The King of Beiming especially loves jade, and he has a lot of precious jade in his small treasury, but he has never seen such a big Hetian Hongyu.

The two pieces of jade were soon presented by the eunuch.

The king of Beiming simply liked it more and more: "Haha. Good! This jade is indeed a rare treasure! The prince has a heart!"

The envoys from Southern Xinjiang were envious, the saint just needed a thousand-year-old red jade to sit on the magic weapon!

Isn't this ruby ​​just right?

He couldn't help but enviously said: "Congratulations to the King of Beiming for obtaining such a peerless treasure! His Royal Highness the Prince of Beiming is really filial! Hetian red jade is extremely rare, let alone such a big one! It is rare to see it in a hundred years, and our sage also sent it. People searched everywhere for red jade, but they couldn't find it!"

The other envoys and the courtiers of the Beiming Kingdom congratulated the Beiming King and praised the prince for his filial piety.

Longyan Dayue, the monarch of Beiming.

Di Junming was also extremely happy!

After everyone praised them, someone curiously asked if those piles of things were grain seeds.

Prince Beiming couldn't hide his complacency in his heart, he said happily: "My lords really have sharp eyesight, these are grain seeds! And they are health-preserving grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu!"

Healthy grains with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu?

Beiming officials were all excited: "Prince, is this true? A thousand catties of grain per mu?"

"The prince is really amazing! You can even find health-preserving grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu! No one in Beiming Kingdom will ever be hungry again!"

"The crown prince is worthy of being the crown prince, and he cares about the common people. With the health-preserving grain that yields a thousand catties per mu, the people of Beiming Kingdom will be blessed in the future! Our Beiming Kingdom's unification of the world is just around the corner! Your Majesty is blessed!"

The King of Beiming was also so excited that he almost stood up. He stared at Di Junming with eager eyes: "Prince, where did you get these grains?"

Although precious jade is rare, as long as he wants it, countless people in this world will find him and give it to him.

But the grain yielding a thousand catties per mu is really not something you can have if you want it!

The monarch of Nalan Kingdom is really too selfish. He won't share such good grain with other countries.

Let the people of the world have enough to eat!

Therefore, Nalan Kingdom deserves to be besieged by the four countries!

The envoys from the Three Kingdoms also stared at Di Junming closely.

They were both shocked and worried.

Couldn't even the Beiming Kingdom have grown a thousand catties of grain per mu?

And it must be healthy food!

After that, wouldn't Beiming Kingdom's strength increase greatly?

Di Junming really wanted to say that he brought people to plant it, but he was afraid that he would not be able to research it by then. If he planted it, it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor!

Di Junming thought about it for a while and said: "Return to father, this is what I bought from the people of Nalan Kingdom! There are seventy catties in total, and I have asked people to study carefully how these grains are cultivated! After doing research on so many grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, I believe that soon our Beiming Kingdom will be able to grow grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu!"

The King of Beiming couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard the words.

The envoy of the Three Kingdoms secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

It turned out that people from Nalan Kingdom bought it off!



However, to be able to bribe the people of Nalan Kingdom and get a thousand catties of health-preserving grains per mu is enough to make people envious!

They also tried their best to get Nalan Kingdom's grain seeds with a yield of a thousand catties per mu, but Nalan Kingdom was too strict, and these were related to the rations of the people, and those people would not sell them at all!

Because once the common people are found to be selling them privately, then generations will forever lose the right to receive thousands of catties of grain per mu.


Who dares to sell?

After all, this kind of thing can't be hidden, because the grains distributed by the imperial court are all registered, and officials will go to the countryside to check!

If you sell it, your own field will not be able to grow a thousand catties of rice per mu. The people sent by the court will know the output of the field, so no common people dare to sell it!

The Nanjiang envoy said enviously: "The prince of Beiming is really capable. He even has a way to get the grain seeds that produce a thousand catties per mu in Nalan Kingdom. I wonder if you can introduce this way to us? Now that the four countries are united, we should share the blessings. Is it difficult to be the same?"

The envoy of the Xihua Kingdom's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and hurriedly echoed: "We are now an alliance country, so naturally we share the blessings and the hardships! I believe that since the Beiming King and the Beiming Prince have the means to get the mu Thousands of catties of grain will definitely be shared with our Three Kingdoms!"

The envoy of Dongling Kingdom hurriedly said: "So, let's thank the King of Beiming on behalf of the king of our country, and thank the Prince of Beiming! Now there is a way to get grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu. I believe that the Prince of Beiming will be able to do so in the near future. Get the method of breeding! When the time comes, the people of our three kingdoms will all be blessed! The great kindness and virtue of Beiming Kingdom, our Dongling Kingdom will definitely not forget it!"

Di Junming was about to die of anger!

These blood-sucking leeches!

He managed to get dozens of catties of grain seeds, and one by one they wanted to get a share of the pie.

Putting on top hats one after another, he even wants to get the breeding method!

Greed is not enough!

The emperor of Beiming sighed, and said regretfully: "Although there is a way, but you also know that these grains with a yield of one thousand catties per mu are so strictly controlled by Nalan Kingdom, and there are not many people who can get them alone. It’s only a few catties, and I heard that the other party tried to find a way to cut it short, and picked it out! And I didn’t dare to make it too obvious, after all, everyone will weigh it when they go home. If it can be shared, Gu will definitely share it with you Three Kingdoms Sharing, but this time the number is not large, even if I want to help, I can’t help! I will let everyone know when there are grain seeds next time!”

The Lord of Beiming was a little disappointed at first, but after hearing what the envoy of the Three Kingdoms said, he also figured it out!

Now that my son has found a way to get grain seeds with a yield of a thousand catties per mu, isn't it a matter of time before he can get a breeding method for grain seeds with a yield of thousands of catties per mu?

However, the untouchables in these low-level countries still want to get grain seeds that can produce thousands of catties per mu?

What blessings are shared, and difficulties are shared, and they are also worthy?

The King of Beiming smiled and said: "That's right, we share the blessings and share the hardships. If our Beiming Kingdom has obtained grain seeds with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, if there is a secret recipe, we will definitely share it with you! We will definitely share it with you now! We must unite as one and conquer Nalan! At that time, why worry about not having a grain seed that can yield a thousand catties per mu, and no way to breed grain seeds that can yield a thousand catty per mu! Everyone is right!"

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms were a little dissatisfied when they heard the words, and the words were nice, but now who doesn't know, they are rejecting in disguise?

Otherwise, it would be great to tell them the way and introduce them to them!

The envoys from various countries could only laugh and echo.

I couldn't help but slander in my heart: If they conquered Nalan Kingdom, would they still need Beiming Kingdom to provide them with breeding methods?

At this time, a soldier hurried in and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, hurry up!"

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