Speaking of these Lu Shu complained a lot, he continued: "It's not just the poor people who have opinions, but also those merchants and big landlords. Usually, the imperial court imposes heavy taxes, and they have already paid a lot. This time they heard that there is a war. Many merchants donated a lot on their own initiative, and then suddenly raised taxes, and they had to pay a few taels more every month. Now in troubled times, business is hard to do! Paying a few more taels a month hurts the capital! Then suddenly Another 10,000 jin of grain has to be handed over! For a rice shop of our size, it would be a huge blow to our vitality! No one has any objections!"

When Lu Shu thought of giving another 10,000 catties of grain to the enemy country, he couldn't bear it, even though it was all earned from the prince of the enemy country.

But around this year, he has already handed in 100 taels of silver, and 30,000 jin of grain went up!

The money is still given to the enemy, do you think he can't be overwhelmed?

Nalan Jinnian: "The county magistrate of Beiming Guo'anfeng County did go too far this time. This is also our opportunity."

Beiming Kingdom made such a big mistake at this time, which aroused public outrage. Naturally, Nalan Jinnian would not miss this opportunity.

He also told Lu Shu what to do next, create all favorable conditions, and welcome the arrival of the army.

After Nalan Jinnian finished explaining, Lu Shu bowed respectfully and withdrew.

After Lu Shu stepped back, Nuan Nuan asked, "Just tonight?"

Although the words were endless, Nalan Jinnian still understood.

"Well, tonight."

Today, the 100,000 troops of Beiming Kingdom have arrived near Anfeng County, and they took a detour to ambush in Tianhe Mountain, waiting to rob them of their food.

The soldiers and horses are not moved, the food and grass go first, this is the rule of marching throughout the ages.

"Do you want to go and have a look tonight?" Wen Nuan asked.

After all, this is another battle where less wins more.

In this kind of battle, if there is a slight mistake, the whole army will be wiped out.

Nalan Jinnian has always regarded every soldier's life as important as his own.

In every battle, what he thinks about the most is how to save the lives of more soldiers.

"No need." Nalan Jinnian felt relieved to let Wen Nuan stay alone in the enemy's city.

"I can go with you. Our child is doing well! Don't worry, even if you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, nothing will happen." Wen Nuan knew that he was worried about himself.

She couldn't help touching her belly, this kid really knows how to pick the time to come!

I don't know if it was sent by God to help the spies.

It simply restricted the freedom of the two of them.

But he is really obedient, except for eating more and sleeping more, he has no other reactions.

Nalan Jinnian pinched the center of her brows, the little girl didn't have the slightest awareness that she was a double body now, that woman still wanted to go to the battlefield when she was happy?

"You don't have to think about it, this king won't allow it! Besides, if we can't handle the battle tonight, we in Nalan Kingdom don't have to fight anymore!"

After all, compared with the number of soldiers, Nalan Kingdom is hundreds of thousands less than Beiming Kingdom. Besides, Nalan Kingdom now has to deal with the four countries, and its troops have been scattered to four places.

In other words, for a long time to come, Nalan Kingdom will only be able to fight the battle of winning more with less!

However, Nalan Jinnian still has some confidence in tonight's battle.

Although it is impossible to destroy the enemy's 100,000 troops, it is still possible to lose 20,000 to 30,000 of the opponent.

His purpose is only to damage the enemy's 20,000 to 30,000 people, and destroy the morale of the enemy first!

Let the enemy troops of Beiming Kingdom have an illusion that no matter what tactics they use or what formation they use, Nalan Kingdom can see through them, and in turn beat them to pieces!

What he wants to build is an invincible Nalan army!

Make the enemy fearful!

Seeing this, Nuan Nuan didn't say anything else, well, she's sleepy again, she'd better take a nap, recharge her energy, and prepare to heal the soldiers!

I don't know if any soldiers were injured in tonight's battle. Even if there were no soldiers, the city will be attacked tomorrow, so some soldiers will definitely be injured.

She has used up her purple energy today, so she has to recover quickly.

So Nuan Nuan explained to Nalan Jinnian, and went back to bed to sleep.

Nalan Jinnian put the charcoal stove beside the bed and opened some windows to let Nuannuan sleep a bit warmer.

After doing all this, he returned to the desk again and stared at the map.


The night is quiet, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The people in Anfeng County are all asleep, and the city, which has been noisy all day, is also intoxicated in dreams.

It was pitch black all around, and there was no sound at all in the silence.

Wen Nuan also fell asleep. Since she had a wedding, she ate well and slept soundly, and she did not wake up as easily as usual.

After Nalan Jinnian waited for Wen Nuan to fall asleep, he tiptoed out of bed and stood by the window sill, waiting for the news to come back.

In this silent night, Tianhe Mountain was full of flames, and there were screams everywhere.

With five thousand soldiers, Zhou Yi ignited the "food and grass" on the carts and rushed towards the enemy.

In the valley, Beiming's 100,000 troops were surrounded by trains that burned extremely vigorously.

The raging fire instantly heated up the valley, and the ice and snow hanging on the branches began to melt

Sharp arrows shot at the Beiming soldiers surrounded by groups!

They tried desperately to dig out the ice and snow on the ground to put out the fire, but they couldn't put out the train soaked in tung oil.

Zhou Yi commanded 5,000 soldiers to shoot the enemy with bows and arrows. When all the bows and arrows brought to everyone were used up, he threw a thunderbolt directly at the enemy's loyalty, and then said loudly: "Withdraw!"

Five thousand soldiers, not at all fond of fighting, retreated quickly.

Just after they ran not far away, there was a booming sound behind them.

The five thousand soldiers did not look back, and quickly retreated in the mountains, rushing to join the army.

The siege begins tomorrow!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the hourglass, he gently opened the door and walked out.

Then he jumped onto the roof and stood on the roof, braving the biting cold wind and waiting.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky in the distance finally lit up with a little red light.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, he jumped up, returned to the ground, returned to the house lightly, and then warmed his body in front of the charcoal stove, then returned to the bed, and fell asleep with his beloved in his arms.

This time, he didn't sleep for a long time. Two hours later, there were bursts of horns and horns, followed by chaotic noises.

The cries of babies, the barking of dogs, and the panic-stricken shouts of the people. It was a mess.

Nalan Jinnian and Nuan Nuan opened their eyes at the same time.

Chen Huan knocked on the door at this time: "Master, princess, our army has begun to attack the city!"

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian both sat up.

Nalan Jinnian quickly got out of bed, brought warm clothes over, and said to Wen Nuan while helping to dress, "Get dressed first, and sleep for a while, don't worry."

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