Slowly, some common people discovered that the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom really would not harm ordinary people like them.

As long as they don't fight, they won't hurt them, and then many people are not so panicked, and some people who wanted to run away, hesitated for a moment, just hid back in the house, not daring to come out.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night, and the warmth didn't stop until dawn. Her purple energy had been exhausted, and she was exhausted.

If you are happy, what is the difference between your body and the past, in addition to eating and sleeping well, there is one more thing is that you are more likely to get tired!

After rescuing the last seriously wounded soldier with purple energy, Nuan Nuan said to the dark-faced Nalan Jinnian, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep. Will you carry me back?"

Nalan Jinnian didn't say a word, he hugged Wen Nuan directly, she leaned into his arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

After Nalan Jinnian settled Wen Nuan, she asked Chen Huan and Chen Xi to protect her, and then went out to work.

The city has been captured, and there are still many follow-up things to do.

How to stabilize and appease the people who have not left, how to guard against the turmoil caused by the enemy army lurking among the ordinary people.

How to manage this city well and defend this city. These are the top priorities!

From the next day, the soldiers began to check every household. If there were any people left behind, they would register and record the names of the people in each household, the number of people in the family, the fields and so on.

In addition to registering the population of the people who stayed behind, the soldiers also comforted them, telling them that this registration was for the purpose of dividing the fields according to the population in the spring of the coming year and distributing grain with a yield of one thousand catties per mu.

The common people couldn't believe it when they heard it, and some people kept asking if it was true. After receiving repeated assurances, they all felt lucky!

Prince An's son went door-to-door with the soldiers to check and register.

He found that most of the people who stayed were very poor people, or the old, weak, sick and disabled, who had no money to run, or couldn't run, so they simply broke the jars and stayed to die.

Most of those rich and powerful are gone!

To the surprise of Prince An's son, two big landlords and several merchants stayed behind and did not leave.

In the evening of this day, Prince An's son informed Nalan Jinnian of the situation.

".Except for two landlords and a few merchants, the people who stayed were all poor people. Most of their families couldn't open the pot! I saw that what they ate was porridge so thin that the rice grains could not be seen. It won’t be a few days. Some people said that there were dozens of catties of grain at home, and they barely ate until the beginning of spring, but they were all confiscated by the court, so there is no more!”

Nalan Jinnian just remembered this, and he couldn't help asking: "Have you found food in the yamen?"

Prince An's son shook his head: "No. It's an empty yamen! Except for some household registration materials, which are too late to burn, there is nothing left!"

Nalan Jinnian was not surprised, but the county magistrate of Anfeng County collected so much food from the people these days, where did they store it?

They won't be shipped away so soon, will they?

Wen Nuan: "Maybe it's outside the city, we haven't searched many villages outside the city yet."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, and decided to ask Dahui to look around tomorrow, and then he said to Prince An's son: "Tomorrow, let's have people set up a shed to give out porridge! Three meals a day, make the porridge thicker, and let the common people cook it." Let’s talk about it after this winter.”

Prince An's son was a little worried when he heard this: "But this would require a lot of food, right? Do we have enough food?"

If it's just an army of 100,000, it will eat a lot of food every day.

Although Anfeng City has been captured now, Nalan Jinnian has said that the property of the common people cannot be looted or embezzled.

Nothing of value was found in the yamen of Anfeng City.

Besides, the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom may fight back at any time and take back the city, just like they did in Nalan Kingdom.

If there is no food, the Beiming Kingdom will send hundreds of thousands of troops to trap their one hundred thousand troops in the city, and starve to death!

The eighth princess smiled and said: "You can rest assured that this time we changed a lot of food, enough to feed the army for a month! And Nuan Nuan said, after the New Year, we will go to the next city, and then we will change some Food! It’s warm, right?”

Nuannuan nodded: "Try your best! I don't know if I can change so much this time."

After all, he may not meet Di Junming next time, and Di Junming is not stupid, he will react.

Prince An's son didn't know, so he asked, "How to change?"

Amber explained it to him.

After listening to Prince An's son, he couldn't help complaining: "Could it be that Prince Beiming is crazy? And the county magistrate of Anfeng County is probably not stupid, is he?"

No wonder so many people stayed, and even landlords and merchants stayed.

It turned out to be forced to miserably!

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Who knows!"

In the next few days, Nalan Jinnian and Nuannuan stayed in the house every day to check some information and household registration left in the yamen, and at the same time checked with the soldiers to verify the registration information one by one, and found some suspicious people. , arrange for people to pay attention secretly.


On the side of Beiming Kingdom, Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian were busy rectifying the newly captured city. At the same time, Southern Border Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, and the Three Kingdoms also sent troops on the same day, and started fighting!

All three countries dispatched 200,000 troops to deal with Nalan Kingdom. Among these battles, the battle with Nanjiang Kingdom was the heaviest!

It was seven days later that Nalan Jinnian received the news that the Seventh Prince had captured Puning County of Southern Border Country and Lin Tingxuan had captured Shangyong County of Southern Border Country.

At the same time there is a message for help.

Although the city was conquered, many soldiers in our army were poisoned because of the poisonous use of the southern border country, and the detoxification pills were not enough, so we had to divide the detoxification pills into four and give them to the soldiers to reduce the toxins in their bodies , hang their lives, and wait for the next batch of detoxification pills to arrive.

There are a total of 150,000 soldiers on the southern border, and 50,000 of them have been poisoned! It's not that the other soldiers were not poisoned, but they took antidote pills, and the poison was cured.

The news was sent back by Xiao Zhu, who also brought back some poisonous blood, so that Nuannuan could identify what kind of poison they were poisoned, and then prescribe the right medicine.

How could Nalan Jinnian allow Nuannuan to touch something like poison.

This task was naturally given to Wen Ran.

Wen Ran took the bottle and felt it was cold. She uncorked the bottle and took a look, then she knew what the poison was.

This is a kind of ice poison, the poisoned person's whole organs will be frozen slowly, and finally it will be like being put into a freezer, it will make people die of stiff ice cubes!

After planting this kind of poison, the toxicity will be accelerated in cold weather.

It is not difficult to detoxify this kind of poison, but it is difficult to collect the medicinal materials in this winter, especially when so many soldiers are poisoned, how many medicinal materials are needed?

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