The magistrate of Anfeng County calculated in his mind, would it be too much for a thousand catties of health-preserving grains per mu?

Do not! Won't!

This is a healthy food!

What is planted is a health-preserving food that can prolong life!

Health food is not sold even in Nalan Kingdom.

The people of Nalan Kingdom only grow ordinary grains that yield a thousand catties per mu.

The corner of Di Junming's mouth twitched when he heard the words: "Master An, what do you think this kind of health-preserving grain with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu? Is it usually picked out from a large pile of millet, and you can have as many grains as you want? Give it away. Common people? I only have seventy catties in my lonely hand."

The county magistrate of Anfeng County was stunned, only seventy catties?

Why does the prince want more than 300,000 catties of grain?

Should not.

The county magistrate of Anfeng County was frightened by the speculation in his heart!

no, I can not!

The crown prince wouldn't be so stupid as to exchange more than 300,000 catties of grain for dozens of catties of grain seeds!

You must know that these hundreds of thousands of catties of grain are prepared for the soldiers!

But Di Junming's next sentence made him disillusioned.

"It took more than 300,000 catties of grain to exchange for such a small amount of grain!"


The magistrate of Anfeng County shook his body!

It's over!

Where would he go to find the vacancy of more than 300,000 catties of grain?

After the army arrived, what did he come out for them to eat?

Di Junming didn't think about whether he was disillusioned or not, he directly ordered: "Get the food ready for Gu! And the army is coming soon, so try to fill in the food gap quickly, otherwise if the army is hungry during the battle, If you don’t have the energy to fight, just wait for the heads to fall to the ground!”

The county magistrate of Anfeng County shuddered and felt a chill in his neck.


"His Royal Highness, there is so much food, where can I find it!"

Di Junming gave him a cold look: "You won't find a way to get some from the common people and those big landlords by yourself? There are hundreds of thousands of catties of grain in the area, and every household can get a few catties out of it, and even one or two landlords can get it. We can get it all together! As far as I know, there is a big landlord in Anfeng County who has a lot of food in his home!"

Di Junming thought of something and said: "We are always raising taxes, so let's take this opportunity to save more! When we have the opportunity to exchange some grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, we can make up for the common people."

After speaking, he turned and left the Yamen directly.

His father's birthday is coming soon, he has to rush back to the capital to give the congratulatory gift to his father

Besides, if he didn't leave, Anfeng County would soon become a place where the two armies fought, and he never wanted to see the two armies fighting again!

After Di Junming left, the magistrate of Anfeng County was thinking about his words carefully.

Taking money from the hands of the people is bound to increase taxes again.

Also, what did the prince mean when he specifically said the big landlord?

Isn't the big landlord in Anfeng County from Lin Dashan?

Did he offend the prince? I think it should be!

Otherwise, why did the prince specifically mention him?

The county magistrate of Anfeng County called the master to calculate how much tax he had to collect from the people again, and then he could gather enough food and grass for the army!

The master thought for a while after hearing the words: "Just a few days after the tax was raised, the tax has been increased again, and the common people may complain!"

The county magistrate of Anfeng County raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "I don't want to, but the army must come without food! If the army comes, they don't have enough food to fight, and if Anfeng County is lost, our heads will die." No guarantee! Let the landlords pay more this time, and the common people pay less! Do you want to figure out how much income is appropriate for each household?"

The master thought for a while: "My lord, why don't you increase your income this time! Just in case you need it, I don't know how long this war will last, and it's not good to increase your income frequently, so as not to cause complaints from the common people!"

The county magistrate of Anfeng County stroked his beard and pondered for a while: "You are right, let's see how much we can increase our income!"



Lu Shu didn't come back until the evening of the next day, and brought back a message by the way.

in the room

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian are both holding a piece of jade and are carving.

Lu Shu saluted Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "Master, Princess."

Wen Nuan looked up at him, and said with a smile: "Lu Shu, you are back, your wife was so worried last night that she couldn't sleep all night."

Lu Shu blushed a little.

Now that food is strictly controlled, he wants to transfer so much food secretly, which really worries the lady.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him, and asked indifferently, "Is everything settled?"

Lu Shu straightened his face: "Return to the master, everything is done. All the food has been received and sent to a safe place outside the city."

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Go down and rest!"

But Lu Shu didn't go down, and cupped his hands and said, "Master, when I came back, I happened to see the notice posted by the yamen that Anfeng County was going to collect taxes again! The reason for the tax collection this time is the protection tax. When the two armies are at war, only the handover Those who have paid taxes can stay in the city."

"How much more income?" Wen Nuan asked not at all surprised.

Just protection tax?

What's the difference between this and those black bosses who collect protection fees in modern times?

Isn't it natural for a good government to protect the safety of the people?

Which weird county magistrate actually thought of protection tax?

"This time the income was increased in this way. Ordinary people collected two catties of grain from each household, and landlords and merchants collected one thousand catties from each household. In addition, ten wealthy merchants and land masters handed over tens of thousands of catties!"

Nuan Nuan silently calculated in her heart.

Beiming Kingdom is a big country, and a small county in Anfeng County has a population of more than 200,000 people, including more than 3,000 merchants and landlords, and there are already 3 million catties here! Then counting ten wealthy businessmen and landlords, it adds up to 100,000 catties!

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian looked at each other.

That's a lot!

Because this is after the tax has been collected twice!

Exorbitant taxes!

Too many exorbitant taxes will surely arouse public outrage.

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Is this a windfall?

Originally, they just wanted to gather enough rations for the army, but they didn't expect the harvest to be quite rich!

The corner of Nalan Jinnian's mouth curled up slightly: "Forget it, it doesn't count."

For him, when he sent someone to secretly notify Di Junming, he planned to wipe the wool off his body.

His hair was gone, so he was naturally reluctant to bleed from his body, so he would pluck the wool from the victim.

However, Nalan Jinnian did not expect that he would pluck the wool so thoroughly!

He spent more than 300,000 catties of grain to buy grain seeds, but he wanted to harvest more than 300 catties of wool from the people!

This is indeed too much!

Let me ask, who dares to make such a prince the emperor?

If he becomes the emperor, will the common people have a good life in the future?

"How's the situation outside?" Nalan Jinnian asked.

Lu Shu: "When the people saw the notice, they all burst into flames! Some people even cried that there was no food at home, and there was so much food handed in."

Wen Nuan couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, it is prosperity, and the people are suffering; death, the people are suffering!"

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