When he heard that the army started to attack the city, Nalan Jinnian originally planned to go out immediately and attack the city with the army.

But Nuan Nuan woke up and calmed him down instantly.

He doesn't have to go out, he has to keep warm and his child.

"I can't sleep anymore." Nuan put on her clothes, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, just as her feet stretched out, Nalan Jinnian had already squatted down, helped her put on her shoes and socks, and then helped her get out of bed.

Originally, after getting married, every day when he got up, he was the first to bring clothes to help her put them on, worrying that she would catch a cold, and now he even helped her get out of bed, worrying that she would accidentally knock or stand unsteadily.

Bathing is the same, I am worried that she will slip and fall in the clean room, always accompany

Thinking of this, Nuan's face felt a little hot.

In fact, it's far from the point where he needs to take care of everything and make him so cautious. After all, she hasn't shown her feelings yet, and she still moves very freely.

She even felt that it would be fine for her to go into battle to kill the enemy. After all, apart from eating a lot and sleeping a lot, she didn't have any adverse reactions to her body.

She told him that she didn't need to take care of him like a child.

But he said it was for his benefit.

She let him go.

As long as he is happy!

"Let's go out and have a look?" Nuan Nuan was already dressed under someone's service, and she raised her hand to help him fasten the buttons on his clothes.

"Hmm." Naturally, he wanted to go out and have a look.

After the two of them got dressed, Nalan Jinnian took another cloak and put it on Nuannuan.

The cloak is black, very low-key and unassuming, which fits their current identities very well.

The two walked out. On the street, many people ran out and stood outside the gate looking in the direction of the city gate in panic.

It seems that the army has already killed the same.

Countless officers and soldiers hurried out towards the city gate.

At this time, the eighth princess and Amber both ran out.

The four looked at each other, then stood outside the door.

The city wall of Beiming Kingdom is very high. Except for the watchtower and some towers, there is no building higher than the city wall. If you don't climb the city, you can't see the outside situation.

They can only wait here.

At this time, a soldier ran over and greeted each family: "The enemy army of Nalan Kingdom has arrived! Our army has not arrived yet, so everyone hastened to pick up the hoes, kitchen knives, and hatchets at home to kill the enemy! Otherwise, the city will be captured by the enemy!"

Many people ran home to copy the guy with a look of horror, whether to kill the enemy or not, it is better to hold something in this situation than bare hands.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the situation on the street, held warm hands, and said to Amber and the Eighth Princess: "Let's go back to the house and get ready!"

Several people returned to the house.

Lu Shu whispered: "Master, do you want to leave the city?"

There is a secret room in this small courtyard, and a tunnel has been dug, so you can go out of the city directly.

"No need."

They just have to wait here.

"Let's pass on the meal!" Nalan Jinnian said to Chen Huan.

"Yes." Chen Huan hurried to pass the meal.

So the four of them sat at the round table.

The four of them ate slowly, as if the fighting outside had nothing to do with them.

After breakfast, Nalan Jinnian played chess with Amber.

Wen Nuan and Ba Gongzhu were sitting next to them and watching them play chess.

But the eighth princess felt bored watching it.

The eighth princess who had nothing to do simply took out the sewing basket to make clothes for the child in the warm stomach.

Seeing this, Nuan Nuan also wanted to give her child a small dress, so she and the eighth princess made clothes together.

Compared with the hustle and bustle outside, the room is peaceful.


Outside the city gate, Prince An's son was leading an enemy army of 100,000 to fight against Beiming's 80,000 army.

Soldiers from Nalan Kingdom pushed the giant wood with carts and rammed it hard against the heavy city gate.

Boulders fell one after another on the city wall, and sharp arrows shot down one by one, but they couldn't stop the brave Nalan soldiers from climbing up!

The four of them had a simple lunch, and then about an hour later, there was a loud noise outside.

It was as if something huge and heavy fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there were many panicked voices: "The city has fallen!"

"The enemy has captured the city!"

"Run away!"

The eighth princess was excited, she dropped the little clothes in her hand, and stood up: "It's captured!"

Wen Nuan also put down the half-sewed coat in his hand and stood up: "Yeah."

Nalan Jinnian put a black chess piece on the board: "You lose!"

Then he stood up.

Amber looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard with a look of astonishment. It was clear that the situation was good just now, why did they collapse all of a sudden?

Nuan Nuan said to Chen Huan and Chen Xi, "Get the medicine kit ready."

She is going to save someone.

The eighth princess hurriedly said: "I want to help too!"

Amber quickly stood up and came to the eighth princess.

Nuan nodded, then looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian sighed inwardly, and the four of them left the city through the secret road.

outside the city gate

The wounded soldiers were carried aside one by one, Feng Nianchen and Wen Ran led the military doctors to treat them.

As soon as Nuan Nuan appeared, Feng Nianchen immediately yelled to Nuan Nuan: "Little Master, this way, hurry up!"

Nuannuan was about to run over, but Nalan Jinnian had already picked her up and ran over in a flash.

Nalan Jinnian put the warmth on the ground.

Feng Nianchen was kneeling on the ground, using a silver needle to stop the bleeding of a soldier. The soldier was stabbed in the heart and was bleeding continuously.

The man didn't move! Looked dead.

Feng Nianchen didn't raise his head towards Nuannuan and said, "There's still a little breath! See if you can save it, I've given you all the pills, but the effect is not obvious."

"Okay, leave it to me here, you go and save the others! Send all the critically injured to me!" Wen Nuan said, squatting down and starting to save people.

Nalan Jinnian told Nuan Nuan, and then ran to help bring the wounded soldiers over.

Amber also joined the ranks of saving lives.

in the city

The army has successfully breached the city, and the soldiers and some common people of Beiming Kingdom fled in panic.

Prince An's son did not chase those deserters, the most important thing now is to control the entire city.

After the army entered the city, he quickly commanded the soldiers to control the entire city.

These things have been done with experience.

The county magistrate and officials of Anfeng County had already fled to the next city with the remaining 20,000 soldiers before the city fell.

At this moment in the city, the rest are some poor people who fled and don't know where they fled!

When Prince An's son led his soldiers to control the city, he would definitely comfort those people who were fleeing in a panic from a distance, telling them not to be afraid, and they would not harm innocent people.

Those people who want to leave, those who run to other cities, can also leave.

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