This man spoke very loudly. As soon as he finished speaking, some people thought of something, so some people echoed loudly:

"Not only that, the people of Nalan Kingdom have thousands of catties of grain per mu, and they pay less tax than us, and the grain seeds that yield thousands of catties per mu are provided by the imperial court! Now that Nalan Kingdom is besieged by four countries, isn't it better than ours? Is Beiming country difficult? Why didn’t people increase taxes, let alone collect protection taxes from the people! They collect them again and again!”

"The imperial court wants to collect protection taxes! It's unheard of, and the imperial court is not a bandit! Just look at the time when Beiming Kingdom attacked the city of Nalan Kingdom, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom shouted that it is their duty to defend their home and country! The soldiers of the Lan State charged extra money and taxes before going to battle to kill the enemy?"

"If you want to blame it, blame Nalan! Who asked Nalan to attack us? Don't even think about it, who sent troops to capture their two cities first! If it weren't for us Beiming to send troops, would others have fought back? Whose fault is this?"

"That's right, it's obviously our Beiming Kingdom that attacked Nalan Kingdom. If the court didn't have enough preparations, why did they attack Nalan Kingdom! Then they provoked people to attack them, and they looked like they couldn't handle it!"

"I don't care who beats who! But I have paid the taxes time and time again. I haven't missed a single time! This time, what kind of protection tax, our family wants to pay, but we don't have to pay! There is not enough food until the beginning of spring, I I have tried my best! If there is no food, there will be one if you want to die! If you don’t pay, you will be driven out of the city, then drive out of the city! Anyway, I heard that Nalan Kingdom said when it was sent to the war, don’t hurt innocent people! Maybe there is still a way to survive under the hands of Nalan soldiers!"

"No, I heard that the emperor of Nalan Kingdom loves the people like his own son. Seeing that Nalan Kingdom is becoming stronger and stronger day by day in these years, as long as there is one acre of land in the family, they can go from not having enough to eat to having surplus food. Raise chickens and ducks, and eat some small meat every day”

Anfeng County and Beifeng County are adjacent to each other, and the people of the two places have more or less business contacts. The life of the people of Nalan Kingdom has indeed gotten better and better in the past two years. This spread has not only made the people of Beiming Kingdom envious, but also the people of the other three countries. The people are also envious.

Then everyone talked and thought of the letter of war from Nalan Kingdom and the letter to the people.

These two letters have recently been advanced again.

Especially the letter to Wanmin written so sincerely!

Among them are a few sentences written like this: Dare to ask the kings of the four countries, did my Nalan Kingdom take a grain of rice from you?

Dare to ask the kings of the four kingdoms, have I, Nalan, invaded half an inch of your land?

Dare I ask the kings of the four kingdoms, did I, Nalan Kingdom, kill an innocent citizen?

Why are the four kingdoms ignoring the lives of the common people in the world, launching a war and destroying the peace of the four kingdoms? Let the world be in chaos, how many families have been ruined?

Provoking war and chaos will not only harm the people of Nalan Kingdom, but also the people of your own country. Dare to ask the kings of the four countries, how can you bear it?

You put your people into fiery chaos, what is your plan?

The flames of war are everywhere, and the people are dying. Who is to blame?

Is it the Nalan Kingdom that was besieged by the four kingdoms for no reason?

Why did their Nalan Kingdom have to be swallowed up by the Four Kingdoms?

How innocent are they Nalan Kingdom?

Think about it too, well, why did you attack Nalan Kingdom, and you couldn't win the fight, and now someone else is fighting back, who can blame this?

As the king of Nalan Kingdom said, if we can share the prosperity of this prosperous age, everyone will live and work in peace and contentment. Isn't this a beautiful day?

It's a good day, but it's just that the flames of war are everywhere, the families of the people are ruined, and they can't eat enough. What is this for?

As a result, the protests of the people became more vigorous.

They clamored for an explanation from the county magistrate!

Make a fuss about seeing the county magistrate!

The county magistrate couldn't come out, and everyone even wanted to go in.

Seeing this, the head catcher was so anxious that he quickly had a group of those who took the lead in making trouble just now be arrested and put in prison.

Only in this way did the public anger be quelled.

In the next few days, the people in the yamen directly drove those people who did not pay taxes out of the city. Seeing many people being driven out of the city, many people held back their tears and handed over their food in distress!

Although the war letter of Nalan Kingdom said that innocent people should not be killed, who would dare to really believe such words!

Many people dare not go out of the city, except for the people who really can't afford food.


Small courtyard

Nuan Nuan was carving jade, while Nalan Jinnian was sitting by the side studying the art of war. After conquering Anfeng County, he would conquer another city next.

Not only to attack the next city, but also to face the siege of the other three countries, and even take the initiative to attack the cities of the other three countries.

He is used to making all the preparations in advance. Only by earnestly researching, thinking of all the possibilities of uniting the four countries, and coming up with a strategy of winning by surprise with outnumbered enemies, can he ensure that Nalan Kingdom will not be defeated by the four countries. swallow.

For Nalan Jinnian, one of his biggest advantages is that relying on Xiao Hei, Xiao Zhu can get the movements of the enemy forces of the four countries as quickly as possible, and then quickly make countermeasures!

But knowing the enemy's movement, it is futile to fail to make a good strategy for the battle, so he looks at the map every day, studies how the enemy will fight that battle from various materials, and guesses all possible possibilities. Think of ways to deal with it.

Only in this way can Nalan Kingdom remain invincible.

Lu Shu came in at this time, saluted, and said: "My lord, my concubine, the people of Anfeng County are making trouble in the yamen, some of them have been arrested and put in prison, and two of our people have also been imprisoned. , do you want to rescue him?"

Nalan Jinnian put down his pen: "No need, they won't be locked up for too long, just let them stay inside and do what they should do!"

"Yes!" Lu Shu replied.

Wen Nuan asked, "How's the situation outside now?"

"Back to Wangfei, the people in Anfeng County are still very resistant to paying the protection tax. Those people spontaneously organized a team to go to the Yamen to protest, but the county magistrate of Anfeng County didn't come out to see them, and now they have arrested a group of people. , the people dare not speak out, but their hearts are getting more and more dissatisfied. Many people are clamoring not to pay the protection tax, but many people really have no food to pay. This year's drought in the north, Anfeng County is also drought Seriously, some of those poor families don’t even have any crops. After handing over again and again, how can there be food?! It’s a problem to survive this winter!”

Wen Nuan nodded, because of the drought in the north and the flood in the south, the emperor of Nalan Kingdom reserved a sum of grain, and planned to distribute porridge in winter, so that the people who lost their grain could survive this winter safely.

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