The next day was the day when the people of the two counties returned to their homes.

The next day was the day when those people were caught and executed at the corner of the city gate yesterday.

The next day was the day when the Seventh Prince left Yongding City in plain clothes along with the crowd of people returning home.

On this day, the streets were bustling and lively.

Early in the morning, the common people rejoiced, with big and small bags, under the escort of a soldier, and went home.

Compared with this joy, at the corner of the city gate, several people were kneeling there, and several soldiers were standing behind them, whipping with whip after whip!

Before that, I had already rolled the nail board once, pinched my finger once, and burned once!

Wait for all kinds of criminal laws. The people who went home happily couldn't help but stop and watch the fun!

All around was full of people watching the excitement, and everyone was discussing with each other.

"Hey, what crime did those people commit? How were they executed in public?"

"Who are they? They can't be traitors, right? So this capital punishment? This matter is to serve them with all the criminal laws!"

"Look, is that old woman the one who sold pickled radishes and pickled cucumbers on the street two days ago!"

"Isn't that man selling kebabs? Then I bought him a kebab yesterday for my son!"

"It's indeed them, but what did they do? How did they carry out this death penalty?"

The people were guessing, at this time the old woman who was whipped suddenly shouted: "King Jin is a tyrant, cruel, cruel and innocent! He even beat me, an old woman, for no reason, God open his eyes! We must let such a cruel Thousands of arrows will pierce the heart, and they will die badly, and they will lose their sons and grandsons!"

The few people around her who were whipped also shouted loudly after hearing the words: "What did we do! Why were we arrested and whipped! What did we do to use such capital punishment against us? King Jin is so cruel, Not seeing the lives of the common people as a matter of importance is simply deranged and utterly devoid of conscience, I curse him to die a bad death and cut off his children and grandchildren!"

"Killing people like this for no reason, cruel, vicious, and cruel, is also worthy of being a prince. Pooh, I curse him to cut off his children and grandchildren, so that he will have a bad death. I curse the sons born to his princess. Men are slaves and women are prostitutes." .,"

Nalan Jinnian stood on top of the city, he listened to the words of the people below, and looked down with his icy eyes, with no expression on his face!

But it inexplicably made the people around me shudder!

Standing beside Nalan Jinnian, Song Guizhou was so frightened by his invisible aura and murderous intent that his legs went limp!

These people are really not afraid of death!

Even King Jin dared to curse!

But hearing these words, he was also furious, he turned his head and asked the master next to him: "Why hasn't the imperial list been posted yet!"

Only when the imperial list is posted, the people below will know what crimes those people have committed!

Murdering the royal blood is simply a crime against the nine clans!

Of course, they are not from the Nalan Kingdom, and they cannot punish their nine clans. The only way to deal with them is to use the death penalty in public, to make an example to others!

The master listened to the curses of the few people below, who was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he didn't dare to look at Nalan Jinnian's face: "I'm going to urge you!

After speaking, he turned around and ran down in a hurry, but his left foot stumbled over his right foot, and he fell, then he got up quickly and ran down in a hurry, and then he rolled down on the stone steps. Fortunately, a soldier reacted Hurry up, roll a few levels, catch him halfway, or you will be bloody!

At this time, the old woman below saw someone's movement in the crowd, and she said loudly: "I will use my blood to curse today, to curse the cruel and inhumane King Jin and Princess Hui'an, so that they will have no sons or grandchildren! Such a prince is here. Nalan Kingdom will be destroyed as soon as possible.”

Then she muttered words and chanted a spell.

Xia Xuan stood watching from the sidelines, his expression changed when he thought of something, he took off the shoes on his feet and threw them over, hit her in the mouth, interrupted her spell, then stepped forward, swung his sword, Take her life!

Nalan Jinnian squinted his eyes. He looked at the crowd, but he didn't find anything unusual about anyone.

Nalan Jinnian's eyes fell on the old woman again, but Xia Xuan had already killed her.

The killing intent deep in his icy eyes grew stronger!

Blood Curse!

Sure enough, they are from the Southern Border Kingdom.

And they are members of the Saintess family of the Southern Border Kingdom!

I heard that some saintesses in the saintess family of the Southern Border Kingdom can cast spells with their own lives and blood, and they are very effective.

But this thing is a taboo of the saintess family, and it has been banned!

So I haven't seen it for more than a hundred years, and Nalan Jinnian doesn't know if it's true.

I don't know what's going on with this blood curse, and what conditions are there for it to take effect.

However, if it really exists, they want to kill the little girl.

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were dim, and the murderous intent emanating from his body became even stronger!

The old woman was killed. Seeing this, several other secret agents yelled out even more vicious curses: "I curse Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an to die unhappily. Everyone in the royal family of Nalan Kingdom will have no children and grandchildren, Nalan Kingdom!"

They were caught at this moment, and they had no intention of surviving!

Now being sentenced to death by the enemy, life is simply worse than death!

If you die, you don't have to suffer all the criminal laws here, so you are willing to die!

With a flash of Xia Xuan's figure, he stepped forward one by one and clicked their dumb points.

He stood in front of them expressionlessly, and the corner of his mouth twitched contemptuously: "Want to die? It's not that easy! Hit! Hit hard! Just don't let them die!"

Hearing this, the soldiers threw the whip on them even harder!

How dare you even curse King Jin and Princess Jin!

And it's such a vicious curse!

The people were in an uproar when they heard the words, these words were too vicious!

The people are discussing:

"You dare to curse even King Jin. Could it be that there is a great injustice, that's why you say such a curse?"

"This snack vendor, if he doesn't steal or rob, what can he do? How can he be punished so severely?"

"I think they are looking for death. Who is King Jin and Princess Jin? Both of them care about the common people. How could they wrong a good person for no reason? They must have done something utterly unscrupulous! They must be spies from other countries!"

At this time, several headhunters posted the written imperial list.

They said loudly: "These people are the spies of the enemy country. They poisoned Princess Jin and tried to murder the royal heirs! Last time, Beiming Kingdom sent killers to try to assassinate Princess Hui'an and her unborn baby. If they failed once, they will strike again ! Now it’s not just the Beiming Kingdom.”

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