"Idiot! Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an are both good people, don't get in touch with them too much! Isn't there a seventh prince? Let her find a way to get the sincerity of the seventh prince. As for the route of transporting food, let her not worry about it." .”

It is so rare that the nail she planted for many years actually saved the Queen Mother of Nalan Kingdom. How could such a rare opportunity be exposed because of a grain transportation route!

She wants more than just some food!


Over the years, she had placed too many nails in the inner houses of some wealthy families in Nalan Kingdom, but few of them were useful.

But don't worry, it will come in handy one day.

When it is time to pull it out, a large piece of flesh will be pulled out.

Among these nails, the most formidable one is the second concubine of Nalan Kingdom. She thought she could do something great, but she never thought that she would end up in the hands of the group leader Hui'an!

What a loss!

This time, she must make good use of this nail!

She must have the complete trust of the Seventh Prince and the Empress Dowager.

Unintentional life-saving grace, how wonderful!

Even if you search, you can't find anything.

Because this is indeed a coincidence.

However, she still underestimated the ability of Princess Huian, who could detoxify the ice poison of tens of thousands of soldiers?

Is there any poison that she can't solve?

With her here, how will the next battle be fought?

Must get rid of her!

One life for two?

It is naturally worthwhile to exchange one life for Princess Hui'an's corpse and two lives. As long as Princess Hui'an dies, King Jin will definitely be hit hard.

In this way, Nalan Kingdom will not be afraid!

However, Princess Hui'an and King Jin are both too powerful, they are simply the best of the best, without full confidence, she dare not make a move, because she will only lose her wife and lose her army again.

The most important thing now is to let Yang Yue'er gain their trust, and it is best to capture the heart of the Seventh Prince.

Her people are carefully cultivated, and she is very good at dealing with men. I believe that few men can resist.

Of course, that freak Nalan Jinnian was excluded!

So far, all her people have been wiped out as long as Nalan Jinnian moved his mind.

That's why she didn't dare to use these hidden nails to confront Nalan Jinnian anymore.


In the big tent

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian just finished their lunch.

Nalan Jinnian asked Chen Huan to bring a military book, and he read it to Nuan Nuan.

Well, strictly speaking, it is prenatal education for future daughters.

As for prenatal education, why do you need to read military books?

What Nalan Jinnian read the most was military books, and Nuan Nuan didn't think it was a problem.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi, who were guarding outside, listened to Nalan Jinnian reading the book of war in a low voice. The voice was magnetic and charming, which made people feel very comfortable.

However, why prenatal education and why reading military books?

Chen Xi asked Chen Huan: "How do you read a military book to the master? How do you read the military book to the little princess?"

Chen Huan: "Master asked me to take it."

Chen Xi wondered: "Didn't the master and the princess say that the baby in the stomach is the little princess? How did you teach the art of war?"

Xia Xuan came over at this time, just in time to hear the conversation between the two, he replied: "If you don't read military books, do you read female rings? Who are the master and the princess?"

They are all people with family and country in mind, isn't it normal to teach children to read military books?

Two people: "."

The master read the female ring to the princess and the young master?

Simply unimaginable!

The master will be kicked away by the princess!

Xia Xuan didn't care about them, facing the curtain of the big tent, he cupped his hands respectfully and said: "Master, Wangfei, I have something to see about my humble position."

The voice of reading in the room stopped and changed to "Come in!"

Nalan Jinnian put down the book in his hand.

Xia Xuan opened the curtain and walked in, bowed his hands and saluted, then presented the information in his hand and said: "Master has found it!"

Nalan Jinnian took it, Nuan Nuan leaned over, and the two looked at it together.

Both of them are masters of ten lines at a glance, and they quickly read through a thick document.

"In this way, at least she didn't plan on purpose after saving her mother."

Nalan Jinnian threw all the information in his hands into the charcoal basin: "It was not planned intentionally, and it may not be sincere."

In this world, there are too many people who climb the dragon and attach to the phoenix. At that time, the queen who rescued her mother might be because her mother was of noble birth.

Otherwise, Xue Beng was buried with so many people, why did she only save the queen mother?

Nuannuan was noncommittal about this: "Let's just watch! People's hearts can be seen over time."

"Yeah." Nalan Jinnian replied softly, "However, I plan to try it out."

Hearing the words, Wen Nuan's eyes sparkled: "Do you want to"

This is a good way. Instead of seeing people's hearts for a long time, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so that you can better grasp the initiative.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Yes. Continue!"

He picked up the military book that he had put down just now and continued to read.

Xia Xuan retreated silently with interest.


This night was also a night when the north wind howled.

The next day, Nuan Nuan was late to greet the Queen Mother.

Outside the big tent of the Queen Mother, I happened to see the Seventh Prince coming over.

Nuan Nuan handed him the grain transport route map in his hand: "This is the grain transport route map. Your Seventeenth Emperor asked me to give it to you. He went to train soldiers early in the morning. Take it well, and you may be asked to meet it at that time." Write it down and burn it!"

"Okay!" The Seventh Prince reached out to take the food transportation route map from Nuan Nuan's hand.

As soon as his fingertips touched the paper scroll, Nuan Nuan let go of his hand.

Then the scroll fell to the ground and spread apart, revealing the contents on it.

At this time, Yang Yue'er just came out from the big tent.

The seventh prince quickly bent down to pick up the blueprint on the ground, and then rolled it up.

Seeing the two of them, Yang Yue'er smiled slightly, then bent her knees and blessed her: "The daughter of the people has met the Seventh Prince and Princess Jin."

The Seventh Prince saw Yang Yueer's eyes brighten up: "Miss Yang so early?"

Nuannuan also smiled: "Miss Yang came so early to pay her respects to the Queen Mother."

Yang Yue'er nodded with a smile: "I just arrived too."

The Seventh Prince originally came to play chess with Yang Yueer. Yesterday he saw Yang Yueer playing chess with the Queen Mother and found that she was very good at chess. He really wanted to challenge her, so he made an appointment yesterday. Now he has something to do, so he can't play chess for the time being. , and said: "Miss Yang, I'm really sorry, today's chess game has to be cancelled, I have something to do, let's make an appointment another day."

Yang Yue'er hurriedly said: "Seventh Prince, you are being polite. The Seventh Prince is doing important things. Naturally, the important thing is the important thing. Min'er has nothing to do every day. If the Seventh Prince wants to find someone to play chess, he can call Min'er at any time."


Warm and curious: "Miss Yang is good at chess?"

The seventh prince nodded, full of appreciation: "Very powerful!"

Yang Yue'er blushed: "The Seventh Prince is absurd! The daughters only know a little bit. The Queen Mother is waiting for the Seventh Prince and Princess Jin in the tent, and the maidservant went back to the room to get something, excuse me."

That appearance is very shy, just like those innocent little girls who don't know much about the world, when they hear others praise, they look at a loss, which makes people feel affectionate.

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