Yang Yue'er lowered her head subconsciously, clasping her hands a little uneasy.

The queen mother glared at Nalan Jinnian, will she speak?

This is already playing well!

The Queen Mother was about to say something when the Seventh Prince walked in. He said happily, "Grandmother, who played that song just now! It's really good!"

Look, there is finally someone who can talk!

The queen mother said happily: "Haha, it's Xiao Qi who can talk! Miss Yang played it!"

The Seventh Prince saw the strange woman standing next to the guqin at a glance, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out his habitual words: "Grandmother, who is this girl, is she a new music officer of the Taiyue Department? She is too beautiful Bar!"

The Seventh Prince has been transporting food for the past few days, and he just came back. Hearing that the Empress Dowager is coming, he will naturally come to see him.

I never expected to meet such a stunning beauty!

It is comparable to the Queen Mother and the Seventeenth Aunt!

Of course, it's still not as good as the Queen Mother and Aunt Seventeen.

It's just too delicate, but such a delicate and delicate woman is rare now.

He thought that the song was played by the maid beside the queen mother.

Yang Yue'er subconsciously raised her head and glanced at the Seventh Prince, seeing the scrutinizing gaze of the previous Seventh Prince, she quickly lowered her head in fright, her soft and beautiful face instantly turned red.


She called the queen mother the emperor's grandmother.

The Queen Mother called him Xiaoqi.

This is the Seventh Prince?

The seventh prince, that is the emperor's son!

The queen mother smiled and said: "This is Yue'er. I came here this time, but I encountered a snow disaster on the way. Fortunately, Yue'er sacrificed her life to ask for help."

The Seventh Prince couldn't help but praise: "Miss Yang is beautiful and kind!"

Yang Yue'er blushed!

Nalan Jinnian was too lazy to listen to their nonsense, he said to the Queen Mother, "Queen Mother, Nuan Nuan and I are going back to the big tent first."

The Queen Mother hurriedly stopped him: "I'll have someone bring the bird's nest to Nuan Nuan! Eat it before going back."

"Send it to my account!" Nalan Jinnian stood up holding Nuan's hand.

He likes to stay with Wen Nuan, and doesn't like having an outsider around.

The queen mother also knew that Nalan Jinnian was cold-tempered, and especially didn't like to be with people she didn't know well, so she let him go: "That's fine too! Go back!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the Seventh Prince: "After lunch, come over to my side to discuss the route to transport the food."

The Seventh Prince nodded: "Yes!"

Yang Yue'er has been standing there with lowered eyebrows, as if she didn't hear everyone's words.

Nalan Jinnian dragged Nuannuan away.

The queen mother said to Yang Yue'er: "Yue'er, come on, play another song and let's listen."

The Queen Mother is listening with great enthusiasm!

The seventh prince also hurriedly said: "Yes, play another song, I didn't listen to much just now."



Except for the soldiers on patrol, everyone has fallen asleep.

Everything around is silent, only the north wind whistling can be heard.

In the whistling north wind, there seems to be a certain rhythm, but there seems to be no rhythm.

In a small tent behind the queen mother, Yang Yue'er sat up suddenly, listening to the wind with a pale face.

After she confirmed it again and again, her face was already as white as paper in fright!

That person came to the door!

How to do?

The north wind whistled, and the sound of the wind continued.

After a while, she felt a sudden pain in her heart, and she trembled all over, then quickly took out a dark conch-shaped object from her bosom, and blew on it.

The howling wind is still the same, it seems the same, it seems different.

Anyway, everyone was sleeping soundly, and no one noticed the difference.

But Yang Yue'er lay back in the bed, huddled in the bed, and couldn't even see her head.

In the darkness, the raised quilt was shaking slightly.


The next day, Nalan Jinnian still went to train the soldiers early in the morning.

As usual, Nuan came to the Queen Mother's big tent to pay her respects.

Yang Yue'er had already arrived, and when she saw Nuan Nuan coming in, she quickly stood up and saluted.

Nuannuan glanced at her: "Miss Yang looks a bit unwell today, is she feeling unwell?"

Yang Yue'er touched her face, and said nervously, "No discomfort."

After thinking about it, it was probably wrong to say so, and said, "Maybe it was because the wind was too strong last night, so I didn't sleep well."

The queen mother also said at this time: "Yes, the north wind was blowing last night. It blew all night, and I didn't sleep much. How did you sleep, Nuan Nuan?"

The queen mother is still not used to sleeping in a tent, but there is no way around it.

"I slept well."

She is used to sleeping in the open air, so she can fall asleep anytime, anywhere as long as she is sleepy.

The queen mother was relieved after hearing this: "That's good. Yue'er, why don't you play a piece of music and listen to it."

The queen mother wants Yue'er to give prenatal education to her baby Jinsun again.

"Yes, Empress Dowager!" Yang Yueer replied.

Wen Nuan said: "Queen, today I want to discuss the matter of food and grass with Brother Shiqi and the others, so I won't stay here to listen to the piano."

Yang Yue'er's eyes flickered upon hearing this.

It's just that she lowered her head as always, and everyone didn't see anything strange about her.

The queen mother heard the words and said: "The business is important, then you go!"

Discussing political affairs is also prenatal education!

If the child in Nuan Nuan's belly is a grandson, he should learn a little bit, so that he can take good care of the country in the future.

If it's a granddaughter, it's not bad to learn a little bit.

The queen mother felt that Nuan Nuan was pregnant with a boy. After all, when she was pregnant with seventeen, she also loved food so much, and her reaction was exactly the same.

But Shi Qi and Nuan Nuan both think it's a girl, so let's be a girl!

She likes it anyway!

It doesn't matter.

After Wen Nuan finished paying her respects, she left directly.

The queen mother looked at her leaving back and sighed: "It's hard for the child! If you are happy, you can't have a good pregnancy."

Yang Yue'er's thoughts were a little wandering, and she came back to her senses after hearing this, and quickly smiled: "Wangfei is the one who can do more work."

"Not really."


That night

Yang Yue'er lay on the bed tossing and turning.

The north wind was still howling that night.

When the familiar whistling sound came, she quickly picked up a black conch, and blew a few times to match the whistling wind.

The sound of the wind was exactly the same as the whistling wind, and no one could tell the difference.

After getting a response, she put away her things and lay back under the quilt.

I closed my eyes to sleep, my body was still shaking, and tears flowed from the corners of my eyes.

Why is she so miserable?

There has been no news for so many years, she thought she was free, she didn't even think about it.


when it's daylight

There was such a conversation in a certain house:

"Have all the ice poison on the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom been cured?" The old and hoarse voice was full of disbelief!

"She said that everything was solved! I heard that Princess Hui'an used silver needles to release poison! Moreover, she also said that the Nalan Army has recently been talking about the delivery of military rations. She can try to find a way to get it from King Jin or Hui'an County Let the Lord inquire about the delivery route of the grain."

"She really said that?"


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