"One million taels!" The silver masked man shouted.

He must take a photo and give it to his father as a gift for his 60th birthday!

The health-preserving grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, plus this picture of Qin Ning's sunset, my father must be very happy to receive it!

One million taels! ! ! !

Everyone couldn't help looking at the silver masked man again.

The son of this landlord's family is probably the son of the richest man in Nalan Kingdom!

Really powerful!


The man with the silver mask has once again succeeded in becoming Warmth's big customer!

Become the big responsibility of this auction!

After Wuming finished painting, the black panther smiled and said, "There are two rare treasures today, rare to see in a hundred years! Everyone, get your money ready!"

The stage suddenly went dark.

The black panther took out a piece of white Hetian jade.

There were a few candles on the display stand, and this white, soft, soft Hetian jade came out, exuding a soft halo under the candlelight, the whole piece of jade looked clean and flawless, As graceful as the bright moon in the world!

Someone in the audience couldn't help but exclaimed: "God! The treasure in the world!"

"Baoyu! It's definitely Baoyu! I haven't seen such top quality in many years."

Black Panther introduced it with a very gorgeous rhetoric, and then the auction began.

"The base price is 200,000 taels...start now!"

This jade is about the size of a large watermelon.

The whole piece of jade has no blemishes, no impurities, and the whole piece can be carved. It can be cut to make various jade pendants, bracelets, heads, jade hairpins... As long as the carving is good, each piece will be passed down from generation to generation. baby!

So once again set off a bidding boom!

This time it was bought by a jeweler for 1.1 million taels of silver.

The next finale is ruby.

As the so-called "Jade hangs red, it is priceless!", Hetian jade colors include cyan, yellow, green, green, green, white, etc. Among them, red jade is the rarest, rarest and most precious!

Moreover, people in this dynasty like red, and they like red jade more than white jade, especially the elderly.

So this piece of red jade is small in size, but it is higher than the starting price just now, directly at a grand price of 500,000 taels!

After a price battle, another wealthy businessman bought this ruby ​​at a price of 1.5 million taels!

So far, the auction with the man in the silver mask as the home court and warmth as the biggest winner has ended perfectly.


After the auction ended, Nuan Nuan and his party returned to the small courtyard avoiding everyone's sight.

Lu Shu was in charge of the following procedures.

The silver took the bank note and went to the bank to exchange the silver directly.

The trouble is the food, so much food, transportation is a problem.

These food rations for the 100,000 soldiers must not make a single mistake.

Lu Shu naturally had to negotiate with the auction house.

In the room, the eighth princess began to calculate how much food he had earned today, and then said excitedly: "Nuan Nuan, we earned 489,000 catties of grain! If you add your 36,001 catties, then That’s more than 500,000 catties! It’s amazing! Fortunately, Nuan Nuan knows how to adapt to the situation, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to shoot so much! Eighty catties of grain seeds were exchanged for 485,000 catties of grain! This is not a thousand catties per mu , this is simply mu yield”

When the eighth princess said this, she paused for a moment, how many catties per mu?

She calculated silently in her heart, but the number was too big for her to calculate!

Amber smiled softly, and said, "More than six thousand!"

The eighth princess gave him an appreciative look: "Yes! More than 6,000 catties! With nearly 500,000 catties of grain, it is enough for our 100,000 troops to eat."

The eighth princess looked at Amber again.

She really didn't know how much food a 100,000 army needed to eat every day!

"About twenty-five days." Amber added with a smile.

"That's right, it's enough to feed our army for about twenty-five days. Including the ones we changed before, it's enough to feed us for a month!"

Nuan Nuan took the tea bowl Nalan Jinnian handed to him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Yes! It's enough for a month. There are still 120 catties of grain seeds that have not been sold, and they will be auctioned in a month later. Then there is no need to worry about the food for the army next month."

After speaking, she bowed her head to drink water.

After shouting the price for a long time in the auction house, my mouth was dry.

Wen Nuan drank all the water in the tea bowl, then looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Did you know he would come?"

She found that Nalan Jinnian was not surprised to find him.

Nalan Jinnian took the teacup from Nuannuan's hand, poured another cup for her, and nodded, "I had someone tell him the news secretly."

Nuannuan suddenly realized: "No wonder!"

Seeing that they were playing riddles, the eighth princess couldn't help but said, "Nuan Nuan, is that number six you're talking about? Do you know who he is?"

Nalan Jinnian suddenly spat out four words: "Aunt Seventeen."

The eighth princess nodded: "So he is the Seventeenth Emperor" Aunt?

What Aunt Seventeen?

Amber said with a smile: "Uncle Seventeen and Aunt Seventeen are married, you should change their names!"

The eighth princess wanted to roll her eyes so much, she didn't even give her the lipstick package yet!

Besides, she thinks it's more kind to call Nuan Nuan!

But Aunt Seventeen seems to be closer!

Next time she changed her mind.

Nuan Nuan smiled and said: "It's just one name. The title Seventeen Emperor Aunt always makes me feel old. The eighth princess can call me Nuan Nuan! Number six, if I'm not wrong, he should be Prince Beiming!"

The eighth princess stared wide-eyed: "Prince Beiming? No wonder he has so much food in storage! When he started calling the price, it seemed like the family had too much food to use up!"

Warm smile, it's not that there is too much food in the house!

However, this time he took so much grain out to exchange grain, wondering if it would make the Beiming Army have no food to eat?

After all, he alone spent 220,000 catties of grain to buy


After Di Junming left the auction house, he went to the yamen to ask the magistrate of Anfeng County to prepare 339,000 catties of grain.

The county magistrate of Anfeng County said happily: "Prince, has the army arrived? Where are these grains and grasses going to be transported? I will arrange for the yamen to transport them there."

"No, I just exchanged these grains for some healthy grains with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu. When you are ready to come out, just send someone to the racetrack outside the city."

The county magistrate of Anfeng County was excited when he heard the words: "The prince has actually changed to a health-preserving grain that can produce a thousand catties per mu? Your Highness, the health-preserving grain, is it possible to grow the health-preserving grain that can prolong life?"


"God! It's really great! God help me Beiming! I don't know how much the crown prince has changed? Can you give us some in Anfeng County, and the lower officials will distribute it to the people, they must be very happy! His Highness the crown prince must have won the hearts of the people! "

I don't know how the prince was able to get the health-preserving grains that yield a thousand catties per mu in Nalan Kingdom!

Prince is really amazing!

But he can't control these things, he should think about how to use these grain seeds to exchange more grain and money from the people!

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