After writing the letter, Nalan Jinnian went to the yamen and the barracks again.

Tomorrow is the day when the people of the two counties return to the city. Before that, the soldiers will transport back the food and money they received from the people.

When the people returned to Yongping County and Beifeng County, they could get back their own food and money by relying on the receipts for storing food in the Yamen.

The food and belongings of so many people are not a small amount, and many soldiers need to transport them back.

Nalan Jinnian went to inspect it a few years ago, and watched the cartloads of grain being transported out in an orderly manner.

Two masters were registering one car after another next to them.

Song Guizhou came to Nalan Jinnian's side, handed over a few thick ledgers with both hands, and said respectfully: "My lord, this is the registration of food and property of the people in Beifeng County. Take a look at the food and belongings of the people in the county!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't take it, he stretched out his hand and opened it to have a look.

I have to say that Song Guizhou, the magistrate, is quite good.

The registration of these properties is very clear, much clearer than the record books handed in by the magistrates of Beifeng County and Yongping County.

At that time, after the county magistrate over there receives it, it will be distributed to the common people, and the common people will sign on it and make a deposit.

What's more, the resettlement of the people in the two cities this time, and their performance when defending the city, were all good.

It is said that he couldn't hold his chopsticks when he played the drums until he ate.

"The ledger is well done." Nalan Jinnian gave a rare compliment.

Song Guizhou smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words: "After the princess read the previous account book, she instructed the officials to do it."

He dare not take this credit!

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian's eyes softened a little.

His princess is naturally good at anything!

Song Guizhou looked at Nalan Jinnian's handsome face that instantly softened, and was amazed in his heart!

Is this the cold-faced killing god on the battlefield?

Nalan Jinnian thought of something, suddenly his expression turned cold, his stern face showed a sharp look, he glanced at Song Guizhou, and said with a warning: "The common people must do a good job in distributing food reserves, if there is one grain of rice missing, this king Never forgive me!"

Song Guizhou was taken aback by the speed of his face-changing. Fortunately, although he was middle-aged, he reacted quite quickly: "Yes! I promise that half a grain of rice will be enough for the common people!"

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Nalan Jinnian didn't stay long, and it was almost time for lunch, so he had to go back to eat with Nuannuan.

When Nalan Jinnian rode his horse back to the post station, he saw someone selling pickled cucumbers and pickled radishes on the road. A lady with a big belly bought one and ate it directly with a bamboo skewer.

Seeing that she was eating happily, the husband-in-law of the woman smiled and asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious!"

Next to the woman, there were two women waiting in line to buy.

Nalan Jinnian thought that Nuan Nuan had said in front of him that he wanted to eat pickled cucumber and spicy mutton skewers, so he reined in the horse, stopped, got off the horse, and walked over.

The old woman selling pickles saw Nalan Jinnian approaching, her eyes flickered, then she looked away as if nothing had happened, lowered her head and handed two bunches of sour radishes to the girl, and said with a smile: "Thank you, two pennies. "

The two girls happily took out two Wen coins, showed the old woman, and then threw them into a basket made of bamboo next to them.

The two happily turned around with two bunches of radishes, and they were stunned when they saw Nalan Jinnian approaching!

What a handsome man!

Nalan Jinnian walked around them expressionlessly and walked to the stall.

The old lady looked at Nalan Jinnian and said with a smile, "Young master is so handsome! This is the first time I have seen such a handsome child!"

Nalan Jinnian frowned, he didn't like being stared at like this, but he didn't say anything and said, "Two strings of the same, wrap them up and take them away."

"Okay~ I bought it for my daughter-in-law, right? The men who come to my place to buy pickled radish and pickled cucumber are all bought for the wife who is happy at home! Sour and hot girl, love to eat my pickled radish and pickled cucumber My daughter-in-law gave birth to sons, if you don’t believe me, ask the wife who has eaten my sour radish, if all of them have sons,” she said as she neatly skewered two strings of sour radishes, one piece each, and then packed them again. Two pickled cucumbers, and took an oiled paper bag from the basket next to it.

At this time, a woman behind Nalan Jinnian smiled and said, "Old woman, didn't you start selling sour radishes only two days ago? Who ate your sour radishes and gave birth to a son!"

The old lady smiled and said, "You don't know that, I didn't just sell here before, the next county, the wives of the next county all know me!"

After she finished speaking, she said to Nalan Jinnian: "My lord, do you want to store it in this small basket made of straw and rattan? The oil paper is easy to break, so it is more convenient to carry it, but it will cost an extra penny."

The expression on Nalan Jinnian's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't care what the people around him said.

Wen Yan responded: "Well, hurry up."

The tone is a little impatient!

"Okay, it's done soon!" The old woman picked up a small basket made of straw and rattan neatly, and packed it.

The woman saw it and said: "Hey, I have never seen the method of weaving this little basket. The old lady is really skillful!"

The old woman's hand holding the basket was tight, her face was hidden, and she smiled: "Well, my daughter-in-law made it by herself, she is so handy! Here! Young Master! Thank you for the five cents!"

Nalan Jinnian took it, but he didn't have five cents on him, so he took out a tael of silver and gave it to her: "You will reward the rest!"

Nalan Jinnian went to a place that sold mutton kebabs and bought 20 skewers of mutton kebabs, and then bought two biscuits. When he passed by a restaurant, he thought that the braised squab in the restaurant was good, so he also went in and packed a serving. go back.

When Nalan Jinnian entered the room, Wen Nuan was sleeping on the chaise longue.

Suddenly she sniffed, then quickly opened her eyes, and saw that Nalan Jinnian's hands were full of things.

She jumped straight up!

Running to Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, what did you buy?"

Nalan Jinnian's heart skipped a beat following her movements, he quickly put down the things in his hands, and put his arms around her: "Be careful."

I've never seen her so reckless before!

"I'm hungry! Wait until you're so hungry!" Nuan pushed him away, sat down directly, and looked through the things he bought.

My eyes lit up when I saw pickled cucumbers and pickled radish!

Chen Huan wanted to test the poison with silver needles.

Nuan waved his hand: "It's okay, if it's poisonous, I can taste it!"

Nuan couldn't wait to pick it up, just about to eat it, but before putting it in his mouth, Wen Nuan paused, and then sniffed it: "Where did you buy this sour radish?"

Nalan Jinnian's eyes turned cold: "What's wrong?"


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