The prophecy of the lord of the world, the emperor knows.

Soon the eldest grandson, the second prince, and even the third prince who was at the border of Dongling all knew about it!

Grand Prince's Mansion

The eldest concubine was talking with the eldest grandson.

"It's not easy for us to go back to the capital! If I hadn't thought of this method, we wouldn't be able to go back to the capital! Now the emperor hasn't asked your father to come back, and I don't know if he will let us go back to continue after Bang'er recovers." Guarding the imperial mausoleum! The emperor is currently favoring An Guogong's family. When you meet their family in the future, you must be more polite! Don't conflict with them!"

The great emperor's grandson had a sullen look on his face: "As long as I see their faces, I would like to tear them to pieces! If it wasn't for them, how could we have fallen into such a miserable situation? How can my concubine tell me to bear it?"

"Think about the three years we have spent in the imperial mausoleum! It is precisely because we are in a miserable situation that we have to endure! And you must be filial to your imperial grandfather and take the opportunity to gain his trust! As long as you endure for a while, When your father ascends the throne, you can't deal with them any way you want! Fortunately, now that your Uncle Nine Emperors is in the barracks, it will be easier for us to plan! Don't be arrogant, or we will really be doomed!"

The great emperor's grandson's face changed when he heard the words: "My son knows, mother and concubine don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future!"

The eldest princess nodded.

At this time, a big palace maid, Peony, came in holding a bowl of medicine by the side of the Great Prince Concubine, "The Great Prince Concubine, the Great Grandson, the great grandson's medicine has been decocted."

Mudan lowered her head and looked at the great emperor's grandson, her face was a little red.

"Fry it and feed it to the nanny!" The eldest prince and concubine said indifferently.

"Yes!" The nanny heard it, and hurried over from the inner room to take the medicine in.

Mudan hesitated to speak to the eldest princess.

The eldest princess frowned: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Yes, the eldest princess, I was in the kitchen decocting medicine for the emperor's grandson just now, and I heard Xiao Fuzi, who was in charge of buying in the kitchen, say that he had heard a rumor, and said." As she spoke, she glanced at the expressions of the two of them again.

"What are you talking about? What's the point of hesitating?" the grand emperor said impatiently.

Mudan was so frightened that she hurriedly said, "It is said that the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang has a new prophecy. She calculated that Princess Hui'an is pregnant with a ruler of the world, and she will definitely be able to rule the world in the future."

"What? The Saintess of Southern Border really had this prophecy?" The Great Emperor's face changed drastically!

The eldest princess was also extremely shocked.

The former Saintess of Southern Xinjiang predicted that Nalan Jinnian would step on the seven stars, be able to control the world's soldiers, and be born with the fate of an emperor!

Sure enough, when he was born, his feet really had seven stars!

Now his son has even come to be the lord of the world!

Mudan lowered her head in fright: "I don't know if it's true, but there are indeed such rumors outside."

The eldest princess waved her hand: "Go and ask Xiao Fuzi to find out what other rumors are there, remember to be careful, being caught is too deliberate."

"Yes!" Peony quickly retreated to make arrangements.

She never wants to go back to guard the imperial tomb anymore!

Life there is really hard!

And in the imperial mausoleum, she is already a member of the great emperor's grandson. If the great emperor's grandson becomes a prince, she is not qualified to be a crown princess, but a Liang Di is still okay!

When the great emperor's grandson becomes the emperor in the future, she will be able to become a concubine after giving birth to a son. If the son is promising and becomes the emperor, then she will also become the queen mother!

When the grand emperor heard the prophecy, his eyes were gloomy: "Nalan Jinnian, why is his life so lucky?"

Just forget about marrying a beautiful and versatile Princess Hui'an as a concubine!

Then the son born is also the lord of the world?

Does God also have a heart?

This heart is so lawless!

The first princess looked at the great-grandson who was being hugged and fed medicine by the nanny not far away, her eyes were complicated, and her facial features were all frowned: "That's not true! She is also a daughter of the Wen family, and she also comes from a humble background. Why is she so big? What's the difference? The prophecies of the Saintess of Southern Border have been fulfilled every time, so we have to guard against them!"

The great emperor's grandson had a gloomy atmosphere all over his body: "The lord of the world? The enemy of the world is right! Since we can hear the rumors, I believe the other kings of the four countries have heard of it! It's not a short time to conceive in October, who knows Can it be born!"

The eldest concubine laughed when she heard the words: "That's true! So what about the lord of the world, who can be born to be the lord of the world! Besides, after being born, it may not be able to be raised! There are too many variables in the middle!"

The eldest prince looked at the nanny and great-grandson in the room with dark eyes, and suddenly thought of something. He said, "Mother, Princess Hui'an is now in northern Xinjiang. She and Nalan Jinnian just got married not long ago, and now they have a child." , presumably many people and things are not prepared! And it is definitely inconvenient for her to return to Beijing now, then "

The first princess' eyes widened when she heard the words: "You mean?"

The eldest princess concubine looked in the direction of the nanny, and her heart began to explode!

"Let me think about it. I just returned to the capital, so it's not easy to plan! Once found out, that person will be ruthless and will not let us go. Now we are still a big deal!"

The eldest grandson nodded: "My concubine is right, don't be in a hurry, there must be someone who is more anxious than us! If you can make a plan and get out of the way, that's great. If not, there will be a bright future!"

"That's right, if we want to do this, we must be able to escape! Or we can disclose it to the second emperor uncle."

The two were plotting quietly.

Second Prince's Mansion

When the second prince heard about this, he just glanced at Lan Tian with no expression on his face, no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

After confinement, his mind became deeper and deeper.

A person beside him couldn't figure out his thoughts, and asked in a low voice: "Second Prince, what are we going to do?"

"No need."

Lord of the world?

Since he is the lord of the world, he naturally blocks the way of many people who want to become the lord of the world.

There are too many people to deal with him, why should he ask for trouble?

Eastern Frontier

After the prophecy of the Lord of the World spread.

The Ninth Prince twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm, but this expression quickly disappeared, and he returned to his expressionless face.

Now, he wouldn't find it strange if something appeared on the two of them!

When the third prince heard that Princess Hui'an was pregnant with the Lord of the World, he was jealous and angry!

Sure enough, the two had been together before their wedding!

Otherwise, the two just got married, how could they have such a happy relationship so soon?

It was in vain that he still valued her so much in the past, and even wanted to abolish the current concubine and make her his own concubine. She is worthy of her as a remnant!


From now on, she arranges to be her maidservant!

Of course, before she can become a housemaid, the bastard in her stomach must be removed first!

The Third Prince glanced at the Ninth Prince next to him, his eyes flickered.

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