings of the four kingdoms!

Not even the four kings.

The princes of Nalan Kingdom probably couldn't tolerate such a famous little master!

Nalan Jinnian didn't speak, but he exuded an invisible, very powerful killing intent.

It made Xia Xuan's cold hair stand up unconsciously.

It's the southern border country again!

It was the saintess of southern Xinjiang who pushed his little girl to the cusp of the storm again and again.

Make her a target!

Since they are so restless, before destroying Beiming Kingdom, let's destroy it first!

Otherwise, I would be sorry for giving their unborn child the title of Lord of the World!

"Don't tell the princess about this for now."

"Yes, master, Da Hui has found the sixth prince of Beiming, and I have locked him in prison. He said he wants to see you."

"No, let Chen Huan come to see the king!"

"Yes!" Xia Xuan replied, and then retreated respectfully.

Nalan Jinnian picked up the brush and was about to write a letter to Lin Tingxuan.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the red sandalwood box, he opened it, took out two books inside, and threw them into the charcoal basin.

Destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

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