After listening to Wen Ran's words, the eighth princess saw that everyone frowned, she couldn't help but said: "Can't the detoxification pills be cured? Wouldn't it be enough to send some detoxification pills from the capital?"

Wen Nuan shook his head: "There are not many detoxification pills in the capital, and even if there are enough detoxification pills in the capital, it will take too long to send them from the capital to southern Xinjiang! Now the poisoned soldiers have taken a quarter of the detoxification pills." , It can indeed detoxify the body parts, but the weather is so cold now, the cold will make the residual poison continue to increase, I estimate that the poisoned soldiers will not survive for half a month, and they must be kept in a warm greenhouse. "

Feng Nianchen echoed: "Not only in the capital, but also in other places. I don't think there are so many detoxification pills in total. When I set off here, I sent 50,000 detoxification pills to the southern border, and then the northern border, the eastern border, etc. Xinjiang and Western Xinjiang each sent 5,000 grains. Now I can only take 5,000 grains from the northern border for emergency, and then I will see how many stocks are in the nearby cities. But don’t hold too much Hope, because the medicinal materials are in short supply now, it is estimated that the pharmacies in various places have not refined much."

Now is the time of war and there are so many battles to be fought. When Feng Nianchen left, he specifically told him that he was in the pharmacies in the major cities, and the most important thing every day was to seize the time to refine Jinchuang medicine and other medicines to heal wounds and stop bleeding.

After all, detoxification pills are not as urgently needed as wound medicines. He had already sent so many of them a while ago, and he thought it was enough, so he asked the medicine boy under his hand to refine some when he had time. Therefore, Feng Nianchen didn't know how many stocks there were in various places.

He reckoned that some detoxification pills were transferred from some cities in Nanjiang Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom. There were thousands of pills, and there should be more than 10,000 in total. Tens of thousands are absolutely impossible.

The eighth princess couldn't help being anxious: "Then what should I do?"

Tens of thousands of soldiers!

There are no detoxification pills, and there are no detoxification medicinal materials, so why not just watch tens of thousands of soldiers wait to die?

"I have a way to use silver needles to detoxify and use silver needles to enhance Yang Qi. I can discharge a little every day, and then cooperate with the improvement of Yang Qi, and then add some common anti-cold poison medicine, and the detoxification can be achieved in a few days." Nuan Nuan finished reading. He glanced at Nalan Jinnian.

She wanted to go there to save people, it happened to be at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, if she was determined to travel day and night, it would only take about seven days to get there!

After all, tens of thousands of soldiers!

Emotionally and rationally, we must never ignore death.

Besides, if these tens of thousands of soldiers are lost, their plan to pacify southern Xinjiang will definitely be greatly affected.

What's more, those soldiers are living human lives, tens of thousands of soldiers come from tens of thousands of families!

Wen Nuan really couldn't bear to see death.

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

Nuannuan is happy now, and it has not been three months, how can he bear it if he travels overnight?

Besides, many road surfaces are now icy, which increases the risk of traveling.

Also, because of the prophecy of the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang, the child in Nuan Nuan's belly has become the number one enemy of all countries.

I heard that some assassin organizations in various countries have issued missions.

Bounty for who kills Princess Hui'an: ten thousand taels of gold!

It can be seen how dangerous the warmth is now.

Wen Ran thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "Third Sister, teach me the tricks, and I'll just save people in the past!"

She has also learned simple detoxification with silver needles, but the acupuncture method she learned requires antidote after detoxification to relieve the residual toxins in the body.

It means that silver needle detoxification cannot completely remove toxins from the body.

And one of the biggest characteristics of ice poison is that if the remaining poison is not cleared, if there is cold air entering the body, those cold air will make its toxin more and more concentrated!

Wen Nuan shook his head: "I will know how to administer the needle only after I have passed the debate."

It means that she must go there!

Wen Ran couldn't help being discouraged for a while, yes, to argue!

Moreover, when this kind of ice poison attacks the human body, it will attack the most vulnerable organs of the human body first. Everyone's constitution is different, and the hidden diseases in the body are also different. These need to be paid attention to when performing acupuncture detoxification.

That's why sometimes it appears that for the same disease, the amount of medication is different, and the ingredients of the medication are also different!

Warmly looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Shall we go there?"

Nalan Jinnian had a sullen face and did not speak.

Letting the warmth pass, he was infinitely worried and felt sorry for her, always making her so hard and always taking risks.

He married her because he wanted her to be safe and happy, not to.

But if the warmth is not enough, those tens of thousands of soldiers may die

He knew very well in his heart that Nuannuan would definitely stick to it!

He can't just watch those soldiers die of poison

Everyone looked at him.

Nuannuan knew that Nalan Jinnian loved her dearly, and also knew how entangled his heart was at the moment. She stepped forward and hugged his arm, and said with a smile, "Well, you will protect me and the child, right? You are here along the way. Our mother and daughter will be fine, thanks to your hard work!"

Nalan Jinnian pulled down his warm hand and held it tightly in his palm.

He said to Chen Huan, "Get ready to set off right away, heading to southern Xinjiang."

"Yes!" Chen Huan and Chen Xi immediately went to prepare.

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes fell on Wen Nuan with worry.

The eighth princess looked particularly worried.

She has lost a child herself, and she knows how painful it is to lose a child. She is worried about warmth

Nuannuan saw the worry in the eyes of the eighth princess, she smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, the eighth princess, I'm fine. Your Seventeenth Emperor will take good care of me."

Nalan Jinnian didn't know what to say.

This girl didn't realize that she was pregnant at all, he was the only one worrying about it.

The eighth princess nodded: "Don't be brave, don't go if you feel uncomfortable. Let's think of other ways!"

"Well, there are other ways to think about." It's impossible to rely on your own purple energy alone.

Nalan Jinnian said to Prince An's son, "Come with me."

Nalan Jinnian patted his warm hands: "You take a break and eat something, I'll take care of the things here and leave."

Nuan nodded: "Okay, go get busy!"

Anfeng City has just been captured, and there are still many follow-up matters that have not been dealt with. He has to tell them one by one, and what to do if the Beiming Kingdom takes the opportunity to attack the city.

Also, it is now the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and after the Chinese New Year, we will continue to attack the city. Before the attack, we must make preparations for food and grass, and there are many, many.

Nalan Jinnian needs to explain to Prince An's son.

And Wen Nuan didn't rest, she, Feng Nianchen and Wen Ran also had something to explain.

First of all, let Feng Nianchen use his contacts in Beiming country to buy some medicinal materials from Beiming country and transport them to Nanjiang country, so as to get rid of the poison as soon as possible.

The people of Southern Border Kingdom are very good at using poison. In one battle, their entire army was poisoned, and they didn't even have enough detoxification pills!

They still underestimated the strength of the southern border country too much.

No wonder the small southern border country was able to become independent back then.

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