The Seventh Prince paused and turned around quickly.

Zishan also said happily: "Miss Yang, are you awake?"

Yang Yue'er who was on the ground just closed her eyes, frowned, and said weakly: "The water hurts."

"Pour a glass of water over here!"

"Yes!" Zishan immediately poured a glass of water for Yang Yue'er to drink.

It's just that she was lying down, and she didn't wake up in a daze. When I fed her water, a lot of water flowed out.

Seeing this, the Seventh Prince sat down on the side of the bed, gently helped her up, and motioned for Zishan to feed her.

After drinking the water, the Seventh Prince put her back on the bed, and she frowned again in a daze, and murmured: "It hurts so much."

There were even tears in the corners of his eyes.

The Seventh Prince's heart suddenly ached.

He said to Zishan: "Go and ask the princess to see if there is any way to make her feel less painful."

Zishan was about to respond, but she thought it was so late. Recently, the princess was helping the soldiers to heal their wounds, and she barely slept. Both the queen mother and King Jin told her that there was nothing wrong, so don't disturb the princess' sleep.

Miss Yang cried out that it hurts, but this is injured, does the wound hurt?

Knowing how to cry out in pain proves that the consciousness has begun to wake up, right?

She said: "Seventh prince, the princess has probably fallen asleep. The princess has been healing wounded soldiers for the past few days, so she hasn't slept much. It's over now."

Seventh Prince: "."

"Forget it, don't disturb Aunt Seventeen's rest."

When you get hurt, it's normal for the wound to hurt.

He just looked a little unbearable.

But if he disturbed Aunt Seventeen to rest for this matter, the Seventh Prince would be afraid that Uncle Seventeen would kill him!

The Seventh Prince sat back, held her hand lightly, and comforted her in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, it will be fine soon, and it won't hurt so much tomorrow!"

Yang Yue'er still cried out in pain unconsciously.

The Seventh Prince looked at her tightly furrowed brows, and unconsciously frowned too.

She is usually so delicate that she looks like she is about to fall when the wind blows, and she seems to be the kind of person who is very afraid of pain.

Now an arrow almost pierces the heart.

Can it not hurt?

It's just how she had the courage to jump over to block an arrow for herself.

And when there was an avalanche, he rushed to save the queen mother without hesitation.

He didn't expect that such a beautiful and weak woman would have such courage.

Kindness dictates, right?


On the other end, Nuan Nuan returned to the big tent, and wanted to talk to Nalan Jinnian about Yang Yueer, but just as she raised her mouth, Nalan Jinnian replied, "What if she was plotting you?"


"Is my life worth such a big sacrifice from the Southern Border Kingdom?"

"Of course it's worth it! Your life is worth more than countless people!"

In the southern border country, the lives of the saintesses and the royal family are human lives, and the lives of ordinary people are not taken seriously.

Besides, the monarch of the Southern Border Kingdom trusts the Saintess of Southern Border very much. Since the Saintess of Southern Border has such a prediction, the little girl and the child in her belly must be his number one enemy.

And all this time, he never gave up dealing with Wen Nuan, but he couldn't find a chance to do it.

Now, no guarantees, it won't go the other way.


I don't feel that one life is better than countless lives!

I just feel that I am working hard!

Nalan Jinnian hugged Nuan Nuan horizontally, walked to the bed, and gently put her on the bed: "Okay, it's late, go to bed. Also, I also hope that she is a good person, but no matter what, don't you Did she take it lightly?"

Nuannuan nodded, she didn't dare to be careless about her child's life!

Nalan Jinnian kissed her forehead: "Good boy, go to sleep!"

Nuan nodded and quickly fell asleep.

She was already sleepy!


The next day, Wen Nuan went to check on Yang Yue'er early in the morning, and found that the Seventh Prince was there, and it was obvious that he just woke up when she came in.

Nuan Nuan froze for a moment: "You stayed here last night?"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across the Seventh Prince's face, and he nodded: "I came here last night to see if her fever had gone down, and then saw that she was showing signs of wanting to wake up, but she kept crying out for pain, worried that something was wrong with her, so she stayed .”

"It's normal for the wound to hurt, let me see." Wen Nuan walked over.

The Seventh Prince quickly stood up and made way for him.

Wen Nuan sat down, fed her a pill first, and then asked while feeling her pulse, "Did Miss Yang wake up last night?"

Seventh Prince: "I opened my eyes once in a daze, and drank water once."

Wen Nuan nodded: "Understood, you go out!"

The Seventh Prince was stunned for a moment: "Ah?"

Why is he going out?

Nuan raised her eyebrows: "I'll help her change her dressing. Do you want to help?"

The Seventh Prince blushed: "No, I'm going out now!"

He dropped these words and fled in despair.

Nuan Nuan carefully gave Yang Yue'er the pulse, and at the same time healed her with purple qi.

Wen Nuan didn't understand how her body could be so empty.

So this time, she called for a longer time.

After a while, she withdrew her hand.

Nuan Nuan had some guesses in her heart, she had to wait for her to wake up and ask.

Nuan Nuan looked at Chen Huan and Chen Xi: "Help her change her medicine!"

"Yes." Chen Huan and Chen Xi immediately untied Yang Yue'er's clothes and helped her change her dressing.

Nuan took a look at the condition of the wound, it was much better than yesterday, not so red and swollen.

As for changing the dressing, Chen Huan and Chen Xi could just do it, and she walked out.

The Seventh Prince was still guarding outside, and when he saw Nuan Nuan coming out, he immediately said, "Aunt Seventeen, how is Miss Yang?"

"It's much better. It's probably because my body is too weak so I haven't woken up yet. I will definitely wake up today."

The Seventh Prince finally felt relieved after hearing the words.

Seeing the Seventh Prince's reaction, Nuan Nuan thought about Nalan Jinnian's words again, and she said, "Go to your Uncle Seventeen, he has something to discuss with you. He should have just finished training the soldiers, and he is in the big tent for discussion."

"Oh, I'll go right away!" The Seventh Prince heard the words and hurried to find someone.

In the large account of the meeting

Nalan Jinnian told the Seventh Prince about the current situation of Nalan Kingdom.

Only then did the Seventh Prince know that the Four Kingdoms were so shameless that they sent troops to several of their cities at the same time!

He said angrily: "It's so shameless! Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, we must take back the lost city immediately!"

Nalan Jinnian said: "The lost city will be regained sooner or later, now you have a task,"

Nalan Jinnian told the Seventh Prince the countermeasures discussed in the past few days, and at the same time told him which city in the Southern Border Kingdom he should attack next, how to attack, how to use troops, what the general was responsible for, and what to pay attention to when attacking. What to do in an emergency situation, how to cooperate with other siege generals, all explained one by one!

The Seventh Prince listened carefully.

When it was over, Nalan Jinnian asked, "Have you written it down?"

The Seventh Prince nodded: "Remember it!"

"Then go and prepare now!"

The Seventh Prince was dumbfounded: "Now?"

So fast?

Miss Yang is still awake!

Did he just leave his savior like this?

Nalan Jinnian raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Well, now, is there a problem? Otherwise, can you make the arrangements in time?"

The Seventh Prince straightened up in fright: "No! I'll set off right away!"

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