It is said that children from poor families are thrifty. When the adults wear out the clothes at home, they change them to smaller ones for the children. If the older ones don’t fit, they continue to wear them for the younger ones. Yue’er is probably used to being thrifty. , I don't want to lose this dress!

But it's a pity to lose such a good material.

She only had time to make five bodies for Nuan Nuan, and she felt distressed when she took out two bodies, but there was no other way.

She saved herself, lost her burden, and her clothes got wet and torn, so there was no reason for her not to be given all the clothes.

Yang Yue'er's face turned even redder, she lowered her head: "What the Queen Mother and Wangfei said is true."

Mother Rong walked to Yang Yue'er's side, and said with a respectful smile, "Miss Yang, let this servant measure your body!"

Yang Yue'er stood up: "Thank you, Nanny Rong."

"Miss Yang, you're welcome."

Yang Yue'er lowered her head slightly, allowing Nanny Rong to measure her body.

Just now the queen mother personally tailored the princess!

And the queen mother said that she is too far from the princess?

She couldn't help but secretly looked at Wen Nuan.

Nuan Nuan is eating candied fruit.

Seeing her eating happily, the queen mother asked, "Nuan Nuan likes this?"

Nuannuan nodded: "Well, sweet and sour, delicious!"

The queen mother pushed the plate: "Eat more if you like."

She thought about sending a letter back to the capital and asking someone to send some more.

When she was seventeen, she also loved to eat this!

The queen mother said to the maid who was waiting on the side: "Go and see if the stewed golden blood swallow is ready? Serve it to the princess."


Nuan Nuan hurriedly said: "Queen Mother, no need, I just ate in the morning, if I eat again, I won't be able to eat for a while."

Mother Rong measured Yang Yueer's body and said, "It doesn't matter if the princess eats more bird's nest. I heard that eating too much bird's nest will make the child smart, and it can be safe and secure! When the queen mother was pregnant with the prince, she also ate it every day. Two or three bowls of bird's nest, let's see how smart the prince is! If the princess is worried that she won't be able to eat, she should eat less. The queen mother brought all the bird's nests in the palace, as well as Princess An and Princess Ning I heard that they gave many bird's nests to the concubine to eat."

Where is the food in the army eaten by twins?

The concubine is happy, but she has to stay in the barracks from time to time, day and night to save people, and don't eat more bird's nest to make up for it, how can this be possible!

The bird's nests at this time are pure natural and wild, and swiftlets build their nests in caves in some deep mountains.

And there are very few swiftlets, not everyone can eat bird's nest every day, even the nobles in the palace.

Of course, Wen Nuan has never been short of these things since she met Nalan Jinnian, not to mention she is happy now, she wants to eat three meals a day, and Nalan Jinnian will try her best to find them for her .

Yang Yue'er heard the words and couldn't help but take a look at Wen Nuan. He heard that bird's nest can beautify the skin. No wonder the princess's skin looks so good, much more delicate than her own.

And so is the Queen Mother.

I have only tasted this kind of thing once or twice.

What did the queen mother think of? She said: "Seventeen asked me to prepare some books. I was bored on the way here, so I read a book about prenatal education? Is this really useful?"

Nuan Nuan nodded: "It will be more or less useful."

Nuan Nuan thought for a while and gave a simple example: "Just like the mother's emotions will affect the fetus in Fuzhong, if the mood is good, it is good for the child, and prenatal education is the same."

Empress Dowager: "Except for the bad temper and personality of the seventeenth child, he is pretty good. He is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Let him give the child prenatal education! He usually plays the piano for you. If he is not free, you come over. I'll play it for you!"

The queen mother herself can play a good piano, because she likes it, and she will play it even when she is bored in the palace.

This time, she followed the instructions in the prenatal education book and prepared everything!

She also brought the violin!

Nuan smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The queen mother thought of something and said: "The war is tense now, Shi Qi is so busy, I don't think I have much time to tutor the children, the queen mother will play it to you every day from now on."

Wen Nuan hadn't said anything yet, Yang Yue'er had already measured her body at this time, she sat down and said, "Ministers know a thing or two about Qin, if the queen mother and the princess don't mind, I can talk to the princess."

The queen mother likes to listen to music, so the music culture of Nalan Kingdom is better than that of the other four countries.

And every year, the Tai Le Department will select some good seedlings from the people to train in the Tai Le Department in the capital.

All the people of Nalan Kingdom knew this, so she knew it too.

Therefore, many families with a little background will teach piano to the girls in the family, especially those who are in business.

She also learned from urination.

The Queen Mother's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Really? Yue'er can also play the piano?"

Yang Yue'er nodded, and said a little embarrassedly: "Yes. It's just that I don't play very well. My family is in business, so my father let me learn some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

The queen mother laughed: "Over there, I understand all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting! That's just right!"

The Empress Dowager turned her head and said to the lady in the palace behind her, "Go and fetch the Qin."

"Yes." Ziying Fu stepped down and went to fetch the piano.

At this time Nalan Jinnian walked in.

When he came back from work, he didn't see Nuannuan in the big tent, so he came here specially to pick up Nuannuan.

Seeing him coming, the queen mother was very happy: "Seventeen, it's just in time for you to come, sit down quickly, let's listen to Yue'er playing the piano, this is prenatal education!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her upon hearing this.

She plays the piano?

I don't know how the piano skills won't teach his daughter badly, right?

Yang Yue'er noticed that Nalan Jinnian was looking at her, and subconsciously lowered her head.

Nalan Jinnian sat down beside Nuan Nuan: "Want to listen to music?"

Nuan nodded.

Then listen to it!

I will play it to her when I have time some other day.

After lunch, he will be busy again.

The violin was brought soon.

The empress said to Yang Yue'er: "Yue'er, play a piece and let's listen."

Yang Yue'er stood up and gave her a blessing: "The daughter of the people has shown her shame!"

Then he walked to the piano, glanced at the queen mother and Wen Nuan, and then at Nalan Jinnian.

The two people in front looked at her with a smile, while the latter was reaching out to push a strand of Princess Hui'an's hair behind her ear.

She smiled at the Queen Mother and Princess Hui'an, and sat down gracefully with a graceful posture.

With ten fingers green onions, gently pluck the strings, and the soft and melodious sound flows out from between the fingers.

Like a cheerfully flowing brook, at the beginning it was flowing slowly, soft and peaceful, slowly, faster and faster, galloping and jumping,

Passionate without being tactful, gentle without being unrestrained, gentle without being high,

Everyone in the room listened quietly.

At the end of the song, Yang Yue'er stood up and blessed her body: "The daughter of the people is showing her ugly face!"

The Queen Mother came back to her senses and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Yue'er's piano skills to be so superb! Haha. It's not worse than the musicians in the palace! Isn't it?"

The Queen Mother looked at Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian.

Nuan smiled and nodded: "It's tactful and fascinating!"

Yang Yue'er smiled shyly, and subconsciously glanced at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian did not speak.

"Seventeen, what do you think?" the Queen Mother asked again.

Nalan Jinnian: "Not bad."

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