Just when Nuan thought it was their suspicion.

Xiangcheng is the country in southern Xinjiang.

The Seventh Prince was wearing a bloody armor and stood by the bed.

Yang Yue'er was lying on the bed with her eyes closed at the moment, her face was pale, and her lips were bloodless.

At this time, an old man came in with a medicine box on his back.

"My husband has seen"

The old man was about to salute, but the Seventh Prince interrupted him angrily: "Doctor Tan, why hasn't she woke up yet? Why is she still having a high fever?"

Doctor Tan, the accompanying military doctor, was so frightened by the cold weather that his forehead was sweating: "Seventh Prince, this girl was almost pierced by an arrow. The old man also said yesterday that she is weak and may cause high fever."

He said it yesterday, but the seventh prince also asked him to find a way to prevent her from causing a high fever!

He took out all the life-saving pills that Aunt Seventeen gave him!

He also said that taking such a good medicine will reduce the chance of high fever, because if ordinary soldiers take such a good health medicine, they will not have a high fever.

"Okay, you should quickly reduce her fever!" Even if the Seventh Prince did not know medical skills, he knew that the high fever should be cured as soon as possible.

Dr. Tan felt bitter. This girl's body was not as strong as the soldiers. Using such good health-preserving herbs would cause a high fever, which proves that her physique is really too weak!

"The old man will prescribe medicine for her. Take two doses of medicine. If the high fever subsides, she will wake up soon. If it doesn't subside." Dr. Tan paused.

"What if you can't retreat?" The Seventh Prince was nervous.

"If you can't retreat, I really can't do anything, because ordinary soldiers can retreat. These medicines are wound medicine and antipyretics prepared by Princess Jin, which are very effective for soldiers. It's just that this girl is very weak, and the soldier's The physique is different. The old man is a military doctor, so he is not used to treating women!"

The Seventh Prince frowned when he heard this!

"How long can you keep her alive? Can she take a carriage?" If it was impossible, he could only send her to Aunt Seventeen for treatment.

She was hurt because she blocked an arrow for herself, and he couldn't let her have an accident.

From here to the place where Aunt Seventeen is, taking a carriage is slower than riding a horse, but it only takes about a day and a half.

"Okay, there should be no problem in two days." Dr. Tan can't guarantee it!

He had never seen a person with such a weak physique!

"Prescribe medicine!" He wanted to send her to Aunt Seventeen for treatment.


Another city.

In the past few days, Nalan Jinnian has been busy rectifying the newly captured city.

Nuannuan was busy healing the wounded soldiers.

After a few days of healing, the wounded soldier's injuries were almost healed.

The city has basically settled down.

The two of them could finally relax.

In the evening of this day, after the two had finished their dinner, Nalan Jinnian saw that the weather was fine, so he took Nuan Nuan for a walk outside.

It's already February, the vernal equinox just passed yesterday, the days are getting longer, the temperature is getting warmer, and the warm belly is getting bigger day by day.

Nalan Jinnian held warm hands, and the two walked towards the setting sun.

The setting sun at this time is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter, everything is just right.

The Southern Border Country is located in the south. At this moment, the grass is growing and warblers are flying everywhere, and the spring is full of vigor.

The two were talking while walking.

Warmth: "This morning, my uncle Feige sent a message. On the night of the first lunar month in Xihua Kingdom, he also sent troops to our two cities at the same time. Fortunately, both of us were defended, but one city suffered heavy casualties. It can be said that It almost fell, but fortunately, my uncle noticed something was wrong and dispatched 10,000 soldiers, otherwise it would have really fallen. This time, the Southern Border Kingdom also sent troops to our two cities at the same time that night, although Dongling Kingdom The border, the news from the border of the Beiming Kingdom has not come, but I guess, the same is probably true on the two sides."

Nalan Jinnian had already vaguely guessed the conspiracy of the Four Kingdoms from the cities attacked by the Southern Border Kingdom and the Western Hua Kingdom.

He said: "The Beiming Kingdom is probably more than just two cities. If I were the King of Beiming, I would send troops to Anfeng City, Anling County, Shunyi County, and Luoling County at the same time! It is estimated that the Ling Kingdom will send troops to Pingjin City, Luoling County, and Fengtai County, which is connected to Luoling County, and these three cities will send troops at the same time!"

This time they will definitely lose their city.

It's just that Nalan Jinnian hoped not to lose too much, otherwise it would be troublesome.

It's not that Wen Nuan didn't expect this kind of situation, it's just: "Beiming country has the strength to send troops to our four cities at the same time? And Dongling country, Dongling country also has the strength to send troops to our three cities?"

Beiming Kingdom lost 300,000 troops by them!

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "I didn't expect it to happen, but maybe I was wrong."

So he was also worried about the situation in northern and eastern Xinjiang.

Fortunately, Xijiang was saved, but the casualties were heavy. The Xihua Kingdom can also send troops to continue the attack immediately. I hope Wang Xiao can stabilize it.

The situation is getting less and less optimistic.

"Then this time we won't have a city lost? There are two on the northern side, right? Maybe there are two on the Dongling side?"

They just came from Northern Xinjiang. Even in the first lunar month, Prince Ning led another 100,000 troops from the capital to Northern Xinjiang, and there were still two cities that were seriously short of troops!

As for Dongling, it was Liu Kai who led the Third Prince and the Ninth Prince to guard it. Although there were more than 200,000 soldiers, Liu Kai had little actual combat experience, so he might not be able to detect something wrong like Wang Xiao.

The Third Prince and the Ninth Prince are even more different. If they refuse to return to the capital, they are obviously doing nothing for military merit!

If they were asked to lead troops to defend the city, nine times out of ten they were going to give away their heads!

Seeing that Nuan Nuan's brows were wrinkled into a hill, Nalan Jinnian hurriedly comforted him: "This is just my guess, it may not be the case, besides, the soldiers of our Nalan Kingdom are not what they used to be, they are far stronger than what the Four Kingdoms thought. , Some cities are bound to fall, but probably not as much as we worry about."

Nuan nodded, and was about to say I hope so.

At this time, Xia Xuan hurried over, holding two letters in his hand: "Master, Princess, there are letters from the northern and eastern borders!"

Nalan Jinnian quickly took it, and he and Nuannuan opened each one to read.

Both of them changed their expressions.

Nuan Nuan looked at Nalan Jinnian: "You are right, Luoling County in Eastern Xinjiang has fallen. Although Fengtai County did not fall, it suffered heavy casualties, nearly half of the soldiers were lost!"

Nalan Jinnian squeezed the letter paper tightly: "In northern Xinjiang, Shunyi County has also fallen."

Nalan Jinnian guessed right, Beiming Kingdom attacked four cities at the same time!

Fortunately, only Shunyi County was lost, and Luoling County was not. In this way, Beiming Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom were not connected together.

If the two armies join forces to attack Nalan Kingdom, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

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