Feng Nianchen is from the Godly Doctor Valley, and Feng Nianchen has medicine shops in various countries. Even if the imperial courts of various countries are tightly controlled and cannot purchase in large quantities, it is still possible to secretly use personal connections to purchase some medicinal materials for emergencies. If you are lucky, it is still possible.

Otherwise, Nalan Kingdom would not have so many medicinal materials to refine wound medicines. Except for the ones grown by Wen Nuan and those bought by Wen Jiagui, theirs only accounted for a small number, and most of them were bought by Feng Nianchen's medicine shop.

Wen Nuan asked Feng Nianchen: "Brother Feng, do you have a medicine shop in Tianchu City in Beiming Kingdom?"

The closest to Anfeng County is Tianchu City.

The fastest way is to transfer some medicinal materials from Tianchu City.

Feng Nianchen shook his head, and said with a look of hopelessness: "Yes, there are, but there are not many detoxification pills. As for the other medicinal materials to detoxify the ice poison, don't have too much hope, probably not many You know, most of the medicinal materials for relieving cold and methamphetamine are rich in southern Xinjiang."

The southern border country is located in the far south, where the climate is warm and there are many herbs that enhance yang energy.

They guessed that the Southern Xinjiang Congress would use poison, but they did not expect that the Southern Xinjiang Congress would use ice poison!

They speculated that the poisons used by the Southern Xinjiang Congress were mainly warm and wet poisons.

So I prepared a lot of medicinal materials to detoxify these poisons.

After all, there are not many materials for refining ice poison in the southern border country, but there are many in the northern sea country.

But since the two countries have colluded together, the poison they want to refine the ice poison is all obtained from the Beiming Kingdom.

There are also Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom.

There are too many factors affecting it, and it is really difficult to guess what kind of poison the Southern Border Kingdom will use!

Wen Nuan was also worried about whether the Southern Border Country had cooperated with the other three countries. If the other three countries also used poison, and it was as powerful as ice poison!

That would be too bad!

Although it is very difficult to use poison on such a large scale to poison so many soldiers.

But this kind of situation doesn't need too much, if each country appears once, it can greatly damage the strength of Nalan Kingdom!

Even if she has purple energy, she may not be able to rush to save people in time!

Nuan expressed the worry in his heart.

Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen both looked serious when they heard the words.

There are thousands of poisons in this world!

too difficult!

Wen Ran shook his head: "That's too difficult to grasp. After all, there are so many poisons in the world, and the poisons that can be prepared are ever-changing. It is difficult to prepare in advance! We can only prepare some basic antidote medicinal materials."

"I know that, what I need this time is some medicinal materials for making ice poison." Wen Nuan's eyes were cold.

Just playing drugs!

Who can't play? !

If the four countries want to fight in this way, let's see who can play poison more powerfully!

The two were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and soon Wen Ran's eyes became brighter and brighter!

How to do? She also wants to go to the southern border country!

Feng Nianchen smiled evilly, "This should be easier than the antidote."

For poisonous medicinal materials, the usual dosage will eventually be less.

Besides, if the cold ice poison of Southern Border Kingdom is refined from the medicinal materials provided by Beiming Kingdom, then the medicine farmers of Beiming Kingdom should take the opportunity to pick more of this medicine, so there should be some in stock.

You know that drug farmers generally don't know anything, but if any medicinal material suddenly sells well, they will pick that medicinal material everywhere. It will not stop until it is saturated and cannot be sold at a good price! "

Wen Nuan smiled when he heard that, "You're right! I know how to predict what kind of poison the enemy will use!"

Before Wen Ran could react, he subconsciously asked, "How to predict?"

Feng Nianchen has already reacted, and he smiled: "Yes, although I can't be 100% sure, but the general direction is known, and the direction we are preparing for will not be too far behind!"

Wen Ran also reacted after hearing this!

Her eyes sparkled: "Yes! You can get the answer from Yao Nong! Yao Nong is like that in every country!"

In the past few years, Wen Ran followed Feng Nianchen to the deep mountains to collect herbs every year, and met many drug farmers.

Some drug farmers are more friendly, and even tell them what medicinal materials are selling well recently.

In the past few years, there is no doubt that Sanqi's wound medicine is the best seller here!

Drug farmers don't know politics, they only know what medicinal materials are missing from drug dealers, and then they go to the mountains to pick or plant them.

It's much easier to find information from Yao Nong!

Feng Nianchen is in the drug store business, but knows many drug farmers.

Wen Nuan patted Feng Nianchen on the shoulder: "The next thing is up to you!"

Feng Nianchen nodded and made an OK gesture.

Wen Nuan wrote another letter for Xiao Hei to send to Wen Jiagui, and Wen Jiagui went to Nanjiang to buy medicinal materials.

The purchase of medicinal materials was also started from Yaonong, so I happened to inquire about it by the way.

In addition, she also wrote a letter to Ningyuan County, asking Tan to pay attention to it.


On the second night, Nalan Jinnian explained everything, and then, together with Nuan Nuan, took some detoxifying pills, and set off from Jian's light car, leaving Anfeng City and heading for the Southern Border Kingdom.

As for the delivery of other medicinal materials, Wen Nuan didn't bring it with him this time, Feng Nianchen had enough channels to send it to the Southern Border Country.

Anfeng City has just been captured by Nalan Kingdom, it can be said that it has attracted worldwide attention.

How many sentinels from the Beiming Kingdom, as well as secret agents from various countries, are watching the movement of Anfeng City day and night.

In fact, it is not suitable to leave Anfeng City at this time, because as long as they go out of the city, as long as they go to the direction of the Southern Border Kingdom, those who are looking for warmth and whereabouts, especially the killers of the Southern Border Kingdom, will definitely know their identities.

But there was no way, Nalan Jinnian and Nuannuan couldn't ignore the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers.

Even if it's Longtan and Tiger's Den, they must go there!

in the carriage

Nuannuan was still held in Nalan Jinnian's arms, sometimes when he was tired, Nuannuan leaned against the quilt on one side as a pillow.

Only in this way, even if the carriage bumps, it will not affect her much, and it will be much more comfortable, it is Nalan Jinnian's hard work.

The carriage was not far from Anfeng City, and in a dense forest, they encountered several quack killers. Fortunately, their martial arts were not too high, so the hidden guards took action and solved them.

They are only responsible for rushing on the road.

Holding the sword in his hand, Chen Huan lifted a corner of the curtain of the carriage and watched the situation outside vigilantly.

Nuan Nuan was eating pastry, they had just left the dense forest at this moment.

Walking on an official road, there are fields and some villages nearby.

Probably because of the war, the common people dared not come out, and there was no one around.

Wen Nuan couldn't help saying: "Chen Huan, you don't have to stare so closely, relax a bit! Eat something!"

There is Xiao Hei in the sky to guide them.

Where there are people, Xiao Hei will tell them in advance.

Nuan Nuan has changed her appearance at this moment. She put on a human skin mask and turned into Chen Huan. Chen Huan sat across from them.

So at the moment there are two people who look like Chen Huan in the carriage.

It's hard to tell who's who!

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