The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1346 The first month has passed, war begins

This night, it was very late, and everyone was still sitting and talking together, reluctant to leave. Many soldiers were slightly drunk, but none of them was drunk.

Some people say how cute their son is (in fact, he is very naughty), some people say how gentle and considerate their daughter-in-law is (actually, when they are at home, they think she always roars from the east of the river), and some people say how good their mother’s cooking is. Eat (actually, I always think there is no salt or oil)

Then, as soon as he said it, he was ruthlessly dismantled by his knowing companions!

Many of these soldiers are from the same village, and even quite a few from the same village.

Wen Nuan listened to the soldiers talking with great interest.

Distance produces beauty, and all the dissatisfaction in the past will become beautiful memories under the emotion of longing.

And then become very nostalgic.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the sky, it was night.

he reached out

Nalan Jinnian and Nuannuan left early, he was worried that Nuannuan would go to bed too late and get sleepy.

Nalan Jinnian took a warm hand: "It's night, go back to sleep?"

"Okay." Wen Nuan also felt a little sleepy.

So the two left hand in hand.

The two walked while talking.

When the two returned to their big tent, they happened to pass by Yang Yueer's tent.

Because it was a dinner party for the soldiers, Yang Yue'er did not attend, she stayed in the tent all night embroidering purses.

Judging by the color, this is obviously a purse for men.

She embroiders carefully and earnestly.

At this time, a warm voice faintly came in from outside.

She couldn't help pricking up her ears, but she couldn't hear clearly.

She put down the needle and thread in her hand, and was about to get closer and hear more clearly.

Thinking that in the dark, with the lights on in her tent, people could be seen moving.

Of course, the Queen Mother, King Jin, and those generals are invisible in the tents, and only the soldiers and her small tents can see the figures.

Thinking of this, she picked up the needle and thread again, and continued to embroider with her head down, pretending to be serious.

The ears are pricked up.

"When the seventh prince and second brother-in-law leave tomorrow, remember to bring those poisonous powders with you. Tonight, Chen Huan and Chen Xi will be busy with ten thousand more poisonous powders, and two thousand catties of poisonous powders will be ready! Last time, Nanjiang Kingdom asked us to Many soldiers were poisoned, almost wiped out the whole army, this time, no matter what, let them taste the taste of poisoning."

"Naturally." Nalan Jinnian replied in a low voice.

"By the way, remember to tell them to scatter the poisonous powder against the wind, so that it can float far and exert the greatest effect. Our soldiers stand at the wind, so it's safer."


"Also, troops will be dispatched as soon as the first lunar month comes out. How about sending someone to send Miss Yang back to her hometown? Didn't the team that sent the medicinal materials yesterday just go back to Ningyuan County? It just happened to pass through Jianghuai Mansion. About this matter, I talked to you yesterday. The queen mother told Miss Yang, and Miss Yang was also very happy, but she was afraid of troubling the soldiers."

"You decide on this matter!" Nalan Jinnian replied indifferently.

The two gradually moved away, and their voices could not be heard clearly.

Yang Yue'er stopped her embroidery, thoughtful.

She was leaving, and she was leaving too.

The man knew that he was about to be sent away, so he asked him to find a chance to attack Hui'an County. If he could not kill her, he could even kill her child.


No chance!

Princess Huian always followed Chen Huan and Chen Xi.

Even if they came to the Queen Mother, those court ladies still have martial arts.

Moreover, Princess Hui'an already has strong martial arts and medical skills, so she has nothing to do!


The next day, it was still dark.

The Seventh Prince stepped out of his big tent, and found a petite figure waiting beside him. Seeing her, she ran over immediately.

Yang Yue'er blushed and handed him a purse: "There is a peace talisman inside, which I have been carrying since I was a child. This time I have it to protect me, so I am safe and sound. Swords have no eyes on the battlefield. I hope it can protect the Seventh Prince." Safety!"

After Yang Yue'er finished speaking, she directly stuffed the purse into the hands of the Seventh Prince, and ran away.

Before the Seventh Prince could refuse, she ran away.

The Seventh Prince glanced at her figure running back into the tent, and then at the purse in her hand.

He wanted to just throw it away. In the past, when a woman gave him a purse or threw a handkerchief at him, he just threw it away.

Only this time, as soon as he raised his hand, Lin Tingxuan got out from the tent: "Why are you standing here?"

The seventh prince quickly stuffed the purse in his hand into his arms: "It's okay, I'll wait for you."

"Then let's go!"

Lin Tingxuan and the Seventh Prince left early in the morning with a group of soldiers.


Nuan Nuan also got up early this morning, and she came to the Queen Mother's big tent early in the morning to have dinner with the Queen Mother.

Yang Yue'er is already in the queen mother's account.

The queen mother was very happy when she saw Nuan Nuan: "Why is Nuan Nuan so early today? Have you had enough sleep?"

Nuan Nuan smiled and sat down: "I've had enough sleep, thinking that Ms. Yang will go back today, so I deliberately got up early to see Ms. Yang off."

Yang Yue'er was a little flattered when she heard the words, she quickly stood up and gave her a blessing: "Minister, thank you, Princess, for your kindness!"

Nuan Nuan returned her smile, and then said: "It's getting late, let's have dinner, Queen Mother!"

"it is good."

After eating together, the queen mother and Nuannuan sent Yang Yueer to the side of the convoy.

Yang Yue'er suddenly knelt down with a plop, and kowtowed three times to the Queen Mother: "Queen Mother, the daughter of the people is leaving! Queen Mother, take care!"

The queen mother quickly helped her up: "Okay, why do you need such a big gift? Go back to your parents! I am afraid that there will be wars everywhere in the past few years. Don't follow your father to do business, it is too dangerous!"

Yang Yueer nodded with red eyes.

Seeing her like this, the Empress Dowager felt a little bit sad in her heart, and said: "I will visit you when I have a chance in the future."

The Queen Mother thought that after Nuan Nuan gave birth to her child, she would definitely be going back to the capital. On her way back, it would be okay to turn around and see her.

Yang Yueer nodded.

Nuan Nuan said at this time: "It's getting late, it's time to set off, otherwise we won't be able to reach the post station before dark, and it's not safe to drive overnight."

The queen mother also said: "Yes, let's go!"

Yang Yue'er nodded: "Take care of the queen mother, take care of the princess!"

Nuannuan nodded: "Bon voyage."

Queen Mother: "There will be a period later!"

Yang Yue'er wiped away her tears, then got into the carriage.

Wen Nuan and the Queen Mother watched the carriage drift away.

It wasn't until the carriage went far that Nuan Nuan said to the Queen Mother: "Queen Mother, it's windy here, let's go back!"

The Queen Mother nodded.


The twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month had just passed, and the four countries couldn't wait for dawn, so they couldn't wait to attack Nalan Kingdom again at the same time!

The first month, a whole month, is enough for soldiers from all over the world to dispatch troops.

In addition to sending troops to the newly occupied cities of Nalan Kingdom, Beiming Kingdom also launched an attack on Anling County, Shunyi County, and Luoling County of Nalan Kingdom at the same time!

It fully demonstrates the strong military strength and national strength of the largest country!

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