The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1308 The Minority Obeys the Majority

How can Wen Nuan fail to understand the thoughts of Prince An's son: "You have to think for yourself, I don't know how to write, but I think that when we attack Beiming Kingdom, we should notify the people of Beiming Kingdom in advance and let them leave early. Don't hurt any innocent people. Don't plunder the people's property! But those who offend our Nalan Kingdom, those who harm our people will be punished even if they are far away! They are just guards, and have nothing to do with ordinary people, so they don’t hurt ordinary people! The book of war, besides declaring war on the Beiming Kingdom, has another hidden function that should not be overlooked. It is to tell the world why we attacked Beiming Kingdom! Why? There will be war!"

As Nuan Nuan spoke, she thought about how to write it.

Prince An's son clapped his hands when he heard the words: "This is good! This is the demeanor that a great country should have! Don't hurt innocent people! We were besieged by four countries and forced to resist! Ordinary people are indeed innocent. We don't want to be like Like the enemy army in Beiming, when they captured a city, they burned, killed and plundered it! They searched all the property of every household! In this way, let the people of the world see how shameless their behavior is as the most powerful country on the mainland!"

The eyes of the others lit up when they heard the words, and they probably thought of how to write this gauntlet!

Cao Zihao: "I figured out how to write it! Apart from that, our gauntlet will first rob Beiming Kingdom of Princess Hui'an, then create a plague to poison the people of Nalan Kingdom, and then launch a four-nation siege to capture our two counties. Burning, killing, looting, and even attacking an unborn child is simply insane! The cruelty is unbearable! We want to expose their shamelessness! Let the world and future generations see whether we should attack them. sea!"

"That's right, the shamelessness of Beiming Kingdom must be revealed first! Even the shamelessness of the Four Kingdoms must be revealed!"

Wen Nuan thought of something and said: "It's better to write an open letter to the people of the four countries!"

Several people's eyes lit up when they heard the words: "That's right! This must be written!"

"Indeed! This must be written!"

Seeing that everyone had grasped the main points, Nalan Jinnian said, "Okay, now that you all understand, then you will write a new letter of war and an open letter to the people of the four countries in a while, and submit it in the afternoon. Don't delay, tonight at the latest This gauntlet is about to be sent out!"

Several people:"."

Can they take back what they just said?

It's hard enough to write a letter of war, but also to write an open letter to the people of the four countries?

However, several people still complied!

Nalan Jinnian looked at Wen Nuan again: "You said just now, what do you want to tell everyone?"

This time, Wen Nuan remembered that she came here with something to say: "I suddenly thought of a way to buy food from the four countries, and I would like to ask everyone if you have any opinions. If everyone agrees, the food in the army should not need to be paid by the court in the future. Yes. This avoids the risk of military ration delivery and ensures that the soldiers have food every day!"

Prince An's son heard the words and said: "Aunt Seventeen, you have already said that, why don't we agree! But what method is so powerful?"

"That's right, why don't we agree with such a good idea? Princess Jin, please tell me what the idea is?"

Nalan Jinnian had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

Wen Nuan: "I plan to exchange grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu with grain merchants from the four countries!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

Exchange grains from the four countries with a yield of one thousand catties per mu?

The four countries have obtained grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, so wouldn't they be able to grow a lot of grain? Doesn't this increase the ambition of others?

Now the biggest advantage of their Nalan Kingdom to the four countries is food!

They have enough food to fight the four countries!

Yuan Minzhe hesitated for a moment, and said, "Princess Jin, this is not a good idea! If the four countries are planted with a thousand catties of grain per mu, wouldn't they become stronger?"

Cao Zihao nodded: "In this case, our Nalan Kingdom will lose its advantage in terms of food!"

Prince An's son didn't speak, he was weighing the pros and cons.

Nalan Jinnian shook his head and directly refused: "No!"

Nalan Jinnian was not worried about selling thousands of catties of grain per mu to the enemy country to increase the enemy's strength, but that the grain was improved by her with purple energy. She was worried that she would get tired if she consumed too much purple energy!

Nuannuan directly ignored Nalan Jinnian's incompetence, and said, "Give the four countries a thousand catties of grain per mu, and they can indeed grow more grain. But if they grow more grain, we can't exchange it for more. More grain? We have the final say on how much grain to give to the four countries! How much grain they grow will be within our control.

Besides, let the people of the four countries taste the benefits of a thousand catties per mu, and they will only yearn for our Nalan Kingdom even more in their hearts. Throughout the ages, those who win the hearts of the people win the world! Don't forget that what the common people want is very simple, to have enough food and clothing, to live and work in peace and contentment! Think about it carefully, everyone, this method may have unexpected effects, maybe it will allow us to conquer the four countries faster and dominate the world! "

Of course, it is still early to say this, after all, there are some things that need to be determined by what those monarchs will do at that time.

But there is a saying that is forced by the situation!

However, Nuan felt that there was a 70% chance that things would develop as she expected.

Prince An's son weighed the pros and cons, and he nodded: "I think it's feasible!"

"I also think it's feasible!" Cao Zihao thought, if the people of Beiming Kingdom wanted to join them when they attacked Beiming Kingdom, then it would be much easier for them!

After all, where did soldiers come from?

Where do soldiers come from?

The people have all surrendered, how much heart do those soldiers still have to resist the war?

Just like their soldiers, why do they desperately resist the invasion of the Beiming Kingdom? In addition to protecting the court, they also have to protect their families and their homeland.

They are satisfied with the current life in Nalan Kingdom, and they want to protect the current happy life of having enough food and clothing, living and working in peace and contentment!

It takes a long time to exchange grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu for grain, and maybe it can kill two birds with one stone!

Cao Zihao also expressed his thoughts!

Yuan Minzhe thought about it again, then nodded: "General Cao is right, I think it's feasible too!"

What else did Gao Yi say? All the generals said it was feasible!

Not to mention the other lieutenants, it sounds like it is indeed feasible!

Wen Nuan agreed with everyone and said: "Since everyone has agreed, I will report this matter to the emperor, please approve it!"

Nalan Jinnian said coldly: "This king disagrees!"

Nuan patted him on the shoulder: "Reject your disagreement! The minority obeys the majority! That's it!"

Nalan Jinnian's black face.

Those present snickered.

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