The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1345 Life is luck, death is glory!

Nalan Jinnian was taken aback by such a big movement by Nuan Nuan, and quickly stood up to support her: "Be careful."

Nuan smiled: "It's okay, I'm going to tell my second brother-in-law the good news."

Nalan Jinnian gently supported her and motioned her to sit down: "You wait here, I'll have someone call him over."

Nuan nodded: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian shouted outside the big tent: "Xia Xuan, go and ask General Lin to come over, saying that there is a letter from the capital."

"Yes!" Xia Xuan answered outside.

Nuan continued to read the contents of the letter.

There are quite a lot of letters this time, one is a family letter announcing the good news, another is a family letter from the emperor, and there is a painting.

The painting depicts two infants in swaddling clothes.

This painting is clearly drawn by Mr. Xu. It is lifelike. One of the babies in the painting is yawning and the other is gnawing his fist. They are so cute!

Wen Nuan looked at it carefully, pointed at the yawning child and said with a smile: "This child looks very much like the second brother-in-law. Especially those eyes, thick eyebrows, big eyes, round, how magical! Second brother-in-law's eyes It's just so divine! Handsome! The one with the fist gnawed looks like Wen Xin, especially the eyebrows and eyes, he must be a beauty when he grows up!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Who is handsome?

Lin Tingxuan?

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the yawning child in the painting, he couldn't see his eyes, where did he come from?

"Where is Lin Tingxuan handsome? Is he as handsome as me?"


What with what?

Who compares with him!

Nuan rolled his eyes!

"I mean the child, this child must be handsome when he grows up!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him in distaste: "Are you as handsome as me? Our son must be more handsome than him!"


Who is here?

Are you childish?

Warm and perfunctory nodded: "Yes, you are the most handsome! Your son is the most handsome!"

Nalan Jinnian: "I am the most handsome, my son is second!"

Nuannuan laughed with a "poof": "Are you still shameless?"

Nalan Jinnian said solemnly: "No!"

Nuan couldn't help laughing.

Nalan Jinnian also laughed.

At this time, Lin Tingxuan didn't even care about etiquette, and rushed in directly: "A letter from the capital, is it warm?"

Wen Nuan put away her laughter, and nodded with a smile on her face: "Congratulations to my second brother-in-law for getting a daughter and Lin'er, and happy to be a father! My second sister and two children, mother and son, are safe!"

Lin Tingxuan already knew that Wen Xin was pregnant with twins, he had mentioned it in the letter before, but he didn't expect to have both sons and daughters all of a sudden.

Nalan Jinnian handed him the letter and the portrait of returning the child: "Congratulations, you have both sons and daughters, thank you for your hard work!"

From the time he found out that his wife was born, to the time the child was born, he only went back for one night in the first lunar month, and then hurried back!

Nalan Jinnian is very sympathetic to him at this moment!

If it was him, he thought, he couldn't leave Nuan Nuan alone, but there was no way to do it, not everyone was as blessed as her girl, with purple air on her body.

Lin Tingxuan's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he stretched out his hands to catch it.

Those big, scarred hands never trembled when killing the enemy, but at this moment they were holding two thin sheets of paper, but they kept shaking.

Nalan Jinnian held warm hands, and the two walked out quietly, leaving space for him.

After the two walked out, Lin Tingxuan burst into tears.

He looked at the two infant children in the painting.

Tears can't stop at all.

He hurriedly removed the painting, worried that the tears would wet the painting.

After a while, he quickly wiped away the tears from his eyes.

Then he carefully put down the portrait, and quickly glanced at the contents of the letter.

The letter was written by Lin Tingya. It is not convenient to write because of the warmth of confinement.

Lin Tingxuan put down the letter, then picked up the painting and looked at it carefully.

The child, him and the sweet child!

Son, Dad is sorry for you.

You have not been with you for a whole day as a father in your mother's womb.

I have never read military books to you, played the piano to you, told you stories, or played games with you.

Even if you came into this world, dad can't hug you!

I don't know when I can go back to see you and hug you!

Sweet, sorry for my husband!

You are happy, but I can’t be with you, take a walk with you, feed you, wash your feet

Lin Tingxuan looked at the two children in the painting, wiped away tears, and kept saying sorry in his heart.

He has too much, too much sorry!

His eyes kept falling, Lin Tingxuan wiped his sleeves, the whole sleeves were soaked!


When Lin Tingxuan walked out of the big tent, dinner was ready!

One hundred thousand soldiers sat in the open field.

A dozen generals sat in front of the soldiers.

There is no table, and there is a bowl of rice, a bowl of meat, a bowl of vegetables, and a small pot of wine in front of everyone.

Lin Tingxuan walked to his seat and just sat down when everyone stood up one after another and shouted in unison: "Congratulations to General Lin for being promoted to be a father! You can have both sons and daughters in one fell swoop, General Lin is mighty! General Lin is too powerful!"

Lin Tingxuan raised his hands happily: "Thank you everyone!"

The Seventh Prince picked up the jug and said to the 100,000 troops: "We all have a toast to the mighty General Lin! I wish everyone an early victory, go home and hug your daughter-in-law, and those who hug your son, hug your son!!"

Everyone picked up the small wine pots in front of them and toasted each other.

When it was over, Nalan Jinnian picked up the small wine pot and stood up: "This cup, the king treats the emperor to respect General Lin, and to everyone here. In order to protect the family and the country, you will not be able to return home in the New Year. Soldiers who couldn’t go back when they were children, and couldn’t even go back when their parents were old! With you, Nalan Kingdom is what it is today!”

The soldiers held up the small wine jug again, and the soldiers took the lead in shouting: "Long live Nalan Kingdom, long live the emperor!"

When it was over, Nalan Jinnian continued to raise the small wine pot: "This cup is for the people of Nalan Kingdom to respect you! In order for the people of Nalan Kingdom to live and work in peace and contentment, we must guard the border and use Let's build an indestructible city wall with flesh and blood! Although we can't go back to our parents, wives and children to celebrate the New Year, all the people in Nalan Kingdom have not forgotten you. Here comes the cotton-padded clothes! Today the food and wine are all given by the common people! I would like to offer you a toast on behalf of the common people! Thank you on behalf of the people of Nalan Kingdom!"

The soldiers raised the small flagons again, and shouted after the soldiers: "Defend the family and the country, I will die!"

In the end, Nalan Jinnian raised the small wine pot again: "This cup is for you all, thank you brothers for your loyalty to the country, and vow to accompany you to the death!"

"Serve the country with loyalty and swear to die!" The soldiers shouted!

Tonight, all the soldiers gathered together to drink and eat meat.

After tonight, it will be a long battle.

I don't know when I will be able to drink and eat meat again next time, and I don't know if the people around me will still be there next time.

But no matter what, they don't regret it!

Just because, to protect the family and defend the country, life is a blessing, and death is an honor!

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