The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1309 Didn't She Sacrifice in vain just now?

After several generals left, Nalan Jinnian sat there with a dark face.

Nuan Nuan took his hand: "I'm going back to the house, will you go back?"

Nalan Jinnian didn't speak, but stood up anyway, directly took a black cloak that was on the shelf, put it on her, put on the hat, and closed it tightly, wrapping her tightly.

Wen Nuan took a look at the black cloak on her body, it was Nalan Jinnian's cloak, it was draped over her body, covering her from head to toe.

"It's very warm." Warmth said with a flattering face.

Nalan Jinnian kept a straight face and didn't respond to her, just picked up Wen Nuan and walked outside.

Even if he was angry, he didn't want her to walk back into the house by herself in the cold wind.

Of course, he was angry because she didn't care about her body and wanted to exchange grain for food!

Others don't know, he still doesn't know, did she transform the grains with purple energy?

How much energy did she have to spend to improve enough grains in exchange for enough rations for hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers?

This girl doesn't know how to cherish her body!

Her purple qi was going to be used to purify a large amount of inferior jade, which was not an easy task in the first place!

Now I am still thinking about improving seeds to exchange for food.

It was definitely something that drained her mental power.

Every time the purple energy was exhausted, Nalan Jinnian could tell that she was extremely tired, and she slept very deeply that night.

Nalan Jinnian decided to ignore her for a period of time, to make her deeply realize her mistake, and then she will never dare again!

From the study to the main room, Nalan Jinnian hugged Nuannuan with a stern face all the way. No matter what Nuannuan said, he didn't say a word. He even went back to the house, put her on the bed, and helped her take off the cloak without saying a word. .

Nalan Jinnian helped Nuan take off his cloak, turned around and wanted to go back to the study.

Wen Nuan reached out to grab his hand, and pulled him back to the bed.

Nalan Jinnian was pulled by Nuan Nuan and his whole body fell onto the bed. He almost hit Nuan Nuan. He quickly adjusted his posture, avoiding Nuan Nuan, and fell on the bed. He never forgot to reprimand: "Nonsense!"

Did you know that you are a twin?

He sits up quickly!

Wen Nuan lay on him directly, preventing him from getting up: "Are you angry?"

Nalan Jinnian turned his head: "Obviously!"

Nuan Nuan almost laughed out loud, but she didn't dare, for fear that someone would explode!

She stretched out her hands to hold his face, lowered her head and kissed him: "Don't be angry, it will hurt you."

Nalan Jinnian glared at her, is he a person who is obsessed with sex?

"Don't think I won't be angry if you kiss me! You don't care about your body so much,"

Nuan lowered his head and sealed his mouth.

If it doesn't work once, then do it twice, if it doesn't work twice, it will take a little longer, right?

Isn't there a saying that fighting at the head of the bed and fighting at the end of the bed?

After a long time, she couldn't breathe warmly, and someone who turned against customers let her go.

"Aren't you angry?"

"Well, it is not allowed to exchange grain for grain, I do not agree to this."


Didn't her sacrifice just now be in vain?

"No!" Nuan sat up.

Nalan Jinnian's face immediately darkened: "No way!"

"I know what you are worried about, but would I make fun of my own body? Do you think I am not worried about our children? Otherwise, you have the final say on how much grain to improve."

Nalan Jinnian's lips moved.

Wen Nuan said first: "No way!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

"Okay, that's it for now, otherwise I'm going to be angry! I'm angry, but it will affect your daughter's physical and mental health and growth, you can figure it out!" Wen Nuan looked like you couldn't do anything to me.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

What can he do!

This is an ancestor, and there is a little ancestor in the stomach!

He was also reluctant to be beaten and scolded, at most he protested silently.

But she is not afraid!

"Then let's exchange one catty per country!" Nalan Jinnian said intentionally.


Nuannuan really wanted to swear, how about a catty? Then change your fart!

"Then I don't care about you, I can change as much as I want, in a place where you can't see!"

Nalan Jinnian gritted his teeth: "How dare you!"

Wen Nuan touched his abdomen: "Yes."

Nalan Jinnian: "."

In the end, he compromised, otherwise this ancestor would really hide and do this secretly.

He has to keep an eye on her!

Nalan Jinnian knew that this girl would do her best in everything she did.

"Okay, go get busy! I'm going to be busy too!"

Although Nalan Jinnian asked everyone to write a gauntlet, Nuannuan knew that Nalan Jinnian personally wrote the gauntlet. Let those generals and lieutenants think about it, to write repeatedly is just to exercise them.

After all, there are a few people who still have the potential to be great generals on their own.

Nalan Jinnian frowned: "What are you busy with?"

"I want to write down the things needed to grow mushrooms and green vegetables in the greenhouse, as well as the methods, and let people arrange them. I also want to breed."

It just so happens that there is no war now, there is no need to heal the soldiers, and the low-quality jade purchased from Xihua Kingdom has not yet been shipped. It is useless to keep the purple energy on her body. Anyway, it will recover every day after it is used up. I don’t want to be warm. waste.

Wen Nuan went to the desk and started to write, she left one side free for Nalan Jinnian to use.

Nalan Jinnian reluctantly followed, picked up a pen on the other side, and got busy.


Here Nalan Jinnian is writing a letter of war, but at this time, the monarch of Beiming Kingdom is also so angry that he wants to write a letter of war.

The monarch of Beiming Kingdom looked at Elder Hu in front of him, and then at the letter in his hand, trembling with anger!

"Waste! Waste! All are waste!"

Three hundred thousand troops!

In this way, they were all wiped out by the enemy!

This is one-third of the military strength of Beiming Kingdom!

Also, the number one expert in the Beiming Kingdom went to kill a little girl, but was sent back to the palace gate overnight without anyone knowing, and it was only discovered the next day!


What a shame!

This is simply trampling his face on the ground and ravaging it!

What a Nalan Jinnian!

What a princess Huian!

What a Nalan Kingdom!

He didn't believe that they couldn't be destroyed!

Do you think that by destroying their 300,000 army of Beiming Kingdom, you will break their Beiming Kingdom's wings?

Their Beiming Kingdom has many things, the most is people!

"Come on! Send an order to let General Ouyang come to see me!"

He wants to attack Nalan Kingdom!

He wants to fight!

Years ago, he had to take down the three cities of Nalan Kingdom, and he must bring back the humiliation of today!

On the second day, a 100,000-strong army went to the border of Nalan Kingdom.

Two days later, the Beiming Kingdom began to recruit soldiers, and every household had to send out a male to serve as a soldier.

Two days later, the Beiming Kingdom announced a 10% increase in taxes for the coming year, and the common people complained for a while.

Some people went to the Yamen to protest, but those people were all arrested, and then the people dared not speak out.

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