Wen Nuan walked out of a small tent with complicated emotions, and came to the queen mother's big tent.

The Seventh Prince was fidgeting in the account.

Seeing Wen Nuan walk in, the two asked nervously, "What's wrong with Miss Yang/Yue'er?"

Warmth shook his head: "It's okay, the fever is slowly subsiding, and it won't be feverish in an hour. Fortunately, the Seventh Prince sent him here early."

Both breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Nuan Nuan wondered if she was suspicious, but now that the Seventh Prince was rescued by her again, Nuan Nuan had to doubt again!

A coincidence this time, and twice?

Could it be too much of a coincidence?

But that arrow passed through her heart, and she was very weak, even suffering from heart disease. If she hadn't shot it herself, it would have been very difficult to save her life!

She really used her life to save the Seventh Prince!

For a person with her physique, the last time she saved the Queen Mother, she also tried her best to save her.

If it's not really kind, but has a purpose, time and time again, isn't she afraid that if she kills herself, her purpose will not be achieved?

The most important thing is that so far, she has not sent any news in the two trials.

So Nuan still had some doubts in his heart, so he had to ask the Seventh Prince.

Wen Nuan didn't want to disturb the Queen Mother's rest, so she said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother. Although Miss Yang was hit by an arrow, luckily the sharp arrow didn't hurt her vitals. After the fever subsides, it will be fine after a while! Queen Mother, please rest early! It's late now."

The queen mother nodded: "That's good! That's good! You should go to bed early too! Xiaoqi, you too!"

She has already rescued herself and her grandson twice, no matter what happens, nothing will happen!

"Okay." The two agreed and walked out.

Outside the big tent, Wen Nuan didn't go back to rest right away, she said to the Seventh Prince, "Tell me what's going on."

Miss Yang should have been sent back to the Jianghuai Mansion, how could she appear at the Seventh Prince's side and save him?

It happened that Nalan Jinnian and several generals also came out of the big tent where the matter was being discussed.

Nalan Jinnian saw the two of them and walked straight towards them.

He came to Nuan Nuan and gave the Seventh Prince a cold look: "Follow me!"

Then he held warm hands and walked into the large tent where the matter was discussed.

The Seventh Prince quickly followed.

As soon as he walked into the big tent, Nalan Jinnian asked warm words: "What's going on?"

The Seventh Prince explained: "The team that sent Miss Yang back to Jianghuai Mansion came out of Shangyong County, there was no station there, and it was getting dark, so they spent the night on the mountain. Unexpectedly, they met a group of soldiers from the Southern Border Kingdom who were on their way all night. , Zhang Jiang accidentally discovered it when he was looking for a water source."

The process is probably that on the way back to Jianghuai Mansion, Zhang Jiang accidentally encountered reinforcements from the enemy army of the Southern Border Kingdom.

The soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom also happened to drink water by the river.

Zhang Jiang overheard the conversation of the generals in southern Xinjiang.

From their conversation, it was known that they were rushing to Pingxiang City, intending to attack the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom from behind. And they wanted to drive away and arrive before dawn, because they wanted to surround the Nalan army in Pingxiang City from several directions with soldiers who dared to go in other directions, and wiped them all out!

Zhang Jiang was very worried, and they were worried that they would be discovered by the enemy troops of the Southern Border Kingdom, so the group simply climbed over the top of the mountain to report to the Nalan Army over there.

But when they arrived, the Seventh Prince and the others had just captured and opened the city gate and entered the city. At the same time, 20,000 enemy troops had already rushed from two other directions, and they even saw the surging enemy troops.

Zhang Jiang ran with his men and loudly reminded the Seventh Prince that there was still an enemy army coming from the east!

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince didn't know how many reinforcements the enemy had sent over, so he immediately ordered the soldiers to enter the city.

As the leading general, he led another group of soldiers to protect Zhang Jiang and others from entering the city!

At this time, the enemy army that Zhang Jiang and the others discovered also rushed over.

During the chaos, a cold arrow was shot at the Seventh Prince, and the Seventh Prince who killed the enemy was completely overwhelmed. Yang Yue'er helped her block the arrow at that time.

Nalan Jinnian then asked, "How many reinforcements did the enemy send in?"

Seventh Prince: "Forty thousand!"

"The results of it?!"

"We have wiped out 260,000! We have already wiped out 30,000 before! In this battle, our army wiped out 50,000 of the enemy's army and successfully captured Pingxiang City!" The Seventh Prince felt a little proud when he said this .

I didn't expect him to be so talented as a general.

He has already won two battles!

Although it was directed by the seventeenth emperor uncle, he was the one who personally led the attack, didn't he?

Warmth fell silent.

Of the 40,000 reinforcements, 26,000 were wiped out, which is already a very big damage!

Especially for the southern border country.

And Yang Yue'er also saved the Seventh Prince.

If she is the nail of Nanjiang Kingdom, what is the plan of Nanjiang Kingdom?

What is the picture, it is not worth the loss of so many soldiers' lives, right?

In addition, there is a city!

This time, Wen Nuan believed that Yang Yue'er was no longer a nail, or that she was not from the Southern Border Kingdom.

If it is a person from the southern border country, this.

It's too scary, right?

So many people were sacrificed, and a city was lost.

What are you drawing?

Nalan Jinnian rarely praised the Seventh Prince: "Not bad."

The Seventh Prince felt embarrassed, and he immediately said, "It's Aunt Seventeen's medicinal powder that is powerful! The Southern Border Kingdom has also used poison, but it has no effect on us at all! Our medicinal powder is mixed with their medicinal powder, and their people In an instant, I couldn't get up my strength anymore, half of them fell down, and the rest of the people were scared away!"

Wen Nuan smiled: "Then you also need to know how to seize the opportunity to use poison."

At least it was useless at first, otherwise the 40,000 reinforcements from behind would be in big trouble.

Nalan Jinnian then asked a few more questions before letting the Seventh Prince go and rest.

When the Seventh Prince walked back to his big tent, he glanced at the small tent behind him, he slowed down and couldn't help but still walked over.

The Seventh Prince walked in directly.

The palace lady Shan who was sent by the queen mother to take care of Yang Yueer was still sent by the queen mother to take care of her this time.

Seeing the Seventh Prince, Zishan immediately saluted: "My servant has seen the Seventh Prince!"

"Get up! How's Miss Yang?" The Seventh Prince walked to the bed, looked at the bloodless person lying on the bed, and frowned.

Why is his complexion still so bad?

"Go back to Seventh Prince, Miss Yang's fever has subsided."

The Seventh Prince reached out and touched her forehead, and the fever had indeed subsided. Aunt Seventeen said that when the fever subsided, she would wake up soon.

He said to Zishan: "Take care of Miss Yang, and tell the prince when you wake up!"


The Seventh Prince turned and left.

At this time, the person on the collapsed closed his eyes and said weakly: "Water"

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