The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1347 Is it because we are suspicious?

Dongling Kingdom was not far behind, and while attacking the previously lost Pingjin City, it also attacked Fengtai County, which was connected to Luoling County!

In this way, the pressure on the northeast border of Nalan Kingdom suddenly became very high!

Because Shunyi County, Luoling County, and Fengtai County, once they are attacked, the Beiming Army and Dongling Army can drive straight down!

The defense of the cities in the interior of Nalan is far less severe than that of the border cities.

Even the Xihua Kingdom launched an attack on the two cities of Nalan Kingdom at the same time!

As for the Southern Border Kingdom, two cities were the first to attack, but the Seventh Prince, Lin Tingxuan, and Nalan Jinnian had already planned to send troops at the same time to capture the three cities of the Southern Border Kingdom.

So this time, the three cities of Southern Border will fight together!

Nalan Kingdom wants to quickly agree to southern Xinjiang, why don't the four countries want to quickly carve up Nalan Kingdom?

This time, the Four Kingdoms made an agreement, and they must bite off a large piece of Nalan Kingdom's meat!

Cut off the throat of Nalan Kingdom, so that Nalan Kingdom can no longer resist the joint siege of the four countries!

If this battle is won by the Four Kingdoms, Nalan Kingdom will be in jeopardy!

Of course, Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian don't know about this news.

The two were sleeping soundly at the moment when they suddenly heard the sound of horns.

Nalan Jinnian quickly sat up.

Nuan also opened his eyes: "What time is it?"

"The hour has just passed." Nalan Jinnian glanced at the hourglass.

Just after midnight?

The midnight has just passed, which means that the first month has just ended!

"How impatient is the Southern Border Kingdom?"

Nalan Jinnian took the clothes for Nuannuan, and then he quickly got down on the bed by himself. While putting on the clothes, he said, "You go and stay with your stepmother, I'll go and have a look. Be good! Do you understand?"

Nuannuan nodded: "I understand! Don't worry!"

Nalan Jinnian put on his armor and went out quickly.

Wen Nuan also quickly dressed and came to the Queen Mother's side.

The queen mother has woken up and dressed, and seeing Nuan Nuan approaching, she smiled and took Nuan Nuan's hand: "Don't be afraid of Nuan Nuan, the child Seventeen went to war when he was eleven or twelve years old, and he has never lost a battle for so many years! I will definitely win this time!"

Wen Nuan smiled and said: "I'm not afraid. I will wait for his triumphant return with my mother, and wait for the army's triumphant return."

Seeing that Nuan Nuan was so calm, the Queen Mother was relieved.

She beckoned to Nuannuan: "Come on, you are pregnant with the child, continue to sleep with me."

Wen Nuan knew that the queen mother was worried about herself, so she didn't refuse the queen mother's kindness, so she lay down on the chaise longue next to her with all her clothes on.

The queen mother also lay down with her clothes on.

It's just that neither of them can sleep.

The battlefield was a little far away from here, but both of them heard the sound of beating drums and fighting.

The queen mother was worried about her son and worried about Wen Nuan.

You can't fall asleep if you are warm. At this time, it is always dangerous.

The two closed their eyes, pretending to be asleep with their own concerns.

The faint sound of fighting never stopped, until dawn, the sound gradually disappeared.

The queen mother sat up at once.

Nuan also sat up.

The queen mother looked in a certain direction: "Is this the end?"

Wen Nuan thought for a while: "Probably not yet, the Southern Border Kingdom took the initiative to attack us last night, and today we are going to seize the city!"

As warmly expected, the war did not end.

Cao Zihao's 100,000 troops are chasing after the routed Southern Xinjiang soldiers!

At the other end, Yuan Minjie brought 20,000 soldiers to attack the city, and they had already begun to attack the city!

Nalan Jinnian led a thousand elite soldiers and a few thousand wolf army led by Dahui, and was fighting against an enemy army of 20,000 who planned to steal the Nalan Kingdom's base camp from behind.

A more intense battle has just begun!

The queen mother pretended to be calm and waited until noon, and asked someone to pass the meal.

I ate without any appetite. I didn't eat it myself, and I was worried that Nuan Nuan would not be able to eat it, so I could only force myself to eat more.

Nuannuan actually didn't have much appetite, but the queen mother kept picking up food for herself so that the queen mother wouldn't worry that she would eat all of them.

Halfway through eating, cheers came from outside: "I'm back! King Jin is back!"

Wen Nuan and the Queen Mother immediately put down their chopsticks and stood up.

After the queen mother stood up, she realized that Nuan Nuan couldn't make such a big move, her face turned pale with fright, and she quickly supported Nuan Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, be careful."

Warm and comforting: "Queen, I'm fine, let's go out and have a look."

The Queen Mother nodded.

As soon as the two walked out of the big tent, they saw Nalan Jinnian riding a horse to the front of the big tent.

He was relieved when he saw Wen Nuan and the Queen Mother standing there intact.

Seeing that Nalan Jinnian was covered in blood, the Queen Mother turned pale with fright.

Nalan Jinnian got off his horse.

Nuannuan is looking at him carefully.

He immediately said: "Don't worry, it's all the blood of the enemy."

The Queen Mother and Nuannuan felt relieved.

Wen Nuan said: "Where are the wounded soldiers? I'll go and heal them."

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "It's in the back, it's been sent back, I'll take you there."

There are not many wounded soldiers this time, but the city has not been captured yet, so it is estimated that there are many wounded soldiers.

The queen mother took warm hands.

Nuan Nuan turned around and was thinking about how to persuade the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother said, "I'll help too!"

She couldn't stop Nuan Nuan from going to save the soldiers, and she was too embarrassed to stop, because those were all soldiers who fought with her son!

In addition to sacrificing his life to protect his own son, he even sacrificed himself to protect the entire Nalan Kingdom!

So, Wen Nuan got busy again.

The queen mother also joined the team of nurses.

Nalan Jinnian had originally hoped that the Queen Mother would restrain the warmth, let her eat on time, and go back to sleep and rest when she was tired.

But the Empress Dowager herself was too devoted, and she couldn't bear to leave at all!

This side has just been dealt with, and the wounded soldiers brought back by Nalan Jinnian have also captured the other side of the city, and wounded soldiers have been sent back one after another, so Nuan Nuan is even more busy!

This busy, another whole night. At dawn the next day, Nalan Jinnian very forcefully took Wen Nuan back to sleep for two hours before letting her continue to heal the soldiers.

Until the evening, all the wounded soldiers were treated well.

The number of soldiers injured this time was not too many, only more than a thousand.

The military strength of the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom is not strong among the four countries. They mainly rely on poison!

But this time, the poison had failed, and Feng Nianchen had already received the news from Yao Nong.

Nuan also used this to guess what kind of poison they planned to use this time, so he prepared the antidote in advance.

Therefore, in this battle, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom suffered few casualties, while the Southern Border Kingdom suffered heavy losses!

The next day, after Nuan Nuan woke up, he asked Nalan Jinnian about the situation of the battle.

Nalan Jinnian did not attack the city, but he had already heard about the situation from Cao Zihao and Yuan Minjie, so he told Nuan Nuan.

To Nuannuan's surprise, Nanjiang Kingdom didn't seem to know about the news they deliberately leaked to Yang Yue'er before, otherwise they wouldn't have fought like this in this battle.

"Could it be that we are paranoid?"

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