The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1349 How did he come back at this time?

But in this way, two more cities fell, and tens of thousands of soldiers were lost!

Although for the four countries, it is still a victory!

But for Nalan Kingdom, the loss was heavy!

After all, it is very difficult for one country to fight against the four countries. Now that the city is lost and the army is lost, if the four countries continue to attack in this way, they want to fight back the city. It is not easy!

Every time two cities are lost, Nalan Kingdom can be divided up in less than a year!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian's expressions were a bit solemn.

Nalan Jinnian said to Nuannuan, "I'll send you off first. I've been busy all day today, so you should go to bed early tonight. Don't worry, things are not as bad as you imagined."

Nuan nodded: "I know."

Nalan Jinnian said to Xia Xuan again: "Call some generals over to discuss the matter!"

"Yes!" Xia Xuan replied, and hurried to make arrangements.

Nalan Jinnian walked back holding warm hands.

Back outside the big tent, Nalan Jinnian lowered his head and kissed Wen Nuan's forehead, and said: "Be good, remember to go to bed early."

Nuan Nuan thought about the current situation on the way back just now, she took Nalan Jinnian's hand and said, "I can't sleep so early, I'll listen to it too, if I'm sleepy, I'll come back?"

Nalan Jinnian just wanted to refuse.

Warm hands on the stomach: "Just as a prenatal education! I want to hear how you arrange it."

Nalan Jinnian thought that it was indeed still early, he saw that she was tired after a while, and it would be the same if he asked her to go back to sleep, so he nodded.

In the big account of the meeting.

Nalan Jinnian explained the current situation of Nalan Kingdom.

When Liu Chengjian heard that the four countries were so shameless, not to mention sending troops at the same time, they wanted the four countries to unite and send troops to more than one city of Nalan Kingdom at the same time, he couldn't help but explode: "Damn it! How shameless! It's so shameless! "

Zhang Zhongting: "They're not shameless, so they wouldn't join forces and try to swallow us! It's just that we didn't expect Beiming Kingdom to lose 300,000 troops, and still have the strength to send troops to our four cities!"

Other generals also expressed their thoughts:

"Have we underestimated Beiming's military strength! What should we do now? If the four nations continue to attack like this, it will be very difficult for us Nalan Kingdom to deal with it!"

"That's right, the four countries united to send troops to several of our cities at once, and they were able to capture two cities at a time. If things go on like this, it will be extremely detrimental to our Nalan Kingdom!"

"No, it takes a lot of troops and material resources to fight back a city! What's more, the enemy will definitely continue to attack and will not give us a chance to breathe."

"Fortunately, Xihua Kingdom and Nanjiang Kingdom are still stable! Now that we have lost two cities, we have to find a way to stabilize them, and we can't continue to lose cities! The best thing is to destroy the alliance of the four countries!"

Nuan nodded and expressed his thoughts:

"That's right, it's best to destroy the collusion of the four countries. Now the four countries are only colluding together because of their interests, but when the interests are not evenly distributed, their collusion will naturally split. This time, the Southern Border Kingdom has not benefited , but lost the city, and the Xihua Kingdom did not. We continue to take the Southern Border Kingdom unswervingly and quickly. There is still hope for this.

As for the Xihua Kingdom, we can attack together with the Lanling Kingdom. General Wang is brave and good at fighting, and the soldiers of the Lanling Kingdom have the strength of one against a hundred. The Xihua Kingdom must be afraid of being jointly attacked by the two countries. The national strength of the Xihua Kingdom is not enough to confront our two countries. "

Zhang Zhongting's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "That's right! If we attack Xihua Kingdom together with Lanling Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom will definitely ask for help from Beiming Kingdom and Nanjiang Kingdom. The Beiming Kingdom sent troops to help, and the Beiming Kingdom itself wanted to attack us. There are so many soldiers rushing to help them, who can the Beiming Kingdom help? With the temperament of the Beiming King, it will definitely not help! In this way, they united The battle line is broken!"

Wen Nuan nodded, and she pointed to the border of Dongling on the map: "As for Dongling, the casualties of the soldiers in Dongjiang are a bit heavy, which has damaged our strength. Our goal is to prevent it from capturing any of us for the time being." A city, so that Dongling Kingdom can't take advantage of us. The two cities bordering on the eastern border are easy to defend and difficult to attack. If there is no accident, General Liu Kai should be able to hold on."

Finally, Wen Nuan took the bamboo and tapped on the territory of Beiming Kingdom: "As for Beiming Kingdom, our soldiers there will continue to fight against Beiming Kingdom with all their strength, and at the same time, we can selectively throw away one or two insignificant cities, so that other The Three Kingdoms see that only the Beiming Kingdom is taking advantage, and they naturally feel unbalanced! Then the contradictions among the four kingdoms will become more and more serious, and naturally they will no longer attack our Nalan Kingdom together, so we will be safe! "

Liu Chengjian nodded: "Princess Hui'an is right!"

"This is a good idea!" Others also echoed.

Nalan Jinnian also nodded, Nuan Nuan thought the same as he thought: "That's right, then, let's discuss how to capture the Southern Border Kingdom as soon as possible."

In addition to discussing how to attack the Southern Border Kingdom, they also need to discuss how to unite with the Lanling Kingdom to attack the Xihua Kingdom, and how to stabilize the border of the Eastern Border and prevent the Dongling Kingdom from taking advantage of it!

As for Beiming Kingdom, before Nalan Jinnian came to Nanjiang Kingdom, he explained how to deal with it, but now he has to change it!

He didn't expect that Beiming Kingdom was weakened by 300,000 troops, and there were still troops to attack four cities at the same time, and each city was attacked by 200,000 troops.

In this way, isn't Beiming Kingdom a superpower with an army of over one million!

But Nalan Jinnian guessed that even if the Beiming Kingdom had really become a superpower with an army of one million, it was also related to the recent new recruits.

In other words, not all soldiers are so strong!

Of course, it is also possible that it is not, because the Beiming Kingdom has always been hiding its true strength.

No matter what, Beiming Kingdom wanted to capture Nalan Kingdom's city, so he gave up two more cities to Beiming Kingdom!

Just like old days!

What Beiming Kingdom got today, one day, he will come back twice as much!

In the big tent, everyone was discussing around the map.

Everyone expressed the situation and ideas they could think of as much as possible, and then faced with the joint attack of the four countries, it is really only possible to win but not to lose!

Nalan Kingdom really can't afford to be hurt!

When everyone was discussing intensely, Xia Xuan walked in and said to Nalan Jinnian: "Master, the Seventh Prince has something to see the princess."

Nalan Jinnian frowned: "What's the matter?"

Why did he run back at this time?

Wen Nuan was surprised: the seventh prince is looking for him, is there someone who wants to save him?

Is he injured, or which general was seriously injured?

Thinking of this warmth, he stood up: "I'll go and see!"

The Seventh Prince had already walked in at this time: "Aunt Seventeen, help me!"

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