The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1310 Absolutely Don't Spread the Word!

Coincidentally, just as the letter of war from Beiming Kingdom was delivered to Nalan Jinnian, the letter of war from Nalan Kingdom was also sent to the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom Anfeng City!

At the same time, a letter to all countries and peoples spread quickly across the five countries!

Morning of Beiming Kingdom

The monarch of the Beiming Kingdom was furious when he saw a copy of the flamboyant, arrogant, and domineering war letter that was delivered to him urgently within eight hundred miles!

What is it that "the king of Beiming is jealous, narrow-minded, cruel and innocent, and will do everything possible to kill talents, torture to extract confessions, plague the people, collusion of the four countries, invade the territory, encircle and attack them, one by one, no What people do! Animals are not as good! In vain"

Look at the words above that are "innocent", "beasts are not as good as", and those arrogant words.

What is "Whoever dares to rob my wife and children will repay you by capturing your son!"

"Anyone who dares to move one of my subjects will be rewarded by destroying your 300,000 troops!"

"Anyone who dares to invade half an inch of our country will be rewarded by flattening the land of tens of thousands of miles like you! Defend the family and the country until death!"

The most irritating thing is the last sentence. In order to defend the dignity of the country, I will lead 100,000 soldiers and vow to subdue the Beiming Kingdom and rule the world within ten years. Will the Beiming King dare to fight?

The monarch of the Beiming Kingdom directly threw the letter of war and the letter to the people on the ground!

"It's so arrogant! One hundred thousand troops want to crush our Beiming country? It's just wishful thinking! Dreaming is faster! You even want to destroy our Beiming country within ten years! Wishful thinking! Daydreaming!" The king of Beiming was furious Drooling!

"Have we written the letter of war yet? Pass down the decree, and when the letter of war is issued, we will issue a new one, saying that our Beiming country is waiting for him here, and see what he can do to conquer our Beiming country!" Such a clamor from a secondary country, the Beiming monarch could hardly bear it!

When the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty heard that Nalan Kingdom wanted to conquer Beiming Kingdom in ten years and rule the world, it was wishful thinking!

"Your Majesty, please calm down. King Jin of Nalan Kingdom has always been arrogant and extremely arrogant. He probably doesn't know how many soldiers our Beiming Kingdom has and will rule the world within ten years. I'm afraid he is talking about our Beiming Kingdom?"

"That's right, a small country ruled by low-class pariahs has been strong outside the country in the early years. Even if it rebounds in the past two years, it is absolutely impossible to compare with our century-old wealth and prosperity!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth is just clamoring! Nalan Kingdom is just a small country that is not as good as the top and has more than the bottom. How dare you make a noise with the most powerful country in the mainland? It's just courting death! Dominate the world in ten years? It won't take a year for Beiming, They will be able to destroy their Nalan Kingdom! At that time, Nalan Kingdom will no longer exist, let’s see how he can rule the world!"

After listening to the words of the officials, Beiming Monarch's anger calmed down a little.

That's right, to rule the world is the dream of successive emperors of Beiming Kingdom!

They, the most powerful country in the mainland, have not been able to achieve it for more than a hundred years!

He wants to realize a small Nalan Kingdom in ten years?

Not wishful thinking, daydreaming is what!

A Prime Minister of Zuo from Beiming Kingdom stood at the front. He picked up the letter of war and the letter to Wanmin on the ground, squinted his eyes for a while, and then said: "My lord, King Jin of Nalan Kingdom has been smart since he was a child, and he can govern the country with his writing skills. Anbang, Wu Neng can protect the family, defend the country, and pacify the world! You have to guard against it! Look at how well he wrote his letter to the people! Every letter of war has the people in mind! This is clearly trying to win the hearts of the people! Since ancient times Since then, those who win the hearts of the people will win the world, Your Majesty, if I want to rule the world, I can no longer increase the tax, I implore the Emperor to lower the tax!"

He originally did not agree to attack Nalan Kingdom at this time, the time for unifying the world is not yet ripe!

The Four Kingdoms are still in their heyday, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Whoever breaks this harmony will lose the hearts of the people!

Those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world!

Besides, I also met a King Jin who knows how to win people's hearts so well!

Could it be that the prophecy of the Saintess of the Southern Border Kingdom is true?

The relatively young Prime Minister You stepped forward: "Prime Minister Li, don't your words increase the ambitions of others and destroy your own prestige? King Jin of Nalan Kingdom is amazing! But our prince of Beiming Kingdom and the sixth prince are not Great? The two princes are not inferior to him at all! Besides, now our Beiming Kingdom is realizing our grand ambition of unifying the world. If there is no increase in taxes, what will the soldiers eat to eat! And Mr. Li, I’m afraid you have forgotten, why? The king is most afraid of changing the order from day to day, right?"

Prime Minister Zuo ignored him: "Your Majesty, please listen to the old minister, now."

The King of Beiming didn't want to listen to what he had to say, so he interrupted him: "Li Aiqing doesn't need to say too much, my will has been decided!! It's just that the sharp arrow has left the string and can't be taken back! Domination of the world is inevitable! Aiqing also knows King Jin of Nalan Kingdom, who can rule the country with Wen Neng and rule the world with martial arts, if he grows up! Nalan Kingdom may not be able to shake a half point!

Now is the best time to destroy Nalan Kingdom and rule the world.

I am the king of a country, and I promise what I say! What you say cannot be changed overnight! What kind of peace talks, nourish the essence and store up the strength, and fight again in the future! What about reducing taxes and appeasing the hearts of the people, I know Li Aiqing is right, these are the most important things in governing the country! After our Beiming Kingdom dominates the world, I will definitely reduce and exempt taxes as soon as possible to appease the people! "

This is a highly respected old minister. Although Beiming Monarch is a little annoyed by his aging mind and self-styled, he has to give him three points of face.

Prime Minister Zuo lowered his head when he heard the words, and sighed deeply in his heart, he knew it would be useless to talk too much! But he had to say it!

The country of Beiming cannot be destroyed by the ambition of the king!

Nalan Kingdom's letter to the people will definitely touch the hearts of millions of people.

It must not be spread!

"Your Majesty, unification of the world is a great cause of the world, and my ministers naturally agree, but this letter from Nalan Kingdom to the people must not be allowed to spread among the people!"

Prime Minister You sneered when he heard the words: "Lord Li is too smug, and the grass and trees are soldiers! This is nothing more than Nalan Kingdom's misfortune! But if you conquer Nalan Kingdom and get the method of growing grain with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu, what else will the people have?" Do you want to talk?"

In his heart, it is impossible for Nalan Kingdom to conquer Beiming Kingdom. Because they Beiming country will draft some civilians to serve in the military every year, it can be said that every household has soldiers!

Moreover, Beiming is a powerful country with the largest population and the largest area. Who can compare with it?

Therefore, the people of Beiming Kingdom will not suffer from the war at all. They only need to sit back and enjoy the benefits. In the future, there will be more fields to cultivate, more business to do, and sufficient food and clothing will be enough!

It is impossible for a Wanmin letter to impress the people!

Do you think all the people of Beiming Kingdom are fools?

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