It turned out that he was asking if the military rations were ready, and the Minister of the Household Department breathed a sigh of relief.

He replied respectfully: "Back to the emperor, the next batch of military rations is ready! It can be sent to the frontier at any time, just waiting for the order of the emperor and King Jin."

The emperor nodded: "Okay! Now that Yongping County and Beifeng County have been recaptured, our army will capture a city in Beiming Kingdom a year ago, and the army rations need to be shipped out in the past few days. I and the Queen Mother have some things that I need to hand over to you. , when the time comes, you will escort those things to the frontier along with the military rations to Princess Jin, and there are a few other people who will also go to the frontier with the army ration escort."

Hubu Shangshu couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, I don't know who is going to the frontier together."

After all, the delivery time and route of the military rations are kept confidential, and they are avoided from being exposed to the public, leaking the route of the military rations. The rations are delivered at night, and the soldiers rest during the day.

The emperor suddenly arranged for a few people to follow the baggage train, who knows who those people are and whether they will reveal the route.

In order to ensure that the military rations can be delivered safely to the frontier on time, he needs to know the identities of those people.

The emperor smiled and said: "It's just a few stable women, mothers and maids. Princess Hui'an is happy, and there are many people around her. The queen mother will pick a few people to send over to serve her."

Princess Huian is happy?

Hubu Shangshu was stunned for a moment, and then calculated the time, two months would be enough for the two to get married, right?

King Jin is too powerful!

Princess Huian was happy after just one or two nights of the wedding?

Well, other than that, it should be that the girl from An Guogong's mansion is good at giving birth!

General Lin's wife also had a happy wedding after only one month of marriage.

Then Hubu Shangshu quickly thought of some rumors in the past two days.

The saint of Nanjiang predicted that Princess Hui'an was pregnant with the Lord of the World!

He was still sniffing at that time!

After all, it will take half a month for the prophecy of the Saintess of Southern Border to reach Nalan Kingdom, right?

At that time, the two people got married, and then they went to war. There was no time to create a human being. That is to say, the child of Princess Hui'an and King Jin didn't even have a shadow. The saint of Nanjiang could tell that Princess Hui'an was pregnant. Lord of the world!

Isn't this a deliberate rumor?

The purpose is obvious, it is to stir up hatred and let the kings of the four kingdoms desperately destroy Princess Hui'an.


Unexpectedly, Princess Hui'an is really happy!

Could it be that Princess Hui'an is really pregnant with the Son of Heaven!

The emperor looked at Shangshu Hubu's unpredictable expression, staring, frowning, and stunned. The expression was extremely complicated!

The emperor asked curiously: "What is Fang Aiqing thinking?"

Hubu Shangshu came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "I am thinking that King Jin is really brave! The girl in Anguo Gong's mansion is so fertile!"

Do you want to tell the emperor about the lord of the world?

Hubu Shangshu was a little tangled in his heart!

The emperor touched his beard when he heard the words, it seemed to be true!

It must be that the girls in An Guogong's mansion are good at giving birth, otherwise it would be unreasonable. Back then, I let the queen conceive within a month of getting married, but the seventeenth emperor conceived within a month after marrying a concubine?

Could it be that I am not as good as the Seventeenth Emperor in this respect?

how can that be!

"The girls in An Guogong's mansion are really good at giving birth!"

Hubu Shangshu struggled in his heart for a while, and decided to tell the emperor the rumors he heard, after all, even if he didn't say it now, the emperor would hear it sooner or later.

For some reason, he felt that the emperor intended to pass the throne to King Jin.

Now it's good to take the opportunity to see how the emperor reacts. If the emperor doesn't have this intention, then this rumor will probably be detrimental to Princess Hui'an and King Jin.

He has to remind them in private, and find a way to break the prophecy of the saintess of the Southern Border Kingdom.

Hubu Shangshu didn't know how to speak for a moment, he looked hesitant.

Seeing his expression, the emperor was puzzled again!

What happened to Fang Aiqing today?

Could it be that Princess Hui'an liked him and was unhappy?

The emperor thought about it for a second, yes!

Fang Aiqing guards her wealth like her life, Princess Hui'an is happy, she will not be able to go to the battlefield in the next year or two!

This is bound to delay the plan to capture Beiming Kingdom.

The time of this war will be prolonged!

Wouldn't this cost more money?

No wonder he was unhappy!

The emperor couldn't help comforting him and said: "Although Princess Hui'an is happy and can no longer go to the battlefield, she is still a very good military advisor! Fang Aiqing doesn't have to worry! Maybe Princess Hui'an is free to take care of the returned city. The common people will soon find jobs, earn a lot of money, and pay a lot of taxes, so don’t we have to worry about it?”

The corner of Hubu Shangshu's mouth twitched, the emperor had a good idea!

However, he thought of the taxes that Nanning County is paying now, which is really increasing every year!

And it's multiplied several times!

Maybe it's really possible!

He said with a smile: "What the emperor said is true! Maybe the taxes paid by the captured cities in the future will be able to feed all the soldiers!"

Having said this, he paused for a while to consider, and then tentatively asked: "Have you heard that the emperor has a new prophecy from the Saintess of Southern Border?"

Hearing Hubu Shangshu's cautious tone, the emperor's heart skipped a beat!

What prophecy does this southern Xinjiang saintess have?

Could it be a prophecy that Nalan Kingdom will be destroyed?

The previous prophecy of the Saintess of Southern Border almost killed the seventeenth brother's life, and his hands were all crippled!

"What prophecy?"

"The Saintess of Nanjiang predicted that Princess Hui'an would conceive the Lord of the World."


Lord of the world?

Isn't this a prophecy that the four kingdoms will be unified by Nalan Kingdom?

This prophecy is good!

The emperor couldn't help laughing: "Haha. Good! The seventeenth brother is really powerful! He can manage the soldiers of the world, and the emperor's life is ignored. The son he gave birth to is still the master of the world! Good! Haha. Fang Aiqing, it seems that we Nalan Kingdom can really rule the world! I just don’t know if I will still see it!”

Hubu Shangshu: "."

The emperor is indeed the emperor!

So different!

The emperor of the world, who would be happy to hear that there will be a lord of the world in this world, endangering his throne or the throne of his descendants? !

Hubu Shangshu still knew the emperor well, and knew that he was really happy at the moment.

From this point of view, the emperor really intends to pass the throne to King Jin, right?

To be honest, the grown-up sons of the emperor are really not the talents of emperors!

If the emperor would pass the throne to King Jin, he believed that Nalan Kingdom would surely be able to create another prosperous and glorious world!

Hubu Shangshu was relieved at this moment, he hurriedly said: "The emperor is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and he is the Lord of Longevity! Shoubi Nanshan! I will definitely see Nalan Kingdom rule the world!"

The emperor nodded: "That's right! Today is really full of good things!"

As long as he passes on the throne to the seventeenth brother and becomes a leisurely emperor himself, without having to work so hard, he will surely live a long life. Let's see how the world is unified, the world is peaceful, and the world is prosperous and prosperous!

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