Before you know it, the first month is coming to an end.

Nalan Jinnian is getting busier.

Every day, many people came and went in and out of the big tent that Nalan Jinnian specially set up to handle military affairs.

This is to avoid disturbing the warm rest, so another big tent was set up.

Every day, many generals come here to discuss matters.

Lin Tingxuan also rushed over these two days, mainly to discuss how to start the war after the first month.

The soldiers also became more and more nervous every day.

On the training ground, various formations are practiced every day.

Then every few days, a truckload of supplies will be delivered.

These are medicinal materials.

In addition to greeting the Queen Mother every day, Wen Nuan also refines pills and purifies jade, and sometimes goes to watch soldiers training and give some advice. It can be said that she is also very busy.

Not only the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom, but also the soldiers on the border of the four countries have entered a state of tension.

All countries are suffocating to make moves, waiting to start the first battle of the new year!

On the twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month, the first month will be out in two days.

Lin Tingxuan and the Seventh Prince will leave tomorrow.

After Nalan Jinnian discussed the business with the generals, he returned to the big tent, where Nuan Nuan was painting.

Seeing him coming back so early, Nuan Nuan was a little surprised: "Is it over so quickly today?"

Nalan Jinnian walked behind Nuan Nuan and embraced her whole body: "Well, everything is ready. Have a meal with all the soldiers tonight, and Ting Xuan and Xiao Qi will leave tomorrow. "

Nalan Jinnian decided to take over the Southern Border Kingdom quickly. Tomorrow Lin Tingxuan and the Seventh Prince will each lead a team of troops to attack a city!

There are not many cities in the Southern Border Kingdom. There are only five prefectures in total, and each prefecture is about four or five counties. This time, Nalan Jinnian plans to attack with the three armies and directly take down the westernmost prefecture of the Southern Border Kingdom. Prefectural city of Xipu.

Completely cut off the connection route between Nanjiang Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom, and Beiming Kingdom.

Then Lin Tingxuan and the Seventh Prince continued to go northward to attack the Beiming Kingdom. He led troops all the way to the east. Within a year, he would take down the small subsidiary country of Southern Xinjiang!

"It's a good time to get together tonight, do you want me to cook myself and prepare some appetizers for everyone?" Wen Nuan put down his brush.

It's rare for him to come back so early and talk to him.

Recently, Nalan Jinnian has been leaving early and returning late every day. Although she was in the barracks, when she woke up, he was no longer by her side. When she was sleeping, he was still discussing the war with the general.

So apart from meeting each other while eating, Wen Nuan actually had a feeling that the two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Nalan Jinnian was reading Nuan Hua's words, when he heard the words, he raised his head and glared at her: "Nonsense! I've already given orders, and the cooks will do it well."

"I'm not tired. It's not just three months now, so I don't have to be so careful."

Nalan Jinnian was taken aback, has it been three months?

He was too busy to forget!

Calculating the time, February is almost here, and indeed three months have passed.

When Nalan Jinnian thought of something, he hugged warm hands slightly tighter, pressed his face against her small face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Did you remind me of something on purpose?"

There is still a little time before dinner, so it is okay for him to hurry up.

"Remind you what?" Wen Nuan didn't react for a moment.

"What do you think?" Nalan Jinnian suddenly let go of her, took a step back, then hugged Nuannuan and walked towards the bed.

Wen Nuan was startled, and quickly put his arms around his neck, seeing the look in his eyes, if he still didn't understand what he meant, then he would be a fool!

Wen Nuan blushed: "No, this is a big tent, and there are soldiers guarding it outside, just in case someone comes in"

"Who would dare to come in without my permission?!"

"But people outside will hear it." Wen Nuan said with a blushing face.

"No," he paused, and added: "Well, you won't if you keep your voice down."

Wen Nuan's face turned even redder: "Just keep your voice down!"

"Well, I know." Nalan Jinnian loved her shy appearance to death.

He gently placed the warmth on the bed, then carefully avoided her abdomen, covered her on top, and then lowered his head.

Please forgive him, the husband who just got married and is going to war soon!

It's been a long time!

He is not a monk!

The temperature in the tent began to rise slowly, and when Wen Nuan was dazzled by someone's kiss, Xiao Hei suddenly flew in through the window and landed on the table.

Seeing the two people on the collapse, it froze for a moment, then quickly covered its eyes with its wings!

Oh, my god!

Don't human beings pay attention to not prostitution during the day?

What are these two doing?

Xiao Hei quietly removed his wings.

Nalan Jinnian had already sat up, and he gave Xiao Hei a cold look.

This one kills a thousand swords!

He waited for such a day!

Is it easy for him to wait for an hour when he can be free?

As soon as Xiao Hei took the wings away, he met Nalan Jinnian's eyes as if he wanted to kill it and roast it on the rack.

Xiao Hei was so frightened that he immediately lowered his wings and sat upright!

look steadily forward!

It doesn't know!

It doesn't know anything!

It doesn't see it!

It doesn't see anything!

Wen Nuan pulled the quilt directly, and hid under the quilt.

She touched the clothes on her body, but not a single button was undone!



Nuan Nuan couldn't help but think: An eagle probably doesn't understand what they were doing just now!

Thinking of this warmly, my mind is stable!

She lifted the quilt, sat up, and smiled at Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, you are back! We were taking a nap just now."

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Xiao Hei: "."

Is Miss Sister bullying it for not knowing what it means to take a nap?

Xiao Hei really wanted to laugh, but someone's eagle-killing eyes were too terrifying, it could only nod vigorously: Yes, yes, it's sleeping, taking a nap! You sleep together, I know!

Nuan Nuan looked at Xiao Hei who nodded like a pounding garlic: "."

Why did she feel that Xiao Hei wanted to laugh?


It must be an illusion!

Nalan Jinnian almost laughed too. He coughed, cleared his throat, and said with a serious face on purpose: "Is there a letter from the capital?"

Xiao Hei nodded quickly, and then spread his wings.

There are quite a lot of letters this time, and there are scrolls tied under both wings.

Nalan Jinnian reached out to take the note under its wings.

After Xiao Hei took down the note, he flapped his wings and left.

It also wants to find Xiaozhu to take a nap!

Nuannuan didn't care about being entangled anymore, she quickly got out of bed and walked over to see if there was any news from the capital.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the contents of the letter, then raised his eyebrows.

Nuannuan sat beside him: "What did the letter say?"

Nalan Jinnian handed the letter to her.

Wen Nuan glanced at ten lines at a glance, and then the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger!

She rubbed her feet and stood up: "Great!"

She was going to tell Lin Tingxuan the good news. Lin Tingxuan had been worried recently.

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