Eight hundred miles in a hurry?

Beiming Monarch was overjoyed.

Could it be that our army has won a big victory?

So at the palace banquet on New Year's Eve, on his birthday, he couldn't wait to pass on the good news?

At this time, a courtier had the same thought as Beiming Monarch, and he said happily: "Your Majesty, there must be good news from the frontier!"

The envoy of Nanjiang Kingdom smiled and said: "Congratulations to the King of Beiming! This is a double blessing!"

Other envoys and civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also sent blessings one after another.

Beiming Monarch was happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said: "Hurry up for eight hundred miles, I don't know what's going on! Hurry up and announce!"

Soon, a soldier walked in, the armor on his body was still stained with blood, he knelt down with a plop: "Your Majesty, Anfeng City has fallen!"

The hall fell silent for an instant.

The smiles on everyone's faces froze instantly.

The envoys of Nanjiang Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, and Xihua Kingdom were also a little shocked. Nalan Kingdom actually captured Anfeng City in Beiming Kingdom?

Has their city been captured?

The envoys of the Southern Border Kingdom were particularly worried. They had already captured two cities by the Nalan Kingdom. If they captured another city, they would have three cities.

The envoys of the Southern Border Kingdom quickly stopped their thoughts, no, this time they will definitely win the Southern Border Kingdom!

With the poison matched by Miss Chu Yun, how could Nalan Kingdom win!

The envoy of the Xihua Kingdom was also extremely disturbed. It was Wang Xiao who was fighting the Xihua Kingdom.

Not Lin Tingxuan, Liu Kai and those new generals can compare!

The envoy of Dongling Kingdom felt more at ease. He heard that General Liu Kai's combat effectiveness was not too strong.

Moreover, he was a lieutenant general before, and he had never been on the battlefield. He didn't even have a wife, and he was still a boy!

There is really no one left in Nalan Kingdom. Such a young general is sent to the battlefield as a frontier general, and he is not afraid that there will be no descendants left behind by others!

The envoys of the four countries are worried and happy at the moment.

The worry is because the four countries have made an appointment to attack Nalan Kingdom together, making them overwhelmed by enemies from all directions, and then divide Nalan Kingdom as soon as possible, get the breeding method of a thousand catties of grain per mu, the planting method of health-preserving ingredients, and the seawater refined into edible The method of eating salt, the powerful thunderbolt, and the method of making the crossbow!

They have already discussed these things, and when they get them, they will divide them up by drawing lots.

Of course, they might unintentionally get these methods when attacking Nalan Kingdom, and then draw lots to choose one they don't know about!

As for the divided cities of Nalan Kingdom, it is natural that whichever country captures them belongs to that country.

If Beiming Kingdom captures too many cities, its strength will increase greatly, and there will be fewer cities to carve up on its own side, so they are naturally worried.

I am secretly happy because Anfeng County was captured by Nalan Kingdom, and it can defeat the spirit of Beiming Kingdom!

Before Beiming Kingdom sent out troops and captured two cities in a row, they were worried for a while. After all, if this continues, Beiming Kingdom's strength will only become stronger and stronger.

It is very good now, it is very good to set back the vigor and strength of Beiming Kingdom, if Nalan Kingdom can capture a few more cities, then the strength of Beiming Kingdom will be about the same as them!

Otherwise, they will always pretend to be the boss, as if the four kingdoms are all affiliated cities of Beiming Kingdom!

The envoys from various countries had their own thoughts, and the amiable face of the monarch of Beiming Kingdom instantly became clouded.

The city fell?

How could it fall?

Beiming Monarch is unbelievable!

They Beiming Kingdom are soldiers, but among the Five Kingdoms, they are famous for their bravery and skill in war!

How could it be possible to lose to Nalan Kingdom again and again!

He was so out of breath that he couldn't speak!

After all, so many foreign envoys are here, so as not to lose face!

But now he also feels extremely humiliated!

"How could it be possible to lose?" Di Junming said angrily what was in Beiming's heart.

Di Junming also couldn't believe it in his heart, but he secretly rejoiced that he left early, otherwise if he stayed in Anfeng City, he would definitely bear another responsibility for the city's fall!

Beiming Monarch managed to find his voice, suppressed his anger, and said calmly, "Submit it!"

The soldiers held march records in their hands, as well as combat records, as well as the county magistrate's handwriting.

They all recorded in detail the process of the fall of Anfeng City.

After reading it, Beiming Monarch was so angry that the top of his head was smoking!

Couldn't help but cursed two times in a row:


"Extremely shameless!"

The envoy of Nanjiang Kingdom asked curiously: "Master Beiming, do you know what shameless thing Nalan Kingdom has done this time?"

The King of Beiming said angrily: "Nalan Kingdom actually pushed my emperor's son under the city gate, and then came to attack the city! How dare our soldiers let go of their hands and feet to resist!"

Among so many sons, Emperor Beiming loves Di Junxian the most.

Of course, he also likes the prince, and feels sorry for him when he lost his mother when he was young, but he is not as fond of him as Di Junxian. The reason why he was appointed as the prince is only because of the influence of the prince's ancestral family and the promise to the late queen.

The King of Beiming liked the late Queen very much.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty suddenly realized!

No wonder!

If the sixth prince was pushed under the city gate, how dare the soldiers guarding the city do anything!

Immediately, Di Junming was filled with righteous indignation and said: "It's unreasonable! It's simply too hateful! It's too shameless! Father, my son is willing to go to rescue the younger brother in person! Please allow me!"

These days, whenever Di Junxian is mentioned, Di Junming reacts faster than anyone else, and immediately proposes to rescue Di Junxian himself.

A look of brotherly love.

Other ministers also echoed: "Nalan Kingdom's actions are really shameless! Your Majesty, we must rescue the sixth prince as soon as possible! But the prince can't go! If the prince goes in person, if the prince falls into another What to do in the hands of the enemy?"

"Your Majesty, the sixth prince must be saved, otherwise we will be subject to Nalan Kingdom forever, but the prince cannot be the one to save us! Your Majesty, please think twice!"

The ministers in the court all know Di Junming's martial arts, who dares to ask him to save him, if it falls into the enemy's hands again, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

The King of Beiming likes to see their brotherly love, but the prince's martial arts are really not that good!

He said: "I know that you are brothers, but you are the crown prince, so nothing can happen. I will be afraid that other people will go to this matter!"

Di Junming still wanted to say something to express his brotherhood.

At this moment, an eunuch walked up to Beiming Monarch, gave him three letters, and whispered a few words.

Beiming Monarch's complexion changed, he took it, took it apart, and took a look.

He was secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely dignified!

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