Nalan Jinnian's expression changed, and he hugged Nuannuan directly, so fast that Nuannuan didn't even react.

"What's wrong?"

"Wash your hands!" Nalan Jinnian came to the washbasin stand by the window with warmth in his arms.

On the shelf was a basin of water for washing hands before eating.

Nalan Jinnian put down the warmth, put her little hands into the water, and scrubbed her fingers one by one.


Warm, funny and helpless, she withdrew her hand: "It's not that exaggerated. I didn't eat."

"Don't move!" Nalan Jinnian didn't care about this, he grabbed his warm hand, carefully cleaned every finger of hers, and then took out a handkerchief to help her clean her hands.

On the other side, without Nalan Jinnian's instructions, Xia Xuan turned around and left quickly.

And Chen Huan had already started beating the food he had packed, and tested the poison one by one with the silver needles, and the silver needles did not change color.

Nuan Nuan saw Chen Huan using silver needles to test the poison, she said: "Don't try it, it's useless."

Wen Nuan walked back to the round table, reaching for other food, wanting to see if it was poisonous, Nalan Jinnian grabbed her hand, not letting Nu Nuan touch it, and said to Chen Huan, "Go and invite Mr. Feng over."


Wen Nuan wanted to withdraw her hand: "It's okay, I'll smell it. Even if it's poisonous, such a little poison, you know, it won't do me any harm."

"No." Nalan Jinnian refused very forcefully, then directly hugged Wen Nuan again, and placed her on the imperial concubine's bed, away from those things.

Some things, smelling those smells, can be harmful to children.

He is stupid to know that it is poisonous, and let her touch it!

If he hurts her even the slightest bit, and hurts the child even the slightest bit, he can't bear it.

Although he knew she was right because of the purple energy, but what if?

He can't afford the consequences of this eventuality.

Warm smelling the aroma of food in the air, drooling looking at the things on the table!

She swallowed subconsciously.

Nalan Jinnian was sitting there holding Nuan Nuan, and seeing Nuan Nuan's salivating face, he was annoyed and funny, he put his hand on Nuan Nuan's belly and cursed: "Greedy ghost! You are so greedy, wait until you come out, see father How did the king teach you a lesson! Look, after having you, your mother and concubine drool when she saw the food!!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to wipe the warm corner of his mouth.

Wen Nuan blushed, grabbed his hand and took a look: "How can it flow out!"

"Well, no, it was just swallowed by you!"

"Nonsense! Absolutely nothing!" Nuan Nuan denied it!

Absolutely cannot admit it!

But my heart is so depressed! My face is even redder!

This is really an instinctive reaction, she didn't do this before!

Why do you drool when you see delicious food?

I can't control it!

Nuan couldn't help but look at the food on the table again, and swallowed.

Nalan Jinnian was annoyed and amused by her cute gluttonous appearance.

It's so obvious, why don't you admit it!

So greedy, what should I do?

Gotta punish it!

"Is there any? I'll find out after I check."

"How to check?"

The voice behind was swallowed by someone.

Feng Nianchen hurried in.

"Where is the thing?" Feng Nianchen's anxious voice suddenly disappeared.

Depend on!

Isn't it said that food is poisonous?

What is this doing?

Is one poisoned, and the other dies in love?

"Cough cough." Feng Nianchen coughed vigorously!

Nuannuan quickly pushed Nalan Jinnian away.

A pretty face redder than a tomato!

Nalan Jinnian glared at Feng Nianchen in dissatisfaction, and pressed her warm face into his arms to prevent outsiders from seeing her shy appearance, because he found that every time he kissed her, the little girl's shy appearance , so attractive, how can others see it!

Only he can see it in this world!

He glanced at the desktop: "Blind?"

Feng Nianchen rolled his eyes in anger, but before he finished rolling his eyes, he was pushed by a strong force and staggered, almost falling down.

Wen Ran rushed in angrily at this time, pushed away Feng Nianchen who was blocking the door: "Third Sister, are you alright?!"

Nuan Nuan struggled a bit, trying to show his face, but Nalan Jinnian refused to let him: "It's okay! She didn't eat those things."

With that said, he stood up directly holding Wen Nuan, and walked towards the inner room.

Wen Ran: "."

Wen Ran looked at Nalan Jinnian's back holding Nuan Nuan and left in surprise, "It's okay, why is he holding my third sister?"

Feng Nianchen finished rolling his unfinished eyes: "It's probably spring!"

Some animals can't help being in heat!

Wen Ran glanced outside, the roof tiles were covered with ice!

"What spring is coming?"

Spring is here, what does it have to do with the third brother-in-law carrying the third sister back to the house?

Feng Nianchen remembered that Wen Ran was still young, and it was wrong to tell her these things, so he hurriedly said: "Winter is here, is spring still far away?" Don't worry about these things, go and see what poison those things are! See if you can tell !"

Speaking of poison, Wen Ran regained her spirits, and she hurried over: "There is no poison in this world that I can't see!"

She might not be that good at medical skills, but poison skills!

She thinks she has done a thorough research!

The two walked to the table and began to study the pile of food that Nalan Jinnian bought.

back room

Nalan Jinnian put Nuan Nuan on the bed, Nuan Nuan grabbed his hand angrily, put it in his mouth and bit it!

Then she glared at him bitterly: "Bad guy!"

Her face is all lost!

Don't bother going out to meet people!

Nalan Jinnian withdrew his hand, looked at the row of teeth marks on the back of his hand, sat down with a smile, and put his hand on his warm belly: "Well, father knows that you are really hungry! Little greedy cat!"

"Also! I dare not go out! Get out!" Nuan Nuan pushed Nalan Jinnian.

Otherwise they don't know what to think of them!

Nalan Jinnian saw that Wen Nuan was really offended, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Well, it's my fault, I will pay more attention next time. I won't be seen by others! Don't be angry! Anger is not good for children!"


And next time!


Nalan Jinnian walked out with a smile on his face.

The little girl is really cute with her blushing and angry look.

outer chamber

Seeing Nalan Jinnian walking out proudly, Feng Nianchen couldn't help rolling his eyes again!

Seeing him coming out, Wen Ran hurriedly said, "Third brother-in-law, did you buy these things from outside? Why do almost all of them have things that can abort?"

Nalan Jinnian's spring-like face darkened in an instant, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body: "All?"

Wen Ran was so frightened by the speed of his face-changing that he took a step back subconsciously.

Feng Nianchen blocked Wen Ran behind him, blocked someone's stern aura, and said to Nalan Jinnian angrily: "Not all of them are almost the same! Only the roast chicken and braised pigeon are fine! I say you Who did you offend? Why does it feel like the whole world wants you to die?"

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