".There is also the Southern Border Kingdom deliberately fabricating some unwarranted names to put on the fetus in the womb of Princess Jin, so that Princess Jin's child will become a target of public criticism before it is born, and let the people of the four countries besiege and suppress Princess Jin at all costs! Don't let King Jin The child was born, these are the secret work sent by the Four Kingdoms to try to kill Princess Jin!"

The common people were shocked when they heard about Princess Jin and her belly!

Is Princess Jin happy?

Concubine Jin is happy and goes to the battlefield to kill the enemy!

Concubine Jin is happy and has been healing the soldiers day and night!

However, what shocked the people even more is yet to come.

".The food these people sell on the street contains extremely cold food. Pregnant women are prone to tire failure if they eat it, and ordinary girls may become infertile if they eat too much, Shikoku."

Before the words were finished, the common people exploded their nests!

A woman with a big belly said with a pale face: "I also bought it yesterday. Oh, my stomach. My stomach hurts!"

A man next to her was so frightened that his hands and feet panicked: "Miss, are you okay? Don't scare me! Let's go see the doctor"

A girl shouted: "Oh my God! I just bought pickled cucumbers yesterday! No, I need to see a doctor! I need to see a doctor, let me go..."

Everyone knows that women should not eat food that is too cold, otherwise it will affect future offspring.

"No way! My wife is so cute. I've been buying them for her every day recently! My lady" quickly ran home to find her!

"My daughter-in-law is pregnant, and I bought it for her yesterday! God, the Bodhisattva blesses me, my grandson must be safe."

Many people turned pale with fright, and hurried home, some ran home, and those who went to the hospital went to the hospital!

"The Four Kingdoms not only tried to make our Nalan Kingdom lose a brave and scheming general, but also to confuse our army, so that they could take advantage of it, and then carve up our Nalan Kingdom and take it as their own!

He also poisoned the snacks on the street, poisoning our people, making it difficult for everyone's descendants, and leaving Nalan Kingdom with no successors in the future! What a heinous crime! Unforgivable sin! Now we give these enemy spies the death penalty in public, as an example to others! For those who are present, please watch carefully! Who dares to murder the princess of our Nalan Kingdom and the fetus in her womb, who dares to poison the people of our Nalan Kingdom, who dares to occupy half an inch of our Nalan Kingdom's land! Who dares to try to carve up our Nalan Kingdom, our Nalan Kingdom will never let you down, and we will definitely want you."

None of the rest of the people listened to what the head catcher said, and they were all very angry, some even threw the eggs they just bought over: "Bitch! Thief! You deserve it! How dare you assassinate our Princess Jin! They should serve them with the death penalty! This is to kill all of us in Nalan Kingdom! No wonder you cursed so viciously! I say that you are the ones who should have no children and grandchildren!"

"Black-hearted, rotten-hearted, you actually attacked a double-bodied person! You actually wanted to make so many of us unable to have children! How insidious this is! This is a death that will make them cheaper! Torture them well ! Beat them to death! Otherwise, we really think that Nalan Kingdom is easy to bully!"

"Don't let this kind of people go easily! It's right to serve them with all kinds of severe punishments! Princess Jin who dared to kill us wanted to kill us all. No amount of torture is too much! Such a black-hearted and vicious person is not enough to die. pity!"

Stones, eggs, vegetable leaves and other things greeted them!

In the crowd, those secret agents from various countries pretended to hold their stomachs and left.

An imperial list, just a few words, the court of Nalan Kingdom once again aroused public anger!

Let the other four countries see the unity of the people of Nalan Kingdom!

See the people's aspirations of the Nalan Kingdom court!

Nalan Jinnian executed the secret work of the Four Kingdoms outside the city gate in public, and this matter spread to the Four Kingdoms, and even the entire Nalan Kingdom, at the speed of the wind.

Some ministers in the Four Kingdoms not only began to doubt: Can such a country that needs the hearts of the people and is strong and powerful, really be swallowed up by the Four Kingdoms?

Is it really destiny?


Nalan Kingdom Palace

Before the imperial physician sent by the emperor arrived at the Jianghuai Mansion, the grandson and concubine of the eldest prince had already returned.

The great emperor's grandson knelt on the ground with a heartbroken expression on his face: "Grandfather forgives the sin, and I am eager to save my son, so I came back without the permission of the emperor! But the doctor said that Banger's life is not long! I don't want to lose him! I beg the emperor to save him! My son is willing to die to apologize!"

The emperor looked at the red-eyed and mournful grandson who was kneeling on the ground, and then glanced at the cyanotic, flesh-and-blood great-grandson who was held in the arms of the great prince and concubine.

The appearance of the great grandson is really not good!

Royal heir, which child has developed such a sallow, emaciated and malnourished appearance?

After all, this is his first great-grandson.

And he was a kid who didn't know anything.

The emperor originally planned to pick him up and take him with him to teach him personally.

The emperor couldn't help feeling pity in his heart, he looked at Eunuch Lin: "Eunuch Lin, the Chuan Tai Hospital is showing to the grandson of the great emperor!"

Eunuch Lin responded respectfully, and quickly retreated.

The emperor looked at the great emperor's grandson and said, "Forget it, you are also eager to save your son. Get up, all of you!"

The great grandson immediately kowtowed three times: "Thank you, grandpa! Thank you, grandpa!"

The eldest princess's tears fell at the right time, and she choked up and said, "Thank you father, Huang Long!"

Then she said to the great grandson in her arms: "Bang'er, it's okay! We're back in Beijing, and here is the best imperial doctor! You will be fine! Great grandson, you will be fine! You must be fine!" It will get better soon!"

The eldest grandson wiped away his tears, and then helped the eldest princess to stand up.

The emperor glanced at a young eunuch, Eunuch Li, who was beside him: "Little Li, give me a seat!"

Xiao Lizi quickly moved two chairs for the two to sit down.

The emperor said to the eldest grandson and the eldest imperial concubine: "I am worried that the great grandson will be tossing back and forth. After receiving the letter, I have already sent Imperial Doctor Li to treat the grandson. I didn't expect you to come back with the grandson."

Upon hearing this, the great emperor's grandson quickly stood up: "Your servant should be damned, I'm really afraid that something will happen to Bang'er!"

The eldest concubine also immediately stood up and said, "It's all my concubine's idea. If the emperor wants to blame me, I'll blame my concubine! I'm worried about my great grandson..."

What followed was sobbing that he couldn't speak, looking heartbroken.

"Okay, sit down! I don't blame you, parents in the world love you. Is your father okay over there?"

"Going back to the emperor's grandfather, the father chanted scriptures and prayed for the emperor's grandfather and Nalan Kingdom every day, and prayed to God to bless the emperor's grandfather and the queen mother to live a long life, and to bless Nalan Kingdom with good weather, peace and prosperity for the country and the people!"

The emperor nodded, he had also heard about it.

Then the emperor asked a few more questions.

The imperial court came soon, and after saluting, the emperor asked him to see his great-grandson.

Seeing the appearance of Zeng Huangsun, he was shocked, and hurried forward to give him his pulse.

After a while, he withdrew his hand.

The emperor couldn't wait to ask: "How is the health of the grandson of the great emperor?"

"Returning to the emperor, the great-grandson of the great emperor should have entered the body with cold evil, causing the wind and cold to invade the lungs, and the lung qi is not ventilated. The cold evil has entered the body for a long time, causing the cold evil to be more serious and evil on the surface."

The emperor felt dizzy when he heard it, so he interrupted him quickly: "Speak to the point, can it be cured?"

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