The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1343 Has the food been shipped back safely?

When it was daylight.

The barracks was dotted with stars.

Nalan Jinnian returned with a food team.

Cart after cart of food was transported to the military camp.

Wen Nuan fell into a drowsy sleep, vaguely awakened by some noise.

She thought of something and sat up joltingly.

Chen Huan, who stood by the side, immediately said: "Princess, don't worry, the prince is back. He hasn't arrived yet, but he can already see it. Let's all go to greet him!"

Wen Nuan couldn't help but ask, "Is the food brought back safely?"

"It should be, Chen Xi has already gone out to have a look. Wangfei, please continue to sleep!" She took a look outside the big tent just now, and saw the carts of grain.

Nuan put her heart down, and she lifted the quilt directly: "I won't sleep anymore, I'll go and have a look."

Chen Huan immediately took the clothes for Wen Nuan to wear.

Wen Nuan put on her clothes and ran out in a hurry.

Chen Huan took a cloak and quickly followed.

Wen Nuan walked out of the big tent not far away, just in time to see the Seventh Prince coming out.

"The Seventeenth Emperor's Uncle has returned from transporting food!" The Seventh Prince said happily when he saw Nuan Nuan.

Nuan nodded: "Go, go and have a look."

Chen Huan quickly put the cloak on Nuan Nuan's body: "Princess, wait here! The prince will be here soon."

The Seventh Prince thought of something and hurriedly said: "Aunt Seventeen, I'll go and have a look, you should stay here properly!"

Nuan thought for a while and nodded.

The Seventh Prince hurried over.


Not far away, Nalan Jinnian took the lead leading a long team of food transporters, approaching from far away.

From far away, Nalan Jinnian saw a familiar figure coming out of the big tent, and he picked up his horse's belly to speed up.

Soon, Nalan Jinnian met the seventh prince who ran over to greet him. He didn't know what he said to the seventh prince, and then continued to ride on horseback.

When Nalan Jinnian came to Nuan Nuan.

Nuan Nuan was talking to Yang Yue'er.

There was so much commotion outside that Yang Yue'er was also woken up, so she came out to see what happened.

When she saw the carts of food coming back, she was a little curious and happy: "Princess, is the food here?"

Recently, she also heard that there are only three to five days left in the army's food reserves. If the food is not available, everyone will have to eat less and endure it for a few days.

Wen Nuan glanced at her, her eyes were sincere, and she nodded: "Well, here we are, this batch of food is enough for the army to feed for at least a month."

Yang Yue'er looked into the distance, nodded, and said casually: "That's great, after a month, the weather will start to warm up, so it will be more convenient to transport food!"


At this moment, Nalan Jinnian got off his horse and walked to Nuan Nuan.

Warmth immediately went up to meet her, Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand to support her and said with a smile, "I'm very cold, why did I wake up so early?"

"I know you're back, I can't sleep."

Nalan Jinnian laughed softly: "It's still early, I'll sleep with you for a while."

"it is good."

Nalan Jinnian took Wen Nuan's hand.

Yang Yue'er took advantage of this gap to salute Nalan Jinnian: "Minnv has met King Jin."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, and led Nuan Nuan back to the account.

Yang Yue'er glanced at the carts of grain that were approaching from afar.

She counted silently.

Is this food enough for the army for a month?

Not enough!

She stood there for a while before turning around and going back to her small tent behind her.


Nuan Nuan accompanied Nalan Jinnian to catch up on a nap, and it was already lunch time when he woke up again.

After the Seventh Prince ordered the soldiers to store the food, he specially came to eat with the two of them.

The new grain has just arrived, and along with this batch of grain, there are also some cured meat and some dried vegetables. I heard that they are all sent by ordinary people.

So today's lunch meal is richer than usual,

The bacon is relatively good for rice, and I couldn't help but add an extra bowl of bacon.

The Seventh Prince said happily: "This time the food was transported without any surprises and no danger, and there was no shadow of half of the enemy soldiers along the way. Does it prove that Miss Yang is not a nail planted by the enemy country?"

Nalan Jinnian put a piece of fat and thin bacon rice into the warming bowl: "The safe delivery of the food has nothing to do with proving that she is not a nail."

The Seventh Prince was dumbfounded: "Didn't we test her on purpose this time? Why is there no necessary relationship?"

The Seventh Prince accidentally saw her burying a little sparrow that had frozen to death in the snow two days ago, and he appeared suddenly on purpose to scare her. She was terrified by a sudden appearance, so Can a kind, timid woman make a nail?

The Seventh Prince expressed deep doubts!

Nalan Jinnian gave him a cold look: "Or, she didn't have a chance for the time being, so she sent the news out?! Or maybe a team of food and grass is not enough for her to reveal her identity? If you finally put a nail in the enemy's side , will you easily expose this nail for a team of food and grass?"

Seventh Prince: "."

of course not!

Food and grass are important, but there are more important things than food and grass!

After all, food and grass can be burned at any time, as long as you know where the food and grass are stored.


Didn't I check that it was purely a coincidence that Miss Yang saved the Queen Mother, and is there no problem with Miss Yang's background?

It's just the daughter of a merchant's family. Because of avoiding the war, she accidentally got lost with her family during the chaos.

Could it be that the nails cultivated by the enemy can be successfully inserted in by an avalanche accident?

This is too lucky, right?

Don't they know where there is an avalanche, and they specially ask people to guard it there?

However, the Seventh Prince still believed Nalan Jinnian's words.

"It's been a long time to see people's hearts, and we can't send them back for the time being. Let's keep watching in secret. If it's a fox, it will show its tail one day!" the Seventh Prince said.

Nuan Nuan nodded: "That's right. This time, she has been staying in the barracks. Apart from going to the Queen Mother every day, she stays in her account and has few contacts. It is estimated that she has not found a chance to spread the news."

If she is really from the enemy country, staying with her will make it easier to monitor her every move.

Nalan Jinnian nodded, "We'll try again next time we have a chance. But don't get too close to her."

"There is also the queen mother." Warm reminded.

"I'll make arrangements for the queen mother."

Hearing this, Nuan felt relieved.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the Seventh Prince again: "You yourself have been tricked by a beauty!"

The Seventh Prince really wanted to roll his eyes: "Uncle Seventeen, don't worry! I've never seen such a beautiful woman, and she won't let me be tricked by a beauty! I don't like this type!"

Nalan Jinnian: "This is the best!"

However, as far as Nalan Jinnian knew, what the Seventh Prince had always liked was indeed not this type.

After all, there are many people of this type in the capital.

He hadn't seen anyone for so many years, and it caught his eyes.

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