Although Nuan Nuan asked Chen Huan to relax a little bit, Chen Huan was able to relax there. He only walked for two hours, and before dawn, he met the killer!

This night has not passed yet, and I don't know if I will encounter other killers.

So she lowered the curtain for a while, and couldn't help but lift it up again to look out.

Seeing this, Nuan Nuan let her go, she covered her mouth and yawned.

It's still dark, and I still want to sleep.

Nalan Jinnian tucked the cloak covering her body: "Sleep!"

"Yeah." Wen Nuan nodded and closed his eyes to sleep.

The carriage moved forward all the way, swaying, Nuan soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and in a daze, Wen Nuan heard the sound of fighting outside and the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air.

She opened her eyes quickly.

The sound of fighting had gradually faded away, and it was obvious that the hidden guard stopped him again.

The carriage was running fast, and occasionally it was warm and even felt the wheels slipping on the icy ground.

It's easy to get out of control!

Nalan Jinnian hugged Nuannuan tightly, saw that she was awake, patted her body lightly, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, this section of the road is on flat ground, Xia Xuan's driving skills are very good. sleep?"

If you are walking on a mountain road and the road is icy, you can't walk like this.

In the middle of the night, it was Xia Xuan who drove the carriage. He was a hidden guard before, and he didn't have as much experience in driving a carriage as Xia Xuan.

Wen Nuan glanced outside, it was almost dawn.

Wen Nuan said: "I've had enough sleep, it's almost dawn, you two didn't sleep last night, did you? Go to sleep!"

There are still several days to go, if I don't sleep, how can my body bear it?

"En." Nalan Jinnian waited until the sky was completely bright, the carriage was driving on the official road, and the surroundings were empty and unobstructed, then he closed his eyes and rested.

And Chen Huan waited for Nalan Jinnian to wake up before closing his eyes and resting.

In the days to come, there will be no smooth seas. The daytime is fine, but there will always be at least two or three assassinations at night.

This is still under Xiao Hei's leading the way, choosing a relatively safe route to walk.

Otherwise, I don't know how many things I can encounter in a day!

Just deal with those assassins and killers and don't even think about hurrying!


While Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were avoiding the assassination and rushing day and night, Nalan Jinnian received some good news.

They were all sent by the idiot.

The first news is that Wang Xiao has successfully captured Xiliang City in Xihua Kingdom.

The second news is the news that the Third Prince, the Ninth Prince and General Liu Kai captured Pingjin City of Dongling Kingdom.

Nuan Nuan put down the letter and said happily: "This is a good start. New Year's Eve will be in two days. With this good news, all the people in Nalan Kingdom will be able to have a joyous and happy New Year this year."

Chen Huan also said happily: "No, next year we will definitely achieve another success!"

"En." Nalan Jinnian replied, his voice was low and pleasant, with a faint hint of joy.

Nuannuan took a look at Nalan Jinnian, his brows and eyes were more stretched than before.

After four days of driving, although he didn't look like he was frowning, Nuan Nuan could always feel the tension and vigilance in his heart.

Even though he was asleep, he could wake up immediately with a slight movement of his own.

"Over there in the capital, you should have just received the news on New Year's Eve, right? In this way, the emperor and queen mother can also live a peaceful and joyful year!"

"En." The joy in Nalan Jinnian's voice became more obvious.

Who wouldn't be happy to welcome the new year in triumph?

So far, the four countries besieged Nalan Kingdom and tried to carve up Nalan Kingdom, but they all ended up being attacked by Nalan Kingdom and captured one or two cities.

Among them, Nanjiang Kingdom is the worst. In the past, they were the first to fight with Nalan Kingdom. So far, Lin Tingxuan has occupied three cities successively.

However, although they captured a city in the Southern Border Kingdom, it was also the one with the heaviest casualties in this four-nation battle, tens of thousands of soldiers were poisoned!

But now they are rushing to rescue people, and they will arrive on New Year's Eve, so there is still a great hope that they will be rescued.

Therefore, this year is destined to be a year of harvest and joy!

Nuannuan suddenly remembered that Dijunming had changed so many grains with a yield of a thousand catties before, and the purpose was to give it to the king of Beiming as a birthday gift.

On New Year's Eve, it happened to be Beiming King's birthday. I heard that people from Nanjiang Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom, and Dongling Kingdom were invited to participate, but they were not invited from Nalan Kingdom!

"You said, the news that Anfeng City had been captured on New Year's Eve should have spread to the capital of Beiming, right? Will the King of Beiming know?"

"Yes. Even if he doesn't know, I will let him know!" Nalan Jinnian nodded.

Although Beiming Kingdom did not invite us Nalan Kingdom to participate in Beiming King's Longevity Festival this year, but before they Beiming Kingdom gave such a generous gift on the emperor's brother's Longevity Festival, we have to reciprocate!

Wen Nuan was relieved when she heard the words, she thought of something and smiled: "I really want to see the expression of the king of Beiming when he knows that we have captured Anfeng City, and the rations for the soldiers are provided by Di Junming. It must be very exciting! It's a pity that I can't go and see for myself!"

The corner of Nalan Jinnian's mouth slightly raised: "It's really a pity!"

He also wanted to see how the Three Kingdoms would react when they saw that the Beiming Kingdom had obtained grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu!

Has the fortress of their Quadruple Alliance remained strong since then!


The twelfth lunar month has come to an end without knowing it.

On New Year's Eve, many news were sent to the kings of the Five Kingdoms like snowflakes that arrived as scheduled.

Beiming Palace

This year is the turn of the emperor of the Beiming Kingdom to hold the Longevity Festival. According to the management for more than a hundred years, it should have invited envoys from all countries to celebrate together!

Well, Beiming Kingdom did invite the other four countries to come, and Nalan Kingdom was deliberately not invited!

At this moment, the palace banquet was full of singing and dancing, and after a dance song fell, it was the turn of the birthday gift.

Beiming Crown Prince Di Junming stepped forward, followed by several brightly dressed court ladies.

Prince Beiming stood in the center, saluted respectfully, and said, "Father, this is a gift prepared by my sons and servants for Father. May the father be as blessed as the East Sea and live forever!"

The maid behind Di Junming lifted the brocade cloth on the tray, revealing small piles of grain seeds.

In addition, there are two jade stones.

The eyes of those present were amazed when they saw the two pieces of rough jade!


Peerless gem!

This idea popped up in everyone's mind involuntarily.

Di Junming explained with a regretful face: "I searched for a long time to find these two pieces of rare gems, but unfortunately I haven't had time to carve them, but I have already found Master Zhang Ping. When he saw these two pieces of gems, it was as if he had found a treasure. He studied it carefully and said that it was very suitable for carving a jade ornament of Songhe Yannian and Shoubi Nanshan. Here are the blueprints drawn by Master Zhang Ping. Father can take a look to see if he is satisfied. If father likes it, his son will do it tomorrow. Send it to Master Zhang Ping for carving."

"The prince has a heart! Show it to me!" Beiming Monarch had a rare smile on his face.

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